
Chapter 1537 Spear Name Overlord, Fight the Heavenly Army Again!

Chapter 1537 Spear Name Overlord, Fight the Heavenly Army Again!
What is nawu?It is to absorb and contain objects.If it wasn't for the unsatisfactory refining of the Demon Emperor, maybe it could really be used to recruit people or demons.But even so, it was a great help to Tong Yan, at least all his instruments could be put in it, so he didn't have to put it in a bag or put it on his waist.

In addition, his daily clothes can be packed inside, and this treasure ball does not take up much space, so it is very suitable for him.

As a person who strives for perfection in refining weapons, the Demon Emperor also poured a weapon spirit into this treasure ball when refining this treasure ball, and what is special is that the weapon spirit of this treasure ball is not an elf like Xiaolan, but also It's not a demon soul, but a seed, a golden seed.

This seed is completely integrated with the orb, and the light that shines on the orb is brought by this seed.

Different weapon spirits have different effects on the magic weapon, just like this seed, the biggest benefit it can bring to the orb should be the enhancement of the orb, otherwise the small ones that are so thin as cicada's wings The ball will not be so tough anymore.

Thinking about it carefully, such a treasure really can only be forged by someone like the Demon Emperor.You must know that this orb belongs to the magic weapon of the space system after all, without a certain space ability, how can it be refined?

Maybe this orb has other functions that Tong Yan doesn't know about, but he can only study it slowly in the future.

On his side, he refined the orb first, and less than half an hour later, the Yaohuang's side also successfully completed the refining.

As soon as the Yaohuang refined the orb, he couldn't wait to say to Tong Yan: "Brother Tong Yan, I already know the name of this spear and who made it. Do you want to know?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed secretly in his heart, he was really not interested in knowing about this spear, but even if he said he didn't want to, the Demon Emperor would probably say it himself.That being the case, why not cooperate with the Demon Emperor?

"Oh? You already know it? Then tell me!"

Hearing this, the Demon King laughed and said: "The name of this long spear is very domineering, it is called Overlord Spear. According to Qi Ling, it seems to have been forged by the Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty. No wonder it has such power, it really came from an expert Hand. It seems that I will never be able to refine such a perfect magic weapon in my life, but fortunately I have successfully refined it. With this long spear, my strength will definitely step up to a higher level. Maybe I can compete with the king of gods. It's time for a fight. Brother Tong Yan, do you think this is like a dream? A general from the heavens actually has such a powerful weapon. It seems that everything is destined by God, which also shows that I have a destiny with this Overlord Spear. It's so good, it's so good, lol..."

Looking at the somewhat happy Yaohuang who didn't know why, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Brother Yaohuang, then I will congratulate you here. In this way, we can be more confident in our future against the heavens."

The Demon Emperor said with a smile on his face: "That's natural, that's natural. Let's go, let's go out. I hid some wine. At this time, shouldn't we have a few glasses?"

As soon as he heard that there was wine, Tong Yan immediately regained his spirits.In a boring underwater world like the Kingdom of Returning Ruins, not to mention eating delicious meals, drinking a glass or two of wine is already a luxury.

The two didn't delay any longer, and immediately left the Demon Emperor's exclusive space together.

However, after they came out, before they had time to drink, there was already a lot of noise outside the main hall.

"Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, are you inside? Something is wrong! Your Majesty the Holy Emperor!"

"Several elders, is His Majesty in the hall? It's all imminent now, we have to find him, right?"

"What's the use of you complaining to us? We don't know if His Majesty the Holy Emperor is in the palace. Let's just wait patiently. Maybe His Majesty the Holy Emperor will hear our voices in a while."

Hearing the conversation outside the hall, the Yaohuang could not help but frowned slightly, and then said to Tong Yan: "Brother Tong Yan, you wait for me here for now. I will come as soon as I go."

With that said, he was about to leave for the outside of the palace.

Seeing this, Tong Yan hurriedly said: "I always feel that something is wrong, I'd better go with you."

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor thought for a while, and then said: "Alright, if something goes wrong, you can give me some advice. Let's go!"

After speaking, the two walked out of the hall together.

Just waiting for the door of the main hall to open, the sea monster elders and priests waiting outside the door immediately knelt down one after another.

The Demon Emperor looked at them, and immediately asked, "Why are you making such a fuss in front of the widow's palace? What is there to report? Come quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, one of the elders immediately said: "Responding to your majesty, according to the report of the guards, another large wave of invaders has entered our country of returning to the ruins, and they have already killed our holy palace. Your majesty, we I have sent troops to stop it, but I am afraid that it will not be able to stop it. I ask your Majesty to decide how to deal with this matter?"

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor suddenly became angry. "Okay, these lifeless things, do you really think that the country of the widows is the place where they come when they want? How to deal with it? Soldiers come to cover the water and soil, and pass down the order to gather 2 horses to meet the enemy with the widows. "

With the backbone, the sea monsters gathered in front of the hall immediately responded in unison: "Yes, I will take orders!"

After speaking, they retreated one after another and went to integrate the army.

Watching them leave, Tong Yan took a step forward, walked to Yaohuang's side, and said: "Brother Yaohuang, it seems that the heavens came prepared these two times. You'd better come up with a once-and-for-all solution." Otherwise, with the strength of the Kingdom of Return to Ruins, how can you be an opponent in the heavens? They send troops again and again, maybe it is to gradually weaken the strength of the Kingdom of Return to Ruins. Wait until all your elite troops are exhausted. At the end of the day, how will the country of returning to the ruins respond to the battle? How to preserve it?"

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor sighed softly and said, "Why don't I know this truth? But the question is, what else can I do besides fighting? I can't let the invaders from the heavens come before I return to the ruins." The country is rampant, right? In that case, what can I, the Holy Emperor, do? I have been bullied to the top, can I still pretend to be deaf and dumb?"

Tong Yan shook his head and said, "Of course I don't mean that. What I mean is that you have to find out what the real purpose of the soldiers from the heavens is. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. Knowing their purpose, we will also I really want to figure out a way to deal with it. Let me see this, I will go with you to meet the enemy. When I think about it, I will be able to ask clearly."

The Demon Emperor nodded and said: "That's the only way to go, then let's set off now. It will take at least a moment to mobilize the army. Taking advantage of this time, we might as well meet the second wave of invaders first. You How about it?"

Tong Yan said solemnly: "It's exactly what I want, lead the way."

The two of them stopped hesitating and left the Demon Emperor's Palace immediately.

The reason why the heavens sent troops to the country of the ruins is finally about to be revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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