
Chapter 1539 Shi Ming Zhenhai, I have to fight!

Chapter 1539 Shi Ming Zhenhai, I have to fight!
Hearing this, the white-haired old man showed approval, and then praised: "Sure enough, you are not an ordinary person. This courage alone is very admirable. But the old man doesn't understand why you, a Skywalker, have to come here What about the Country of Return? Could it be that you and this person have known each other for a long time?"

The "this" in his words refers to the Demon Emperor.

Hearing this, Tong Yan chuckled and said, "The Three Realms are so big that I can't go to the Heaven Realm. Wherever I go, do I have to report to the gods and gods in the Heaven Realm in advance? Besides, I'm afraid no matter where I go, You will know in the end, right? Well, let’s not talk about me, let’s talk about why you came to the Kingdom of Ruins. You can’t come here just for me, right?”

The white-haired old man laughed and said, "You guessed half of it right, but you didn't guess the other half. The reason why these heavenly soldiers and generals came to the Kingdom of Ruins is partly because of you, but other than that, they also For something in the country of the Ruins."

The white-haired old man did not hide it, which is very appreciated.

These heavenly soldiers and generals came here to kill Tong Yan, but for one thing in the country of returning to the ruins, what would it be?

Before Tong Yan could open his mouth to ask further questions, the Demon Emperor asked first, "One thing for me to return to the Kingdom of Ruins? What is it?"

The white-haired old man glanced back at the heavenly soldiers and generals who came with him, and then deliberately lowered his voice: "I heard that it is for the Zhenhai stone of the country of returning to the ruins!"

Upon hearing the words "Zhenhai Stone", the Demon King's eyes widened immediately, and then he said fiercely: "It's simply insane! Zhenhai Stone is the foundation of the Kingdom of Returning to the Ruins, if the Stone of Zhenhai is gone, the Kingdom of Returning to the Ruins will be destroyed Completely destroyed. Not only that, the human world will also suffer disaster, and then the entire Three Realms will suffer. Don't the heavens know how important Zhenhai Stone is? Who is so conscientious and wants to take Zhenhai Stone away? "

Seeing the fury of the Demon Emperor, the white-haired old man sighed softly and said: "This is what us immortals without status can know. If you want to know who gave the order, you should ask the generals behind me. Come on, they know better than me. But the old man still needs to say a few more words. Sometimes, the arms cannot twist the thighs. If you have to fight and resist, I think you know better than anyone what the final result will be. .It's not heroic to block a car with one's arms, it's overreaching. Are you right?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Didn't seniors hear such a poem? Jingwei holds a small piece of wood, and will fill the sea with it. Xing Tian dances with relatives, and his will is always there. There is no worry about the same thing, and it will be gone." Don’t regret it. It’s just based on the old heart, and the good times are waiting! Sometimes it’s not necessarily a derogatory term to overestimate one’s ability. It’s not stupid to do it when you know you can’t do it. Everyone has their own bottom line and their own dignity. , if the bottom line is crossed and your dignity is crushed, don't you still resist? Do you want to let it go and beg for it? Senior, maybe you are also kind. But the younger generation thinks that you are thinking too much. Don't worry, We will resist to the end. It’s not that easy to kill me. Similarly, if you want to take the Zhenhai Stone, I don’t think Brother Yaohuang or even the creatures in the country of returning to the ruins will agree. We already know what we want to know, Waiting for you to come. At that time, we will be enemies!"

Speaking of this, he ignored the surprised expression of the white-haired old man, and said directly to the Demon Emperor: "Brother Demon Emperor, we can go. It's time to prepare for the battle!"

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor nodded emphatically.The two no longer stayed here, and left the place quickly.

Only after the two of them rushed to the distance did the generals behind the white-haired old man come forward.

"Daxian, who are those two people? I can feel that one of them seems to be a human being, and the other is a beast-like existence."

Hearing this, the white-haired old man chuckled and said, "That young man is the Skywalker you are looking for, and the other is the current monarch of the Kingdom of Return to the Ruins."

As soon as this remark came out, the god general who asked the question suddenly said angrily: "What? It turned out to be them! If we had known this, we should have attacked them in groups just now, and now watching them leave, isn't this letting the tiger go back to the mountain? Great Immortal, Why didn't you tell us sooner? What a great opportunity, what a pity."

The white-haired old man smiled slightly and said, "It's a pity? What's the pity? You don't even think about it. Since the two of them dare to come, they will naturally have a way to escape safely. Don't think that you are the most brave and skilled generals in the sky, but these two The strength of this guy will never be inferior to yours, or even stronger than yours. Think about it for yourself, you have been killing Skywalker for so long, why is he still alive? Similarly, why did the previous team suffer all Jian, doesn't this explain the great strength of the demon emperor? Well, I have already said what I should say. What you do next is your own business. I still want to see the scenery in this country , I won’t be with you anymore. There will be a period later!”

After finishing speaking, the white-haired old man turned into a ray of white light, and left the place just like that.It seems that he didn't talk nonsense before, he came here more just to see the scenery here, even if he had other thoughts, but at this moment, he probably put them all behind.

Tong Yan and the Yaohuang moved quickly, but after a while they returned to the front barracks of the Yaohuang Palace.

The [-] troops had assembled in the barracks at this time, and seeing them standing in a square formation neatly showed that the demon emperor still had a certain level of military command.

The white-haired old man has already made it very clear that the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals came here not only to get rid of Tong Yan, but also for the Zhenhai Stone of the Kingdom of Return.

If it's just for Tong Yan, it's easy to handle, Tong Yan just needs to leave the country of returning to the ruins first.

But these heavenly soldiers and generals returned the Zhenhai Stone. In this case, the Demon Emperor and all the creatures of the Kingdom of Returning to the Ruins would not be able to stay out of the matter.

Zhenhai Stone is related to the safety of the entire country of Guixu. If the Zhenhai Stone is taken away by the heavenly soldiers and generals, the country of Guixu will cease to exist, and all the creatures here will probably be involved in the turbulence of space. Never be reborn.

This is by no means alarmist, but Zhenhai Stone is too important to the country of returning to the ruins.

On the way, Yaohuang explained the importance of Zhenhai Stone to Tong Yan.According to legend, in the deepest part of the country of returning to the ruins, there is a huge boulder pressing down, and a black hole is under the boulder.The entire country of returning to the ruins is like a big pool.But if the boulder holding down the black hole is removed, or even moved away, all the sea water in the country of returning to the ruins will fall from the black hole, and the whole country of returning to the ruins will naturally cease to exist.Not only that, the black hole will become bigger and bigger as the sea water washes away, and by then, the creatures in the entire Kingdom of Returning to the Ruins will inevitably be immune to disaster.

Not for anything else, just for their own homeland, for themselves and their families to survive, the creatures in the country of returning to the ruins will fight hard.

The vigorous self-defense war broke out again!
(End of this chapter)

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