
Chapter 1538 The name is strong, the tongue debates fallacies!

Chapter 1538 A Hundred Powerhouses Debate Nonsense!

The strength of Tong Yan and Yaohuang is absolutely outstanding when looking at the entire country of Guixu.

The Demon Emperor simply explained a few words to the guards outside the Demon Emperor's Palace, and asked about the general location of the intruder, and then went together with Tong Yan to find out the truth.

The two moved very quickly, and in less than 10 minutes, they could already see the second wave of heavenly soldiers and generals entering the country of returning to the ruins.

Tong Yan has never seen the first wave of heavenly soldiers and generals, and he does not know the strength of the previous ones.But he didn't know, but the Demon Emperor knew it very well.

Getting a little closer, the Demon Emperor frowned.

"Brother Tong Yan, it seems that this time is also a hard stubble. Have you seen it? Among these heavenly soldiers and generals, there are at least a hundred masters who have reached the late stage of the heavenly realm. Although compared with me, there should be some Great disparity. But if I were to fight one against a hundred, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to deal with it. This time it's really troublesome, what do you think should be done?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan thought for a while, and then replied: "Heaven Realm has sent so many masters, it seems that they are serious about it. But in my opinion, they will definitely not act rashly. Otherwise, with these hundred masters The strength of the hunter has already reached the gate of your Demon Emperor's Palace, so how can you be so procrastinated? Don't worry, let's go forward and ask clearly. Only then will we know how to deal with it next."

The Demon Emperor nodded and said: "Your brother's words are very true, but you have to be more careful later. In case they start fighting without saying a word, you'd better retreat quickly, and I will support for a while alone. Otherwise, Both of us reckon we're going to suffer."

At this time, the Yaohuang could think of Tong Yan's safety. It seems that after more than a month of getting along, he really regarded Tong Yan as a friend.

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Brother Yaohuang, if they do something, we will run away separately. We have no other skills. In terms of running away, I may not necessarily lose to you."

The Demon Emperor laughed and said, "That's great, so I don't have to worry too much. Let's go, let's meet them."

After speaking, the two moved forward quickly, and soon came to 50 meters in front of these heavenly soldiers and generals.

The Demon Emperor's cultivation level is even higher, and he just speaks calmly, but his voice is extremely penetrating, allowing thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals to hear it clearly.

"What on earth do you want to do? Why do you come to my country of returning to the ruins to make trouble again and again? Which god king did you send, dare to tell the truth?"

As soon as he finished speaking, an old man with white hair, wearing a long robe and holding a dragon's head crutch flew out of the crowd and came directly in front of him and Tong Yan.

This white-haired old man is considered a different kind among these heavenly soldiers and generals. One is that he is not wearing armor, and the other is that his appearance looks calm and calm, and he really doesn't look like a warlike person who kills without blinking an eye.

Of course, people cannot be judged by their appearance, and sea water cannot be measured.Although this white-haired old man looks easy-going, his cultivation level is the highest among all the heavenly soldiers and generals. Compared with the Demon Emperor, he is probably only a little bit worse, and even higher than Seagod Xuanmo's cultivation level.

Seeing this white-haired old man dressed in a white robe, with silver hair casually draped behind his head, with a rosy complexion and a kind appearance, he looked like a fairy dressed like a wild crane.

The Demon Emperor stared at the visitor, and then asked, "You brought this group of people? Are you their leader?"

The white-haired old man glanced at the Yaohuang, then at Tong Yan, and then replied with a smile: "Your honor is wrong, I am not their leader, nor did I bring them here. To be specific, the old man actually came with them, just to see the elegance of this country of returning to the ruins."

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor sneered coldly and said, "Listen to you, you came to the country of returning to the ruins of the widows to see the scenery? But if it was for the scenery, why did you kill so many of my soldiers? Then the first group of people Is it one of yours? Do you know how many soldiers they killed? Nearly [-] people were killed or wounded, but they only killed a few hundred people. Let's settle this account, shall we?"

The white-haired old man laughed and said: "Monks often say that all living beings are equal. But are all living beings really equal? ​​Not necessarily? Why do you only hear that monks believe in Buddhism, but why have you never heard that Buddha believes in all monks? So, all living beings are equal, Isn’t there some contradiction? Why does the old man say this? It’s actually very simple. I just want to tell my lord that the hundreds of people you killed were noble soldiers from the heavens, while the ones you killed were just low-level sea monsters. Do you think it is appropriate to compare the number of deaths and injuries of sea monsters with the number of deaths and injuries of gods in the heavens? You think you are at a loss, but it is the heavens that suffer the most. The sea monsters are humble, but the gods want to benefit all living beings. One is the bright moon in the sky, and the other is the fluorescent lights on the ground. A bright moon is brighter than thousands of fluorescent lights, right? Are you right?"

When the Yaohuang heard this, he couldn't help feeling angry, but he didn't know how to refute the white-haired old man's words, so he could only stare angrily.

At this time, it is time to reflect Tong Yan's eloquence.

Seeing that the Demon Emperor was speechless, he immediately took the initiative to say: "What the senior said seems to be correct, but in fact it is a bit one-sided. The so-called equality of all living beings should refer to the mind. Even though my family is rich, if I look down on you A beggar, then we are equal. You said that only monks believe in Buddha, but you have never heard of Buddha believing in monks. But do you know that there is Buddha in the heart of monks, so why is there no monks in the heart of Buddha? As long as each other has each other in their hearts, Then they are equal. As for your comparison of the gods in the heavens to the bright moon and the sea monsters to fluorescent lights, there may be no problem with such comparisons, but what you said later is wrong. The platform of the first floor, rises from the base of the earth. The sea monsters seem humble, but they have the meaning of their existence. And as long as they make unremitting efforts, they may not be able to ascend to the heavens and become gods in the future. In this way, you still Do you feel that sea monsters are humble? Do you still feel that their lives cannot be compared with the lives of gods?"

Facing Tong Yan's "return", the smug smile on the white-haired old man's face turned into a wry smile.

"Hehe... What my friend said is indeed reasonable. It seems that what the old man said before is indeed a bit one-sided. The old man thinks that you have an extraordinary bearing, so he must be an unusual person. I heard that there is a Skywalker in the human world. Could it be you?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble in his heart.Although the white-haired old man didn't say it directly, but since his identity was identified, it is estimated that the reason why these heavenly soldiers and generals came to the country of returning to the ruins is probably related to him.

But no matter what, he won't back down.

"That's right, I'm Skywalker, the Tong Yan you've been hunting down in the heavens!"

(End of this chapter)

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