
Chapter 1546 Destroy the three gods again, a desperate fight!

Chapter 1546 Destroy the three gods again, a desperate fight!
Seeing the four great generals attacking at the same time, Tong Yan did not choose to head-on, but quickly shifted shape and moved back in time.The joint attack of the four great generals is terrifying, not to mention him, even if the Demon Emperor is here, it may be difficult to resist.

Although it is a head-to-head contest now, it does not mean that you will fight head-on. Only by knowing how to use your own advantages and avoiding weaknesses can you have a slight chance of winning.

The combined force of the four great generals hit the empty space, but turned and attacked Tong Yan who was retreating.

Tong Yan couldn't help it, so he had to resort to transposition again, but this time, he threw out a few of his magic weapons.

Which magic tools?Blue Soul Sword, Tarzan Blade and Shenlong Gloves.The reason why the Phoenix Heavenly Sword was not used is because this is the bottom of the sea, and the weapon spirit of the Phoenix Heavenly Sword is a fire phoenix. Soaking in seawater, it would be better to simply not use the Phoenix Heavenly Sword, and let it be the second hand, which would be more beneficial.

When he first entered the country of returning to the ruins, Tong Yan actually used the Phoenix Heavenly Sword, but he clearly sensed that the phoenix in the Phoenix Heavenly Sword was uncomfortable in the sea water, and forcibly using the Phoenix Heavenly Sword was just a slap in the face of the Phoenix Heavenly Sword. It would be more appropriate to stay if there is no harm.

As soon as the Blue Soul Sword, Taishan Blade and Shenlong Gloves left his hands, they immediately spread out and came directly to the periphery of these four great generals.But the four great generals didn't pay attention to these three magic weapons, and still chased Tong Yan fiercely.

The reason why Tong Yan threw out his three instruments was naturally not aimlessly. He had his own intention, which was to lay the groundwork for his counterattack.

If you look carefully, you will find that he used shape-shifting and changing positions continuously, seemingly fleeing, but in fact his retreat was arc-shaped. After more than ten times in a row, he returned to the position just now, and these four The great general also chased him back relentlessly.

However, at this moment, he did not choose to run away, but turned around suddenly, and directly used the first form of destroying demons and subduing demons with one move.

The power of exterminating demons and subduing demons is naturally strong enough. Although it cannot kill the four great generals with one blow, it is enough for them to drink a pot.

These four great generals were obviously experienced in many battles. Seeing Tong Yan's sudden attack, they responded immediately.

Seeing the golden stick shadow emerging from the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle sweeping towards them, they immediately shot at the same time, and four rays of light swung out from their weapons in an instant, colliding with the golden stick shadow.

Hearing a loud "boom", Tong Yan's move to destroy demons and subdue demons was completely blocked by the joint efforts of the four great generals.

And almost at the same time, the three instruments that Tong Yan threw out before suddenly launched a surprise attack, attacking three of the four great generals from three directions.

But even though these three instruments were caught off guard by Tong Yan's thoughts, the four gods would be extremely vigilant.As soon as the three magic tools approached, they were resisted by three of them.

The sound of metal collisions sounded three times in a row, and all three magic weapons were blown away.

From the looks of it, Tong Yan's plan of counting on the three instruments to relieve him of the pressure didn't work.But in fact, is this really the case?
At the moment when the four great generals were all attracted by the three magic weapons, Tong Yan suddenly resorted to shifting shape, and this time, instead of moving backwards, he came straight to the four great generals.

Even though the leader of the gods would be aware of it, Tong Yan's actions were too fast and extremely risky, so the leader of the gods was just slashing forward and did not warn the other three gods.

However, it was precisely because of the negligence of the leading general that he directly harmed the three great generals.

Why did Tong Yan suddenly rush forward?The reason is very simple, it is to give these four great generals a fatal blow.He prepared a total of five balls, all of which were filled with compressed star power.But he had used a total of four before, which meant that he still had the last one in his hand.

How to maximize its power with only one treasure ball filled with the power of stars?

It's very simple, that is to let it explode in the middle of the four great generals, so that none of the four great generals will be spared.

In order to achieve such an effect, Tong Yan had to be closer to the four great generals, but if he didn't have the previous three magic tools to attract the attention of the four great generals, his sudden approach would be like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. Seeking death.

Fortunately, the three instruments successfully attracted the attention of three of the four great generals, so he suddenly stepped forward at this moment.

The leading general didn't realize that Tong Yan had come prepared, but only thought that he was planning to launch a sneak attack out of nowhere.

When Tong Yan's side was less than five meters away from the four great generals, the leading general slashed at Tong Yan's throat.

Tong Yan let out a low voice, and neither dodged nor dodged, but waved the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and rushed forward.

There was a "bang" sound, as if a glass bottle was broken.After following the sound, he realized that the great general's broadsword had collided with the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle firmly.And with this collision, the invulnerable and indestructible properties of the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle were immediately displayed perfectly, and it directly shattered the great general's sword into pieces.

The leading general obviously did not expect such a situation to happen, so he was a little dazed.

And at this moment, Tong Yan suddenly threw out the "secret weapon" he had prepared.The treasure ball spun rapidly in the sea water, and fell into the center of the four great generals in a straight line.

Seeing the precious ball approaching, the leading god general turned pale with fright. He didn't care to remind his seven brothers and three brothers, and immediately fled backwards.

His escape is equivalent to giving up the rescue of the three brothers.

Ever since, Tong Yan manipulated the treasure ball with his mind, and suddenly shouted: "Explosion!"

As soon as the explosion word came out, the complete treasure ball immediately turned into a hemisphere, and the power of the stars stored in it burst out without restraint.

Only a loud "boom" was heard, and the dazzling white light dazzled the eyes, and the four gods who were in the white light were all quickly swallowed by the white light.Without even hearing their screams, they all died in the white light.

And because Tong Yan was a little closer to the white light, he was also pushed back more than ten meters by the huge impact, his throat was sweet, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Until now, he has already eliminated six of the seven great generals.And because of this fierce battle, he consumed too much immortal power and demonic power.

Although he can't be said to be at the end of his strength now, the strength in his body is only less than [-]%.

There is also the last general, and at the same time the most powerful general.

Now it is finally possible to face-to-face one-on-one, who can win the final victory, all in one fell swoop!
(End of this chapter)

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