
Chapter 1560 Be bold and destroy the camp?

Chapter 1560 Be bold and destroy the camp?
A big victory of the Tiandao League greatly boosted the morale of everyone in the league.However, at this time, the army of the Holy Gate died down, neither looking for an opportunity to retaliate, nor retreating, but camped in place, doing nothing.

The strange behavior of the Holy Gate Army puzzled Qing Ming and the others, but they did not dare to be careless, so everyone in the Tiandao League could only guard the fourth formation to prevent a sudden attack by the Holy Gate Army.

In the temporary tent of the Tiandao League, Qing Ming, the descendants of Kuafu and others gathered together to discuss the next strategy against the enemy.

"Elders, according to my judgment, it is impossible for the Holy Gate army to take no action after being defeated. But I didn't expect them to set up camp. Could it be that they want to fight a protracted war with us?"

The black beauty who seldom spoke sneered: "Even so, what can we do? It won't do them any good to stay here. If we want to consume, are we still afraid of them?"

Hearing this, the descendants of Kuafu smiled slightly and said, "I'm afraid that the matter is not that simple. The holy sect will pay for it. After suffering such a big loss this time, they will definitely not do nothing. Let me tell you, they are probably dispatching troops and generals." , planning the next onslaught. Therefore, at this time, we must not be careless in the slightest, and must be fully focused."

Qingming nodded and replied: "That's right, I thought so too. But the problem is, they guarded our passage leading to the outside. If they defend for a long time and fail to attack, wouldn't our Tiandaomeng be trapped here forever? We Shouldn't we be prepared for the other side, if they still don't come to attack, can we also attack them?"

This time it was Yitian's turn to speak. As a warlike warrior, what Yitian liked most was fighting on the battlefield.

He stood up straight away, patted his chest and said, "Several elders, why don't you let me lead a team to raid the enemy camp? They definitely didn't expect us to make a surprise attack, maybe there is still a chance to take their big The battalion will be served directly. In that case, we will have no more threats. about my idea?"

Hearing this, the descendants of Kuafu sighed softly: "Yitian, you are still so impulsive. Although you are brave and good at fighting, you can't underestimate the opponent's strength. Have you forgotten how we became prisoners a while ago? Saint The strength of the door is so strong that with our current strength, we simply cannot compete with it. If you can't hold on, it's still difficult. If you go to make a surprise attack, you will only fall into the tiger's mouth. So in my opinion, we'd better stick to it now, as long as If they can't break through our Nine Layer Formation for a day, we can be stable for a day, and then take the opportunity to slowly develop and grow. Azure Dragon King, what do you think?"

Qing Ming nodded and said: "What Kua Fu and Brother said is very true, we really shouldn't act too hastily. Now we are not at the end of the mountain. If they don't attack, we will defend. It is better to take a long-term plan."

Seeing that his proposal was rejected, Yitian was a little disappointed, and sat down, not even wanting to say anything.

In fact, Yitian's idea may not be unreasonable. Isn't it the best policy in the art of war to catch people by surprise and attack them unprepared?

But other people's concerns also have some reason. The Tiandao League is not strong enough now, so it really shouldn't take such a risk.

After everyone made an agreement, they decided not to stick to it, and to fight the Holy Gate to the end.

However, they didn't know at all that the Holy Gate army had changed their coaches just before the battle, and the current coach was their old acquaintance Kunpeng.Kunpeng is still smart enough to survive to this day and have a place in the Holy Gate.

Why didn't the Holy Gate army take any further action at this time? It's not that the Holy Gate army suffered a big loss and was a little timid.Instead, Kunpeng asked the original coach to ask Situ Yuxin, the master of the holy gate, for reinforcements, and asked Situ Yuxin to send a secret force.

And as long as this secret army arrives, a new round of attack will naturally follow.

This guy Kunpeng cherishes his life, but he will not do anything he is not sure about.He knows one thing well, that is to be careful when sailing for thousands of years.

Now the army of the Holy Gate is setting up camp, on the one hand, to make the soldiers' revenge flames burn more fiercely, and on the other hand, they are waiting for the secret army.

In the camp of the Holy Gate Army, Kunpeng brewed a pot of good tea and sipped it on his own.

At this moment, the original coach quickly walked into the big tent.

"Deputy sect master, good news, good news. The sect master has agreed, and the five thousand soldiers you want to dispatch will arrive in a few days."

Kunpeng took a sip of tea, then smiled slightly: "Everything is as I expected, the Heavenly Dao League is the only threat to my holy sect at present. As long as the Heavenly Dao League can be eradicated, the sect master will naturally spare no expense. Let's do it first, wait Xiongbing is coming, and you will inform me again."

Hearing this, the original coach bowed and said: "Yes, this subordinate is resigning." After saying that, he directly exited the tent.

Kunpeng took another sip of tea, then smiled triumphantly and said, "As long as this battle is won, I don't think Situ Yuxin will guard against me anymore. The book of heaven, I must get the book of heaven. When I get the book of heaven, I will definitely take it back." Everything I lost."

Speaking of this, he suddenly exerted strength in his hand, and the teacup was smashed into pieces by him.

The words were divided into two parts, Tong Yan had arrived near the Azure Dragon Hall at this moment, but when he got here, he lost his way.

Qinglong Hall is the core of the Qinglong clan, and it is also the place where the Qinglong clan lives for generations.From the eyes of the Azure Dragon Clan, the Azure Dragon Hall is a holy place, but to mortals, this is a fairyland, a place that cannot be approached but is extremely yearning for.

Qing Ming only told him the general location of the Azure Dragon Hall, but if he could see the Azure Dragon Hall with his own eyes and step into the clan land of the Azure Dragon Clan, he didn't explain.

Tong Yan had no choice but to search slowly.After looking for it like this, he unexpectedly discovered the place where the Holy Gate Army was stationed.

Based on these tents alone, it cannot be determined that the guy inside is the disciple of the Holy Gate.But seeing those guards, Tong Yan could be sure.

The guard is not a human, but a monster, and it is the kind of bloodthirsty monster.

The Fengtian League founded by Kunpeng back then attracted many monsters to join.And the Fengtian League has long been annexed by the Holy Gate, and those demons have naturally become disciples of the Holy Gate.

To be able to gather so many demons, apart from Shengmen, Tong Yan really couldn't think of a second organization.After all, most of the Tiandao League is composed of orthodox monks, and these evil monsters will only be in the same situation, and will never have any contact, let alone accept them.

After confirming that these guys are the disciples of the holy disciples, new doubts arose in his heart.

"Why did the Holy Gate gather so many monsters to camp here? This place is adjacent to the habitat of the Qinglong clan. Could it be... Could it be that they are trying to deal with the Tiandao League?"

His strong reasoning ability and insight into things made him understand it all at once.

But since Shengmen has already set his sights on Tiandaomeng, he doesn't need to have the slightest bit of mercy.

As the saying goes, if it comes, it will be safe. He wants to change it this time. What should he change it to?Once it comes, it will be destroyed!

Destroy the Holy Gate Camp?Can it really be done by him alone?
(End of this chapter)

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