
Chapter 1550 Brother's Covenant, Leaving Guixu!

Chapter 1550 Brother's Covenant, Leaving Guixu!

In the next two days, Tong Yan was still recovering. Fortunately, under the powerful regeneration ability of Jupiter, his lost right arm had grown back.

Of course, the newly grown right arm is still a little weak, but as long as he adjusts for a few more days, it is estimated that he can fully recover.

Today, the Demon Emperor finally came back.

He not only strengthened the Tianshui seal, but also successfully set up another seal with the help of other sea monsters.In this way, the country of returning to the ruins can be a little safer, and as long as there are heavenly soldiers and generals from the heavens setting foot in the country of returning to the ruins, they will be aware of it immediately.

As soon as he entered the hall, the Yaohuang saw Tong Yan and Xuan Mo sitting on chairs in the hall and talking.

Seeing that Tong Yan recovered from his injuries so quickly, the Demon Emperor immediately couldn't help but said: "Brother Tong Yan, your body is really good. Even us monster races with strong bodies are not as good as you." Strong recovery ability."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Brother Yaohuang, you are making fun of me. How can my physical body compare with yours? If it weren't for my luck, I'm afraid that if you brought it back, it would be just a corpse." .By the way, Brother Yaohuang, are you done with your work? I have been waiting for you for several days."

The Demon Emperor chuckled and said, "I'm done with everything. Didn't I rush back just now? How are you? Are you sure you're all right?"

Tong Yan nodded and smiled and said, "I'm sure there's nothing wrong with it, and I should be able to fully recover in three or four days. Brother Yaohuang, I've been here for so long, and I was delayed for a few days by the matter of the heavenly soldiers and generals." , I have not seen the descendant of Nuwa until now. Can you let me meet her now?"

The Demon Emperor did not refuse, on the contrary, he readily agreed.

"Okay, I'll take you there right away. You said you can turn her back into a human from a stone, can you really do it?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Do I have to lie to you? Besides, we are already friends, and there should be no lies between friends. Let's go, I will see her sooner, and I will be able to tell her sooner." She wakes up."

The Demon Emperor nodded, and then led Tong Yan and Xuan Mo to the second floor of the hall.

Coming to the second floor, this is Tong Yan's first time entering the second floor of the Demon Emperor's Palace.Only after entering did I realize that the second floor of the hall turned out to be like this.

The second floor is different from the first floor, the decoration here is no longer luxurious, on the contrary it looks very warm.Especially the big bed is like a wedding bed, covered with red bedding, and sprinkled with beautiful sea plants like petals, plus the whole big bed is in the shape of a shell, it's like a princess' new house generally.

As for the other furniture, it also exuded the joy of the world, and it was very neatly made, and carved with exquisite patterns and patterns, which was enough to show that the demon emperor regarded himself as a human being.

In other words, there is a little princess living in his heart, a typical girl's heart.

As for other decorations, they are similar, so I won't go into details here.

There are three rooms in the main hall on the second floor, and the room with the big bed and furniture is the largest room.There is a room on the left and right of this big room, and the room has a door, but I can't see what it looks like inside.

Tong Yan stared at the big bed and furniture, and then asked with a smile: "Brother Yaohuang, isn't this your bedroom?"

The Demon Emperor laughed and said, "It was originally intended to be my wedding room, but unfortunately the bride didn't agree, so it was left vacant. I only come here occasionally to sleep, usually there is no one here at all."

Tong Yan let out a sigh, and then asked: "Where is the stone that the descendant of Nuwa turned into? Is it in the next room?"

The Demon Emperor nodded, then raised his legs and walked to the room on the right.

The door on this room is not a wooden door, and of course it is not a stone door, but a door made of coral.

Walking to the door, the Demon Emperor directly opened the door.

Tong Yan stepped forward quickly, glanced behind the door, and saw the stone statue transformed by the descendants of Nuwa at a glance.

Almost at the same time, the voice of Nuwa's descendant Xue'er rang in his mind.

"Big Brother, you are finally here, Xue'er has been waiting for you very anxiously."

Tong Yan heard this, and responded directly with his mind: "Turn back into a human, you are safe."

Hearing Tong Yan's words, the stone statue transformed by Xue'er immediately glowed with green light.It was like rippling water, filling the entire room, and spreading from the room to the large room outside.

Seeing this, the Demon Emperor's eyes were full of surprise, but then he smiled again.

He knew that the reason why the descendants of Nu Wa became human again was not because of him, but because of Tong Yan.

It seems that what Tong Yan said is true, Tong Yan does have a lot of connections with the Nuwa clan.

The green light flickered several times in a row, and the stone statue slowly turned into a human form. Xueer's delicate face, graceful figure, and sacred aura were all revealed again.

Tong Yan took a few steps forward again, and smiled directly at Xue'er, "Xue'er, you won't blame me for keeping you waiting, right?"

Xue'er smiled warmly and said: "How come, as long as big brother comes, Xue'er will be very happy. I thought I would never see you again in this life, but I didn't expect you to come here to find me. Big brother, Xue'er will always remember your kindness to Xue'er, but she doesn't know how to repay you."

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled: "You don't need to repay anything at all, I treat you as my own sister. If you are good, that is the greatest repayment to me. Brother Yaohuang, thank you, thank you for allowing me to see you." Xue'er. But I still have an unfeeling request, I hope you can agree."

The Demon Emperor is not stupid, he already knew what Tong Yan was going to say, so he decided to do it to the end, and said with a smile: "You want to take her away from here, right? Then take her away, didn't you say that twisted melons are not sweet?" Why should I be so persistent? Besides, you are my brother, and I can rest assured that she follows you. "

Tong Yan said with a chuckle: "The little brother thanked you here. Brother Yaohuang's heart and demeanor, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the little brother to match in his life."

The Demon Emperor laughed and said: "I am the spirit of a king, how can you have it if you want it? But brother, when do you plan to leave?"

Tong Yan didn't hide anything, and said directly: "Three days later, I will only bring trouble to the country of returning to the ruins if I stay in the country of returning to the ruins for one more day. If I leave earlier, the country of returning to the ruins will be more stable sooner. Although the heaven Heavenly soldiers and generals were sent for the Zhenhai Stone, but they also wanted to get rid of me. If I don’t leave, the Kingdom of Return to the Ruins will only be involved in disputes again. Instead of this, it would be better if I left earlier. "

The Demon Emperor sighed softly and said, "Although that is the case, I still feel a little bit reluctant to part with you. Didn't we agree to fight against the heavens together? But you have also seen that the heavens have taken a fancy to the Zhenhai Stone of my country of returning to the ruins. If I leave with you in three days, I'm afraid no one will be able to protect Zhenhai Stone. How about this, when the heavens confirm that no one will come, I will go to the human world to join you. What do you think?"

Tong Yan nodded and smiled and said, "You and I thought about going together, besides that, Brother Xuanmo should also stay. With you and Brother Yaohuang protecting the Kingdom of Returning Ruins, I don't think the Heavenly Realm would dare to act rashly. When I create a piece of heaven in the world, and when everything is ready, we will be together and seek justice from the heavens!"

The three brothers reached an agreement in such an environment, and Tong Yan took Xue'er and left the country of returning to the ruins three days later.

But at the same time as they were leaving, the Great Immortal who came from the Heaven Realm to the Kingdom of Ruins to see the scenery, unexpectedly also went on the road together.

What will happen next?Facing the revenge of Situ Yuxin, the master of the Holy Gate, how should Tong Yan respond?
(End of this chapter)

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