
Chapter 1549 Desperate for one strike, plan is made!

Chapter 1549 A life-threatening blow, a plan has been made!

Tong Yan really did not expect that this general would break through his Five Elements Sword Formation in such a short time.Coupled with the damage to Taishan Blade, his body and mind also suffered a lot.

Seeing the god general rushing towards him in the form of a golden spear, he knew that he could not dodge it, and the only thing he could do was risk his life to fight.He thought he would win this duel, but it turned out that when facing an opponent whose cultivation level was far stronger than his own, how easy is it to win?What's more, this god will die with him wholeheartedly, and his desire to retreat completely has become even more extravagant.

However, he was not discouraged either. No matter what, he had killed six generals. Even if he died here today, he would not be alone on Huangquan Road.

It was too late to say, but it was too soon, the spear that the god general turned into arrived in an instant.

Without much hesitation, Tong Yan swung his right fist with all his strength, and smashed it directly.

There was a loud bang of "boom", and the sea water scattered in all directions under the powerful impact.Only when the sea water returned again did they see clearly the two people who were fighting to the death.

Tong Yan's entire right arm no longer exists, along with his right shoulder.The wound was extremely broken, and the bones and flesh inside were so clear, so shocking.

What about the general?He had already transformed from the transformed spear back into his body shape, but he stood stiffly a few meters behind Tong Yan, as if he had been frozen.

Tong Yan was also standing, but this standing didn't last long, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then knelt down on one knee.

He supported the ground with his remaining left arm, spit out a mouthful of blood, and then spit out another mouthful.His body was trembling slightly. Although he was alive, he was obviously seriously injured.

At this moment, the somewhat stiff god will slowly turn around.

He stared at Tong Yan who was kneeling on one knee, and said with a dull expression: "Can you tell me, you... how did you block my full blow?"

Tong Yan didn't turn his head back, he still tried his best to maintain the posture of kneeling on one knee, and after spitting out two mouthfuls of blood, he replied without turning his head: "To be precise, I... I don't really know. But just now At that moment, I just want to live, I just want to do my best to fight you to the end."

Hearing this, the god general let out a soft sigh, and then said with a bitter smile: "Do you just want to live? It seems that I failed in this duel because I was determined to die. I understand, holding the mortal will The heart may not be able to win. And in order to live, you can make your own strength extraordinary. Skywalker, you won, although I am reluctant, but I have to accept this fact. I have nothing to regret, and I have nothing to let go No less. But in the end, I still want to give you a few words of advice. My strength is at best considered above average under the King of Gods, and there are still four King Kongs under the King of Gods. Compared with these four King Kongs, I am nothing. Nothing. You defeated me today, but with your current strength, you are definitely not the opponent of the Four King Kong. Work hard to improve your cultivation. Only when you become stronger, no one can threaten you. I am tired , just leave it alone!"

Speaking of this, the general took a step forward a little staggeringly, and then said to himself: "Six younger brothers, the eldest brother is here, and the eldest brother is here to accompany you."

As soon as the words fell, cracks suddenly appeared on the body of the general, and then, like broken glass, it shattered into powder with a "bang".

Tong Yan still didn't look back, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't do it anymore.

He tried his best to glance into the distance, then his head sank, and he just fell down.

In this duel, Tong Yan finally won.

But how did he win?Was it really just because of his strong desire to survive that made him win?

No, that's not the case.The reason why he was able to win was not only because of his desire to survive, but also because of the help of several of his magic weapons.

The Blue Soul Sword, the Phoenix Heavenly Sword, the Shenlong Gloves, and even the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle all helped.

It was precisely because of the few magic weapons that he sacrificed his life to protect the Lord that he blocked the full blow of the god general with one punch. Of course, he also paid the price of losing his right arm, but with the power of Jupiter, this lost arm, maybe It won't be long before it grows back.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was already seven days later.

An hour after Tong Yan was in a coma, the Demon Emperor and Xuan Mo finally found him and brought him back to the Demon Emperor's Palace.

In the Demon Emperor's Palace, he was well healed, but due to the overdrawing of the immortal power and demonic power in his body, his body was extremely weak, and he had to recuperate for seven days before he opened his eyes.

Seeing Tong Yan wake up, Xuan Mo, who was guarding the side, immediately showed an excited smile.

"Brother Tong, you finally woke up. How do you feel now? Is there any discomfort?"

Looking at Xuan Mo, Tong Yan tried his best to squeeze out a smile on his pale face, and then replied weakly: "I...I'm fine, but...just my head is a little heavy. Did you bring me here? Have you brought back the... corpses of the seven generals?"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo asked in puzzlement, "What did the seven gods bring back their corpses? If it wasn't for them, how could you have been injured so badly? Besides, when we went, their corpses were It’s not complete anymore. Once the sea water is soaked and washed, where can I pick it up? Well, don’t think about them. Think about yourself. I think you must have overdrawn the strength in your body. I hope the meridians don’t It would be nice to have any damage."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "It's's okay, my meridians have been broken and...broken too, I'm used to it. As long long as I'm still alive,'s okay. Demon Emperor... ...Where is Brother Yaohuang? What about others?"

Xuan Mo opened his mouth and replied: "He, he has gone to Tianshuifeng. There are heavenly soldiers and generals entering twice in a row. After all, this is not a long-term solution. He plans to set up another seal before Tianshuifeng. In this way, returning to the ruins The country can also be safer."

If so, the Demon Emperor's approach is naturally necessary.

Tianjie will definitely not let it go, especially after losing so many generals this time.Maybe it won't be long before the heavens will send troops to come again.And the heavenly soldiers and generals sent again will only be stronger and more difficult to deal with.

In view of this, Tong Yan has already made a plan in his heart.As long as his physical injuries recovered, he planned to leave the country of returning to the ruins.

Of course, he won't go alone, he will take the descendants of Nuwa out with him.

It's just that he left the country of returning to the ruins, which may attract the attention of some of the heavens, but he has not fulfilled the conditions of Situ Yuxin, the master of the Holy Gate.Then how could Situ Yuxin let him go so easily?

(End of this chapter)

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