
Chapter 1548 Each show their supernatural powers, the peak duel!

Chapter 1548 Each show their supernatural powers, the peak duel!

Tong Yan showed the Heavenly Demon Bone Armor and six pairs of Heavenly Demon Bone Wings, which meant that he did not intend to continue using the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle.Although the Vajra Subduing Pestle is his most powerful magic weapon at present, but this general already knows the power of the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, so he will naturally deal with it carefully. As a result, the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle will not be able to exert its true power.

Another reason for him to become a demon is that there is not much celestial power left in his body, but there is still some power of the demon. Only by directly using the form of the demon can the power of the demon be used to the maximum.

Seeing Tong Yan's transformation from a righteous skywalker to a sky demon with six pairs of blood wings, the general's face couldn't help showing shock.

" are a demon? But aren't you a Skywalker?"

The god general finally couldn't help but asked Tong Yan.

Tong Yan turned into a heavenly demon, and his aura became cold and irritable.He looked at the general in front of him with some arrogance, and then said with a chuckle: "I am a human, and I am also a demon. If I want to be a human, I will be a human, and if I want to be a demon, I will become a demon. To deal with an evil god like you, I think it is still the same way." The appearance of the demon is more suitable. There is no balance between gods and demons, and if you die at the hands of the demon, you may feel more comfortable. Are you right?"

The god general snorted coldly and said, "Don't think that you can win me by becoming a demon. Let me tell you, you will definitely die today."

Tong Yan chuckled and said, "If that's the case, what are you waiting for? Let's do it?"

With a cold look in Shenjiang's eyes, he immediately strode forward and punched Tong Yan directly in the face.

Although Tong Yan didn't use a weapon, he covered his hands with the star shield he realized last time.Seeing that the god general was attacking with a punch, he also waved his fist to meet him.

There was a loud "boom", and the two fists collided firmly.

Under the violent impact, the two of them retreated one after another.The general took a full seven steps back, and Tong Yan even took ten steps back.

With just one punch, we can actually tell which of the two is stronger.

However, the level of strength cannot completely determine the outcome of this battle. Strength is certainly important, but willpower and wisdom will affect the final result of this duel.

As soon as the god general stabilized his body, he immediately attacked Tong Yan again, but this time, he didn't get close to Tong Yan, but relied on his divine power to attack Tong Yan from the air.

As he punched out, a huge golden fist immediately broke through the barrier of the sea water and slammed into Tong Yan fiercely.

Unwilling to back down, Tong Yan immediately yelled, "Breaking Heaven Fist! Break it for me!"

Potianquan was taught to Tong Yan by Zhao Dayan'er, one of the top ten Skywalkers in Taishan Yincao.This fist is called Potian, and it is a fierce and fierce move.Once cast, it is extremely powerful.Zhao Dayan'er once told Tong Yan that when he cultivated to be comparable to a god, he should have the ability to break the sky when he uses this fist.

Tong Yan's current cultivation base has already entered the realm of immortals, but he hasn't used this boxing technique for many years, so he has no way to prove whether what Zhao Dayan'er said back then is true or not.

Now that the god general made a punch, he suddenly thought of the Potian Fist, so he also responded with a punch.

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately struck out this punch.All he saw was a red fist figure rushing out of his fist, colliding head-on with the attacking golden fist figure.

There was another loud bang, and the two fist shadows were all shattered into powder, but this time, Tong Yan didn't retreat, but the general unconsciously retreated three steps.

Sky breaking fist?It seems that the word "breaking the sky" is somewhat exaggerated.But the power of the Potian Fist did increase substantially as Tong Yan's cultivation level improved.Otherwise, how could he use the weaker side to repel the higher-level generals?
The god general obviously didn't expect such a result. Although he was not injured, he retreated.And as long as he retreats, it actually means that he has lost the second round of the contest with Tong Yan.

"You... how did you do it? You were able to knock me back in a direct confrontation?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled proudly: "Why? Are you not convinced? To tell you the truth, I have many masters, and I have a lot of abilities. I will let you learn them one by one later, which can be regarded as letting you Learn a lot before you die."

Hearing this, the god general laughed and said, "Okay, okay, then let me learn about your brilliant moves. I want to see how much talent you have."

Having said that, he stopped punching and attacking, but changed to knot seal.

Tong Yan naturally did not dare to underestimate his seal.As long as the seal is formed, the power of the supernatural power displayed will be multiplied.

Of course, Tong Yan would not just sit and watch the god general form the seal, so without further ado, he immediately used the five-finger sword taught by Di Fanchen, one of the top ten skywalkers.

With the improvement of his cultivation base, the power of Potianquan can be greatly increased, and his five-finger sword should also be improved to a certain extent.

With the index finger pointing forward, the first form of "Shang Chong Sword" is issued first.

There was a sound of "whoosh", and the red air sword pierced through the sea water and shot at the general's eyes.

Seeing Tong Yan's sudden attack, the god general couldn't take it lightly, so he hurried to one side, trying to avoid it.At the same time, Tong Yan's fingers connected, and "Yiyang Sword", "Zhongchong Sword", "Wuming Sword", and "Shaochong Sword" were thrown out.

Facing so many qi swords, it would be difficult for the general to hide.In desperation, he could only seal the seal with one hand, leaving the other free to deal with the incoming Qi sword.

Under the harassment of the Qi sword, the speed of his seal formation was obviously weakened.

And Tong Yan took advantage of this opportunity to unleash the five-fingered swords, and directly built the "Five Elements Sword Formation" above the general.

"Evil God, let me see where you hide!"

Once the Five Elements Sword Formation was completed, it immediately trapped the general tightly like a cage.

The general obviously didn't expect Tong Yan's supernatural powers to emerge endlessly, and now if he wanted to escape, he had to break the Five Elements Sword Formation that imprisoned him with all his heart.

But at this moment, Tong Yan took out the Mount Tai blade, and within three seconds, unleashed the extremely powerful and fatal knife.

Seeing Tong Yan wielding the huge red knife transformed from the Taishan Blade with both hands to strike down with all his strength, the general turned pale with fright.

He could only throw away the unfinished seal in a hurry, and then shouted loudly: "Xuanhuang seal, order!"

As soon as the imperial edict came out, it was impossible to tell what shape the seal instantly shone with golden light, and it directly turned into a shield to block the top of his head.

The Mount Tai blade fell down, and immediately slashed heavily on the golden shield.

Hearing a loud "bang", the golden shield was cut in half by Mount Tai's blade almost instantly, and Tong Yan couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood because of this.

Why?Why did he spurt out blood donations so well?
After looking intently, I realized that although the Taishan Blade cut the golden shield in half, there were cracks all over the Taishan Blade.

What kind of supernatural power did this general use to shake Mount Tai's blade so that it was full of cracks?

However, before Tong Yan could stabilize his mind, the general had already broken through the shackles of the Five Elements Sword Formation, turned into a golden spear, and stabbed Tong Yan's chest directly...

(End of this chapter)

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