
Chapter 1532 Foreign Enemies Invade, To Whom?

Chapter 1532 Foreign Enemies Invade, To Whom?
Tong Yan shook his head vigorously, he really didn't need to worry about such a thing.No matter what level of Situ Yuxin's cultivation is, he will inevitably have to fight to the death with him.Unlike the Demon Emperor, Situ Yuxin is his enemy. After all, the Demon Emperor did not threaten his brother, nor did he take the initiative to trouble him.

Instead of thinking about how high the opponent's cultivation base is, it's better to improve your own cultivation base as quickly as possible.

Seeing that Tong Yan was silent, the Demon Emperor smiled slightly and said, "Why, do you also want to be someone who can jump out of the Three Realms and not be in the Five Elements? Such a person actually doesn't exist at all, and someone just said it casually." That's all. Don't take it seriously!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said: "I didn't take it seriously, I was just thinking about other things. As the saying goes, if you come, you will be safe, Yaohuang, I have a heartless request, I hope you can agree."

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor was puzzled and said: "What kind of ruthless request? You just say it, as long as it is not too much, I will agree to you."

The Demon Emperor was straightforward, and Tong Yan was naturally not polite, so he simply said straightforwardly: "I want to retreat in your space for a few days. Didn't you say that comprehending the celestial characters on this stone tablet will be of great benefit to your cultivation?" Is it? I want to spend a few days to study it, and I hope you can do it."

The Demon Emperor laughed and said, "What should I do? Since you want to stay here for a few days, then you can stay here. But whether you can gain something or not depends on your own good fortune."

Tong Yan nodded and said with a smile: "Naturally, thank you for your perfection, then please avoid it for a while, I will start retreat now."

The Demon Emperor was taken aback when he heard this, but still nodded with a smile.

After the Yaohuang's figure disappeared, Tong Yan immediately walked up to the stele, and carefully memorized the word "Tian" on it in his heart.Then, he sat down cross-legged, and thus began the retreat.

Although the Yaohuang disappeared, in fact, he has been paying attention to Tong Yan in the space.Seeing Tong Yan sitting cross-legged, he stopped looking at it and went to work on his own affairs.

Regarding Tianzi, Tong Yan couldn't say that he really didn't know anything about it. When he was in the Wu Family Ruins, he actually understood a little bit.But because Tianzi is a special character left over from ancient times after all, it is really not an easy task to have a further understanding.

But Tongyan can be analyzed word by word through the simplest comparison.I believe that through the word Tian on this stone tablet and the word Tian that he had memorized in his heart before, he should have new discoveries.

He originally planned to retreat for only a few days, but unexpectedly, this time the retreat lasted for more than a month.And during the more than a month of his retreat, there was another bloody storm in the country of returning to the ruins.

It wasn't that Xuan Mo regrouped and expanded the Sea God Army, but a new force sneaked into the Kingdom of Return.

What is going on here?

"Report... Your Majesty, something is wrong. A group of gold-armored teams have passed the Tianshui Seal and are heading towards the hinterland of my country of returning to the ruins. We have arranged a small team to closely monitor and Please tell your Majesty, what should we do next?"

After hearing the messenger's report, the Demon Emperor's brows were deeply knit together.

Being able to pass through the Heavenly Water Seal, the person who came was naturally not an ordinary person, and it was a team of people, so it could be seen that they came prepared.Dressed in golden armor, very similar to the attire of the heavenly soldiers and generals of the heavenly realm, from these alone, the Demon Emperor can basically be sure that it is most likely the elite of the heavenly realm.

But why did the heavens send troops into the country of returning to the ruins at this time?What is their purpose?

The Demon Emperor thought about it secretly, but he couldn't think of a reason for it for a while.

It is said that the soldiers will block the water and the earth will cover them. Since the heavens have sent troops, as the demon emperor, he can't ignore it.

"Pass down the widow's order to draw [-] soldiers from among the elite to meet the enemy quickly. They cannot be allowed to run amok in our country of returning to the ruins, and they are ordered to leave the country of returning to the ruins immediately. If they don't know the current affairs, then Let the widow wipe them out."

Hearing this, the messenger soldier bowed in response, but then he asked again: "Your Majesty, who should be in command?"

The demon king thought for a while and said, "Did the double-headed shark demon king come back? If he comes back, let him go. If he doesn't come back, let the high priest go."

"Yes, little one obeys!"

Watching the messengers leave the hall, the Demon Emperor's face showed a solemn expression.

"What on earth is the Heaven Realm going to do? Could it be that they want to find my bad luck? It's been safe and sound for thousands of years, so why did they send troops to my Kingdom of Return? It's really abominable, hateful! It seems that the country of Return to Ruins is living a peaceful life. It's coming to an end, and it's time for me to leave here and let the heavens know how powerful I am. Hmph!"

The Demon Emperor's Palace received the news of an outsider invasion, and the Haitian City also received the news.

In this month, Xuan Mo has come out from the loss and depression.He reorganized the Sea God Army, and also absorbed a certain number of sea monsters to join the Sea God Army.

Although the current Sea God Army is not as powerful as before, it still has nearly [-] soldiers.

Xuan Mo had already made up his mind to use Haitian City as the foundation. Even if he couldn't continue to attack the city occupied by the Demon Emperor's Palace in a short time, he should still be able to protect himself.

It is not an easy task to directly overthrow the Demon Emperor, he is already prepared for a long-term battle.

Although there was no Sea God Army stationed in Tianshuifeng, the spies of the Sea God Army still found out the news that a group of people had entered the Kingdom of Return, and rushed to report the news to Xuan Mo.

After hearing this, Xuan Mo, like the Demon Emperor, began to meditate.In the end, it was also concluded that the group of people who entered the Kingdom of Return to the Ruins should be sent by the heavens.

But he also had the same question, why did the heavens do this?

"Brother Mo, you said that the team of troops was really sent by the heavens? But I have been in the country of returning to the ruins for so many years, and I have never sent troops from the heavens? What do you think is going on this time? Is it Chong? What are you here for?"

Xuan Mo frowned and said: "I don't know what it is for, but I think, if it is not the treasure of the country of returning to the ruins, then I am afraid it is for someone."

Hei Ling laughed and said: "If it's really aimed at people, that's fine. Think about who in the country of returning to the ruins will pose a threat to the heavens? Apart from the demon emperor, I really can't think of another person .If we can get rid of the demon emperor with the help of the heavens, it will be a happy event for us. Are you right?"

Xuan Mo shook his head and said, "I'm worried that it's not for the Demon Emperor, what if... what if it's for him?"

(End of this chapter)

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