
Chapter 1547 Unreserved, the battle of gods and demons!

Chapter 1547 Unreserved, the battle of gods and demons!
Tong Yan stretched out his hand to wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then took back all the three instruments that had performed meritorious service.

After such a long period of fierce fighting, he is infinitely close to the final victory, but the remaining god general is the head of the seven great generals, not only the strongest in strength, but also the most appreciated by the god king.

He knew that he had to do his best without any slack or carelessness, otherwise all his previous efforts would be in vain, and he would also pay the price of his life for it.

Adjusting the somewhat disordered breath in his body, his eyes showed determination.

The only remaining general was staring at the blasted corpses of the three generals with dull eyes.The corpses and flesh and blood are integrated with the sea water, like minced meat soaked in a pot, some are shocking, and some are "disgusting".

But this god will not hate his brother's corpse, he should be more self-blaming and deeply angry at this moment.However, because the tragic death of all six brothers made it difficult for him to accept it for a while, he became sluggish for a short time, as if he had lost his soul.

Tong Yan would not sympathize with his enemies, kindness to his enemies is cruelty to himself.If it weren't for these seven great gods who were chasing after him all the way to this point, how could Tong Yan be motivated to kill him, and how could he fight them desperately?

Now that these six gods will end up like this, it is entirely their own fault, and they can't blame others at all.There is a saying that goes well, you can't live without doing your own crimes.That's the reason.

Tong Yan didn't rush to attack this last general. Don't look at this general with dull eyes, but a person with such a superb cultivation base, as long as danger comes, he will immediately notice it and react quickly.So there's no need for Tong Yan to wake this guy up, it's better to take this short time to adjust his state and face the next life-and-death battle.

After a few minutes, the silent God General finally came to his senses.His eyes were no longer dull, but turned blood red, full of endless killing intent.

He suddenly turned his head to look at Tong Yan, then gritted his teeth and said: "Skywalker, you killed my six brothers, you have ruined everything about me. If you don't die today, you will die, or I will die. I am at odds with you!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Evil God, you said that I destroyed everything about you and killed your brother. That's right, I did it. But have you ever thought that if you were me, You were hunted down by the seven evil gods, what would you do? Capture it without a fight? Or kill yourself? Wouldn’t you have thought about resisting and fighting back? If you were me, you would understand that there is nothing wrong with my approach .As for your brother's death, I can only say that they brought it on themselves. If you want to avenge them, go ahead and kill me. But what I want to say is that not only you will kill me, but I will kill you too. From your pursuit From the moment you killed me, I have already regarded you as enemies. And I will never be soft when dealing with enemies."

Hearing this, the god general laughed and said, "Really? Let's see who will live to the end and who will be torn to pieces. Come on, let me see if you still have Use whatever skills you have!"

Tong Yan put away his smile and said seriously: "Don't worry, I will definitely do what you want!"

Having said that, the eyes of the two collided fiercely.Then he stopped talking, and with a movement of his body, they all rushed towards each other.

The great general's big sword had been turned into a broken blade because it had collided with Tong Yan's Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle before, but even the broken blade was still powerful and powerful in his hands.

After learning that Tong Yan possessed such magical weapons as the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, the general's offensive methods also changed accordingly.

He no longer looked for collisions with weapons, but used his own speed to suppress Tong Yan and slashed at Tong Yan frantically.

Because this guy's movements were too fast, after Tong Yan and him fought each other for a while, he was slashed more than ten times.Although the dozen or so knives were not fatal, they still left him covered in cuts and bruises, with blood flowing.

Of course, his side was injured, and the general also took a few blows from him with the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, but compared to that, he still suffered a little.

This master's style of play is completely reckless hacking and chopping, injuring the enemy one thousand and self-inflicted eight hundred.It is estimated that the tragic death of the six brothers made him feel ashamed, so he beat him so violently, more likely because he wanted to die with Tong Yan.

It's not that Tong Yan is greedy for life and afraid of death, it's just that he really can't bear to fight so hard with this crazy general.This god will not want to live, he may want to live.If it was an unfavorable situation before, he might be willing to die with these four great generals.But now in a one-on-one contest, he still wants to be the last one alive.

It was precisely because of the desire in his heart that he decided not to continue fighting recklessly, but chose to avoid the edge for the time being.

Once again, he resorted to shifting shape and repositioning, and he directly withdrew from the battle.

Seeing him backing away, the god general laughed wildly and said, "Skywalker, are you afraid? Are you afraid to fight me? If so, you should end it yourself."

Tong Yan reached out to wipe the blood from the knife marks on his face, and then sneered, "Evil God, I know what your plan is. You want to die with me, and you want to take me on the road together. But you seem to have made a mistake. The thing is that your life is not the same as mine. You risk your life because your life is cheap. But I am different. I am a skywalker and I have a lot of things to do. So I have to live, my Life is precious. To die with you, only a fool would do that. If you want to fight me hand to hand, I will not do what you wish. If you die with me, let’s get close to me first. "

Hearing this, the god general glared his eyes angrily, and said fiercely: "I am a god, how can I be compared with a humble mortal like you? If you say that my life is cheap, are you worthy? Don't worry, even if it is not close body, I can kill you too. Today, I will show you what the wrath of God is!"

Having said that, he suddenly raised his head and let out a roar.

Immediately afterwards, he threw up the broken blade in his hand, clenched his free hands into fists, and his golden armor suddenly shone with golden light, exuding an extremely powerful sacred aura.

Seeing it in Tong Yan's eyes, Tong Yan didn't have the slightest fear, but instead had a glimmer of expectation in his heart.

Perhaps this is the strongest strength of this god general, and being able to compete with the strong, isn't it a kind of luck?

The god general here began to show the full strength of the god as a god, and Tong Yan didn't just look at it blindly, but directly released his own demon bone armor and six pairs of demon bone wings.

Now he already possesses the strength of the Twelve-Winged Heavenly Demon, but he doesn't know if he can defeat this divine general whose cultivation base is in the late stage of the Celestial Realm.

This is not only a fight between Tong Yan and this general, but also a duel between a demon and a god.

In the battle between gods and demons, who will win the battle?

(End of this chapter)

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