
Chapter 1551 If you have to go together, let's go!

Chapter 1551 If you have to go together, let's go!
Outside the Tianshui seal, there was another person beside Tong Yan and Xue'er. This person was not someone else, but the white-haired immortal who came to see the scenery in the country of the ruins.

"I said, Great Immortal, have you finished watching the scenery? Why don't you just go back to the heavens, and instead go with us?"

Hearing this, the white-haired immortal laughed and said: "After going to the country of returning to the ruins, the old man still wants to go to the human world. Anyway, you have to go back to the human world. Why can't we go together? We can take care of each other on the way, can't we?"

Tong Yan said with a chuckle: "It's not impossible to go to the world together, but the great immortal is a celestial being, and walking with me as a mortal, isn't that frustrating to me? Besides, the heavens have long regarded me as a thorn in the side, a thorn in the flesh, you and me Aren't you afraid that the heavens will be angry with you when you are together? Of course, if you were ordered by the heavens to monitor me, it would make sense."

Hearing this, the white-haired immortal hurriedly explained: "Little friend, you can't wrong this old man. Although this old man came from heaven, it doesn't mean that this old man is the eyeliner of heaven. Besides, there are five god kings in heaven, not all of them. The god kings all regard you as a threat. Even if there is a god king who wants your life, he would not dare to be so blatant, after all, this heaven is not his alone, and he cannot cover the sky with one hand."

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan asked, "Senior, do you know which god king wants my life? I have been hunted down by the heavens, but until today, I don't know who my real enemy is. Which god king is it? Since the senior knows, please tell the senior."

The white-haired immortal was taken aback when he heard this, and said in surprise: "Why? You don't know? How is this possible? You should know which god king you have enmity with. Well, since you don't know, the old man I can't tell you either. For some things, it's best to know through your own efforts, so I won't talk too much about it."

Hearing this, Tong Yan was quite embarrassed. He wanted to know who the god king who had been trying to kill him was through the mouth of the great fairy, but the great fairy obviously didn't want to cause trouble, so he didn't dare to reveal anything.

But he can be sure that the Eastern God King is definitely not the one who wants to kill him. After all, the Eastern God King appeared in Yingzhou Mountain. If he is going to kill him, how can he leave Yingzhou Mountain alive?

"Forget it, since senior doesn't want to cause trouble, I don't want to force others to make things difficult. Senior wants to walk with me, so let's go on the road with us. But senior, I have many enemies, you'd better be careful when you follow me, and don't be bullied by me." Tiredness is."

When the white-haired immortal heard this, he laughed loudly and said, "Broken? This old man has already been in the immortal class. If he goes to the world, who can pose a threat to this old man? My friend, this is a bit exaggerated. As long as you want to Let the old man go with you, not only is the old man not afraid of getting involved, but he is also willing to protect you. What do you think?"

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan couldn't help but feel happy.If he can get the blessing of this white-haired immortal, when he returns to the human world, even if Situ Yuxin, the master of the holy gate, comes to make trouble, with the help of this immortal, he may have more ways to save his life.

So as soon as the White-haired Immortal finished speaking, he couldn't wait to respond: "If that's the case, that would be great. The junior will thank you in advance."

How did the white-haired immortal know how powerful Tong Yan's enemy was, and it was beyond comparison to ordinary gods in the heavens.Situ Yuxin's strength is even higher than that of the Demon Emperor, and he is an expert who has half a foot in the realm of Daluo Jinxian.At that time, even if the white-haired immortal wants to protect Tong Yan, he will probably be in danger.

But Tong Yan didn't break it, but directly agreed, which made the white-haired fairy have to be involved in this dispute because of a "joke".

After leaving the country of returning to the ruins smoothly, there is still a long way to go. Tong Yan will not be able to use the teleportation array left by Situ Yuxin before.Because if he used it, it would mean that he told Situ Yuxin that he was back.

So he would rather walk more, and he didn't want Situ Yuxin to know the news about his return to the world.

But he wanted to return to the world without anyone noticing, but Situ Yuxin noticed it immediately.

Because before he entered the country of returning to the ruins, Situ Yuxin, the master of the Holy Gate, cast an extremely powerful forbidden spell on him. If he cannot enter the country of returning to the ruins within half a day, then the forbidden spell on him will The spell will be activated instantly, making him disappear in ashes.He was lucky enough to enter the country of returning to the ruins, but the forbidden technique left on him still exists. Although it no longer poses a threat to his life, it can make Situ Yuxin aware of his movements.

It is for this reason that Situ Yuxin knew about it the moment he left the country of returning to the ruins.


In the Holy Gate Hall, Situ Yuxin was looking at a piece of tortoise shell with great interest, and on this tortoise shell, there were densely packed small characters. Take a closer look, my God, the words engraved on it turned out to be exactly that The "Heavenly Word" of the power of good fortune.

Sure enough, this Situ Yuxin did have the "Heaven Character", and the reason why his cultivation was able to improve so rapidly was probably related to this "Heaven Character".

After watching for a while, perhaps feeling a little tired, Situ Yuxin stood up directly, and then turned his neck slightly.

After moving his neck, he looked in the direction of the door, and then said to himself: "These useless wastes, why is it so hard to get them to do something? It's been almost half a month, and there is still no news. It's really irritating. I don't know if Skywalker has completed what I told him that day. If Skywalker has not completed the task I told him, then don't blame me for being cruel. What is the world, what does the life and death of these mortals have to do with me? As long as If I can successfully break through to the realm of the Great Luo Jinxian and become the sixth God King, then who can do anything to me? Haha...haha..."

No one knows exactly what Situ Yuxin's plan is, but it must be a huge conspiracy.Some people live for others, while others live purely for themselves.

This Situ Yuxin is the kind of person who lives for himself. In order to improve his cultivation, maybe this guy will really commit a heinous crime.

But even so, who can stop him?The five kings of heaven?

I'm afraid we can't count on the god kings of the five directions. If they really cared about the world, how could they allow Situ Yuxin to occupy Kunlun and spread the disciples of the Holy Gate all over the world?

Rather than relying on the gods to save the world, it is better to rely on these "mortals" in the world.

No, as the God of the East, Qing Ming has once again raised the banner of the Tiandao League. He knows that after Tong Yan returns, he will inevitably have to fight the Holy Gate to the death.But Tong Yan is single and weak, with the help of the Heavenly Dao League, he is qualified to attack the Holy Gate.

The strong smell of gunpowder has already permeated the world, and the battle with the Holy Gate is believed to come soon.

(End of this chapter)

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