
Chapter 1543 Chasing after him, wait to die!

Chapter 1543 Chasing after him, wait to die!

Tong Yan had to admit one thing, that is, he really underestimated the strength of these seven generals.He thought that even though the seven gods would be difficult to deal with, he could always retreat unscathed.

But the facts have proved that it has become very difficult for him to save his life, let alone get out of the body.

Realizing that the Seven Great Gods behind him would be chasing after him, all he could do was to run away, as far away as possible.These seven generals should be the most powerful existence among all the generals. If he can lead them far away, wouldn't it be a kind of help to the Yaohuang and Xuan Mo?

Without the threat of these seven great generals, Yaohuang and Xuan Mo should be enough to deal with the remaining generals.In the end, if he unfortunately dies, with the strength of Yaohuang and Xuan Mo, he may be able to fight the seven great generals head-on.

Thinking about it this way, he felt a lot more relaxed. As long as his death was not in vain, it would be no loss.

Time passed bit by bit, and the shifting of shape and position again and again had a lot of consumption on the immortal power and demon power in his body.Such a high-frequency use of shape-shifting and transposition is not a long-term solution after all.

And when the immortal power and demonic power in his body are exhausted, the seven great generals behind him can quickly catch up.At that time, his death will come.

"What should I do? How can I get rid of these seven guys? It would be great if I also have the space ability of the Demon Emperor? As long as I hide in my own space, these seven guys will naturally not be able to find me Unfortunately, this is impossible, the gap between me and the Demon Emperor is really big enough."

While he was struggling to run forward, he was thinking wildly.

I don't know where the perseverance and perseverance of these seven great gods come from. Even though they feel very tired, they still refuse to "let go" and still cling to Tongyan.

As time went by, the chase had actually lasted for more than an hour.

They didn't know how far they had run, they just knew they kept moving forward, and no one would stop.

Fortunately, there is the power of Jupiter in Tong Yan's star imprint. Under such intense exercise, the serious injury on his body did not worsen. Instead, with the help of Jupiter's power, he repaired it bit by bit, A little healing.

It is estimated that when the immortal power and demonic power in his body are exhausted, the injuries on his body will be healed.But at that time, even if he recovered physically, without the power of immortals and demons, what would he use to fight these seven great generals?Of course, he still has the power of the stars, but this is the bottom of the sea, if the power of the stars is also exhausted, he really has no power at all.

Gritting his teeth, there was still one word in his mind, which was "escape".He wants to see who can't hold on first.He didn't believe that these god generals were all outstanding, so no one was left behind?And as long as some people fall behind, and more and more fall behind, the opportunity for him to fight back will slowly come.

This is the idea in his mind, but sometimes the ideal is full and the reality is very skinny.

He hoped that some of these seven generals would fall behind, but these seven guys were like a small train, and they couldn't be broken section by section.In this way, it seems that his chance is getting farther and farther away, but the end is getting closer and closer.

"No, I can't continue to escape like this. These seven guys have almost the same level of cultivation. Fighting with them will only make me more passive. I have to think of other ways, and there must be other ways."

He continued to think, thinking, and inadvertently, he thought of his new magic weapon orb.He might be able to take advantage of this orb, and maybe he could win life because of it.

Thinking of this, he felt that he had calmed down a lot. Holding the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in one hand and the treasure ball in the other, he continued to run wildly forward.It's just that he was doing one thing while running wildly.That is to inject the power of the stars into the treasure ball.Soon enough star power had been poured into the innermost ball of the treasure ball. He hurriedly inserted the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle into his waist, and took out the innermost ball with his free hand and held it in his hand.

Then came the second small ball, which was also injected with enough star power by him.Then came the third, fourth, and fifth.There are five small balls, all of which are filled with concentrated star power.

Seven generals, he originally wanted to make seven such energy balls, but his star power was running out, so he had to give up.

With these five small balls poured with the power of the stars, it was like holding five grenades in his hand.If it can be used properly, maybe it can make him reverse the defeat all at once.

Now the "star weapon" is ready, but he still needs an opportunity, a place where he can use this "star weapon" to the maximum extent.

If he just turned around and threw the ball out, the Seven Great Gods would definitely not make a foolish head-on.If they were dodged by them, then these five small balls would be wasted.

Therefore, he would never use these five small balls easily without waiting for the best opportunity.

Time moved backward again, and another half hour had passed in the blink of an eye.The best time still hasn't come, Tong Yan can only keep running forward.

Running so fast, a trench came into his eyes.

This trench is like a long black dragon, about [-] meters long, but only seven or eight meters wide. As for the depth, it is unknown.

But often such a trench, the further you go down, the narrower the space is, and when you reach the narrowest place at the bottom, it is estimated that even people cannot get in.

But seeing this trench made Tong Yan very happy.The opportunity he had been waiting for seemed to have arrived.

Flying to the trench, he plunged into it without any hesitation.

Seeing him plunging headlong into the trench, the seven great generals who were chasing after him were all taken aback.

They stepped forward quickly and stopped in front of the trench.

"Brother, what should we do? The kid has gone down, shall we continue to follow? If there is an ambush below, then we are taking too much risk."

The god general in the lead glared at his eyes angrily, and said with a ferocious expression: "Hmph! He wished that we would not go down, so he really wanted to escape. This trench is so long, if he comes out from the other side and slips away quietly, then we Isn't it for nothing that I have been chasing him for so long? No, we have to get rid of him no matter what we say today, otherwise how will we explain to the god king when we go back? I think so, the sixth and seventh brothers guard the two ends of the trench, and our five brothers Go down and chase. As long as we brothers work together, Skywalker will surely die today. Let's split up!"

After the explanation, the seven gods will be guarded by two people at both ends of the trench, and the remaining five gods will all enter the trench.

Tong Yan was afraid that they would not follow, and as long as they did, their death would be approaching.

Let's see how Tong Yan defeated seven with one, and see how Tong Yan killed the seven generals!
(End of this chapter)

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