
Chapter 1533 Go out in person and get a treasure ball!

Chapter 1533 Go out in person and get a treasure ball!

Hearing this, Hei Ling asked with some doubts: "Aiming at him? Who is he? Why can't I understand?"

Xuan Mo sighed lightly and said: "Who else, I'm talking about Tong Yan!"

Upon hearing this, Hei Ling's eyes widened and he said, "What? Impossible? Why did the heavens send someone to deal with him? Brother Tong is a Skywalker, who would have trouble with Skywalker?"

Xuan Mo said with a worried face: "If he was just a Skywalker, no one would make things difficult for him. But he is not only a Skywalker, he is also the Sky Demon Star. And the Sky Demon Star is just the thorn in the side of the heavens, the thorn in the flesh. Linger, You may not know that the heavens have sent the gods to hunt him down several times. If it weren't for his great fortune and fate, he would not be alive today. Think about it, why the heavens didn't send troops early or late, but it was him Did you send troops after you came to the Kingdom of Return? Is this really just a coincidence? I don’t think it’s that simple. Maybe Heaven is planning to get rid of him here, so that he has no chance to escape. Of course, this is just a coincidence. My guess, I hope my guess is wrong, otherwise... otherwise I don't know what to do."

Hei Ling looked at the worried Xuan Mo, smiled slightly and said, "Brother Mo, didn't you say you broke off relations with Brother Tong? But I think you still care about him? In fact, you have forgiven Brother Tong in your heart, right? ?”

Hearing this, Xuan Mo smiled bitterly and said, "How could the fateful friendship be broken so easily? And as you said, I have been with him for so many years. I have already known who he is. So there may be some special reasons why he chose to join forces with the Demon Emperor. I don't want to worry about these anymore. After all, we are brothers, and I should support him more, just like he did before That’s how you help me out.”

Hei Ling laughed and said: "You're right if you think so. I can tell that Brother Tong is a good person. Even if he wants to fight against the heavens, he will never do things without a bottom line. You can't be angry because of such trivial things. Misunderstanding, after all, in this life, it is really not that easy to find a confidant, right?"

Xuan Mo nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, it's really not that easy. Ling'er, I've already thought about it. If the Heavenly Realm sent troops to the Kingdom of the Ruins this time, it was really aimed at Brother Tong, then he would be the last What is needed is support. So I plan to take a look around the Demon Emperor's Palace in a day or two, and if he is in danger, I can help. Do you think it's okay?"

Hei Ling smiled slightly and said: "Of course, I support you. But before that, you should continue to practice. Didn't you say that you have a new understanding of the Seagod's Light? Why not go all out and wait for your strength to improve again? You can help Brother Tong more, right?"

Xuan Mo nodded and smiled: "Of course, everything you say is right. I will start to practice right now, and I hope Brother Tong will be fine."


In the blink of an eye, half a day later, the army sent by the demon emperor met the heavenly soldiers and generals sent by the heaven.

With the order of the demon king, the double-headed shark demon king directly warned these "intruders" to leave the country of returning to the ruins immediately.But unfortunately, these "intruders" didn't give face at all, and instead launched an attack directly.

In terms of numbers, the army of the Demon Emperor's Palace has [-] soldiers, but the guys sent by the heavens are only a few hundred.But even with such a disparity in numbers, the army of the Demon Emperor's Palace still suffered a disastrous defeat.

Of the five thousand elite soldiers, four thousand were killed in the end, and only one thousand soldiers fled back to the previous station dragging their seriously injured bodies.Besides, the two-headed Shark King, the coach who led the army of sea monsters, almost died at the hands of the heavenly soldiers and generals, and was finally forced to give up his body, which was considered to save his life.

Such a disastrous defeat was unacceptable, and at the same time, it made the Demon Emperor furious after hearing the news.

There were heavy casualties in the Demon Emperor's Palace, but in contrast to those "invaders" in the heavens, they actually only died less than a hundred of them.

When did the Demon Emperor suffer such a big loss, how could he bear such a shame?

"What a bunch of trash! There are hundreds of people in the area and you can't do anything about it. What's the use of you? Come on, pass on the order and dispatch another five thousand soldiers. This time, the widow will personally take command. The widow wants to see, come here What kind of characters are there, are they really invincible?"

The demon emperor's anger has been completely burned, this is Chi Guoguo's challenge, this is a great insult to him.

However, just when he had just assembled an army of [-] and planned to march in person, the second wave of "invaders" also passed through the Tianshui Seal, and the number of people who came this time reached a thousand.

With so much fanfare, what on earth is Heaven going to do?
The Demon Emperor led an army to stop the enemy, but Tong Yan was still in seclusion.

After this month's retreat, his cultivation has not improved at all, but he looks younger and more radiant than before.

With a faint smile on his face, he looked very warm and approachable.

He stood up from the ground, stretched his muscles and bones, and then said to himself: "Tianzi really has the ability to make good fortune. I just realized this little bit, but I didn't expect it to benefit me a lot. I can't retreat. It's been a while, and it's time to go out for a walk."

Having said that, he took a deep breath, then raised his head and shouted loudly: "Brother Yaohuang, I have already left the customs, please let me out!"

However, what made him a little depressed was that the Demon Emperor acted as if he had never heard of it. Not only did he not send him out, but he didn't even respond at all.

"What's going on? Does this guy really want to trap me here? If that's the case, don't blame me! Haha..."

A smirk appeared on his face, and he turned his attention to those "masterpieces" of the Demon Emperor.

The Demon Emperor is a guy who is obsessed with forging magical weapons, and his "masterpiece" is the sword with a handle.

This is his private space, where most of his treasures are stored.

Anyway, Tong Yan was not in a hurry, so he simply took these weapons one by one and started playing with them.

The Demon Emperor doesn't know why he is so obsessed with swords. Ninety percent of the weapons placed in this space are swords, and there are only a few special weapons.

Tong Yan doesn't care much about the shape of the magic weapon, whether it's a sword, a knife, or a spear or a long knife, as long as they are powerful and easy to use, he likes them all.

After playing and checking one by one, in the end, he picked out a weapon he liked from among the more than 100 sharp weapons.

This weapon is very special, it is neither a sword nor a knife, nor a stick nor a whip, it cannot be found among the eighteen kinds of weapons.

But this weapon is very rare for Tong Yan.

what is it then?It was a ball, a very special ball.Why does Tong Yan think so highly of such a ball?In fact, it is to be able to display his own star blast (burst) more easily.

With this sharp weapon, he is confident that his strength will improve again.But he didn't know that at this time, the Demon Emperor had led an army to confront the "invaders" from the heavens.

A big war seems to be breaking out soon.

(End of this chapter)

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