
Chapter 1544 Surprise, attack by surprise!

Chapter 1544 Surprise, attack by surprise!
This trench has obviously been formed for a long time, and the stone wall in the trench has been corroded badly under the immersion in seawater, and there are dense white spots on it, like a patient suffering from a skin disease.

The seven great generals left two people to guard the two ends of the trench, and the remaining five generals all entered the trench.

Although the trench was not wide, it was long and deep enough. It was simply impossible to find Tong Yan's trace at once.

But the five great generals who entered the trench did not become impatient because of this. On the contrary, they were extremely cautious.

The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength.These gods should know this truth.Be careful sailing for thousands of years, be careful, you will never go wrong.

However, as they continued to dive, the width of the trench also narrowed, which not only blocked their sight to a certain extent, but also greatly affected their actions.

"Brother, shall we continue down? Will this be too risky?"

Finally, a general felt uneasy, so he asked the general in charge.

Hearing this, the head of the God General frowned tightly, hesitated a little, but insisted: "Continue down, there are five of us, and he is only one. Are you afraid that he will turn the world upside down?" ? Let's all be careful, he can't escape."

The four gods heard this, and they could only respond one after another.

In this way, the five gods continued to dive, but they still did not find any trace of Tong Yan.

Where did Tong Yan go?Has he already left this trench?Or is there another exit in this trench?
The five generals couldn't find Tong Yan, so they couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

But at this moment, the god general in the head suddenly remembered something, and then said to the other four: "Did the walker escape from somewhere else that day?"

"Brother, isn't Lao Liu and Lao Qi guarding outside? How can he escape so easily?"

The leading general said solemnly: "I was worried that the sixth and seventh sons would not be able to stop that kid. Think about it, that kid is good at teleportation and other supernatural powers. We worked together to besiege and kill him before, but he still gave me a hand." Have you escaped here? And if he really escaped, it’s nothing, but if something happens to the sixth and seventh, wouldn’t we lose our wife and lose our army? No, I’m a little worried. Fourth and fifth, you go out now to support the sixth and seventh. With the four of you guarding, I can feel more at ease."

As soon as he said this, two generals immediately said in unison: "Yes, big brother!"

With that said, the two gods were about to retreat from the trench.

Unexpectedly, the two had just floated up, but unexpectedly, two small balls suddenly fell from above their heads.

Caught off guard, the two could only quickly reach out to block it.It's good that they didn't block, but such a block touched the mechanism on the ball instead.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling white light suddenly burst out from the two small balls, and then an extremely powerful destructive force erupted.

There were two loud bangs, and the entire trench seemed to be trembling because of the explosion of these two small balls.And those two unlucky generals were directly blown to pieces in the explosion of the small ball, and died right there.

This sudden change caused the remaining three generals to turn pale with shock.They didn't seem to figure out what happened, and they dived tens of meters rapidly under the impact of the explosive force.

And after they reacted, they suddenly discovered that the fourth and fifth had already died in the explosion just now.

"This...what the hell is going on? What happened to the powerful force just now? did the fourth and fifth die like this.! I must avenge them, I must Let the murderer pay with blood! Ah..."

The god general in charge was completely angry, he roared loudly, and the divine power in his whole body spread out in an instant.Although this guy's strength is not as good as the Demon Emperor's, he is only half a step away from the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

Now he chooses to disperse his divine power, just to find the murderer who murdered his two brothers as quickly as possible.

But before his divine power locked onto the murderer, two more small balls fell from above and rushed towards them.

Although they didn't know what these two small balls were, when they thought of the tragic death of the two brothers and the violent explosion just now, they already understood that these two small balls were not simple, and they could not be provoked.

Since they couldn't be provoked, they immediately dived quickly, hoping to get rid of the pursuit of these two small balls.

It's just that they didn't know that when the three of them dived quickly, one of them was struggling to surface.

The one floating up is none other than Tong Yan.

Tong Yan has always been hiding in the dark, quietly observing the movements of the generals entering the trench.

This "bomb" made of precious balls is actually more like a hidden weapon, and the hidden weapon is about being caught by surprise, so that it is impossible to guard against and hit the opponent.

Originally, the five gods would be together, but he didn't dare to act rashly.But when he discovered that there were two god generals intending to retreat from the trench, this was equivalent to giving him a chance to make a move.

And he is precisely a person who cherishes opportunities, so he skillfully throws out two precious balls filled with the power of compressed stars by means of transposition.

Those two generals went in without knowing it, and blocked it with their hands foolishly. This block happened to touch the mechanism on the treasure ball. their lives.

But these god generals have already suffered a loss, and they will definitely not suffer a second time.

So Tong Yan has decided to change his position and change his target.Why did he throw two small balls filled with the power of the stars? He didn't expect them to really get rid of the two more generals, but he wanted to restrain the remaining three generals, and then serve him. Buy yourself time.

Soldiers who, deception also!Facing these three guarded generals, if he tried to repeat the old trick, he would not be able to achieve the previous effect at all.So what to do?His idea is very simple, these three guys will let them stay here for the time being, and he will rush out of the trench as soon as possible as much as possible, and deal with the two generals outside the trench.

After the seven great gods get rid of four, the remaining three will not pose such a great threat to him.

The tragic death of the two generals made the remaining three generals in the trench extremely cautious. They knew that the murderer was in the dark, so they were even more careful.

They naturally did not expect that the "murderer" who killed their two brothers has now targeted their other two brothers.But by the time they reacted, it was already too late.

If you want to blame, you can only blame them for chasing Tong Yan so hard, chasing and killing them endlessly, they are bent on getting rid of Tong Yan.Little did they know that Tong Yan had already made up his mind at this moment, and was about to kill all seven of their great generals here!

(End of this chapter)

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