
Chapter 1561 Eight Diagrams Heavenly Fire, Official Launch!

Chapter 1561 Bagua Tianhuo, officially launched!
It is said that people with high skills are bold, and Tong Yan is definitely a bold person.Now that the enemy camp is at the front, even though he is alone, he is determined to destroy it.

Of course, courage does not mean recklessness, and bravery does not mean impulsiveness.He wanted to destroy the Holy Gate Camp, so naturally he had to find a way, a good way.

The monster's sense of smell and ability to perceive the outside world are extremely strong, and simple plans like burning the camp or flooding the camp can be ruled out directly.So what should be done to avoid the detection of all the holy disciples, and then achieve the goal of destroying the camp?
Tong Yan thought about it for a while, and finally came up with an idea.

The area of ​​the Holy Gate Camp is neither big nor small, it is about the size of a football field.

If you want to destroy the big camp in one fell swoop, it is impossible to use ordinary methods, so let's do something special, something that no one else can think of.

What is Tong Yan best at?Leaving aside the matter of strategy, his accomplishments in formation cannot be ignored.

So the way he came up with was to destroy the Holy Gate Camp by means of formations.

But the area of ​​the holy gate camp is not small, so how big a formation should be set up?
If it is really not easy to arrange the formation according to the size of the camp, Tong Yan will never do this.

In fact, his initial idea was like this. Set up eight small formations in all directions of the big camp. As long as one of the eight small formations is activated, the other formations will be activated one after another, and when all eight small formations are activated After that, they formed a new big formation, that is, the Eight Diagrams formation.

As long as everything goes well, with this gossip formation, although it cannot be said that all the disciples of the holy disciples will be wiped out, there should be no problem in destroying this camp.

The idea has been made, and his next step is to implement it.

There is a saying: Wuji gives birth to Taiji, Taiji gives birth to Liangyi, Liangyi gives birth to four images, four images give birth to gossip, and gossip gives birth to all things.

It is estimated that no one can truly comprehend the mystery of gossip.But with a little research on gossip, you can benefit endlessly.

Tong Yan plans to set up the Bagua Tianhuo formation this time. As the name suggests, it is based on the Bagua, attracting the heavenly fire to fall into the formation, and everything in the formation will be set on fire.What is Skyfire?In fact, it is Tianlei, Leihuo.So this Bagua Tianhuo formation can also be called the Bagua Tianlei formation.

But it is actually very difficult to bring down a large-scale sky fire, and with Tong Yan's current cultivation, it may not be possible to accomplish it.But as long as there is a certain amount of sky fire, it is enough to destroy the camp of the camp.As for the matter of destroying the enemy, it is still not very possible to rely on a formation.

Tong Yan moved very quickly, first he found some boulders with a little spirituality, and then wrote spells on them as the foundation of the formation.Then arrange them according to a specific position, and with a weapon spirit in Taishan Blade sitting in charge, a formation will be considered a success.

Eight Diagrams, One Qian, Two Dui, Three Li, Four Zhen, Wu Xun, Liu Kan, Qi Gen, Ba Kun.

The small array that Tong Yan wants to form corresponds to the hexagram image above.

Gossip has its place, but for Tong Yan, he already knows it well.

Time passed little by little, and in about half an hour, he had already set up seven small formations.Now there is only the last Kun Formation left, so naturally this formation will be completed, and if another Qi Spirit sits in charge, then the Bagua Tianhuo Formation will be considered complete.

However, what he didn't expect was that with the last weapon spirit in the Taishan Blade entering the formation, the Taishan Blade that lost its weapon spirit suddenly shattered at this moment.

The shattering of Taishan Blade was so sudden that Tong Yan did not expect it.Looking at the fragments scattered on the ground, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and then he seemed to remember something.

He still remembered that in the final battle between the Kingdom of Returning Ruins and the god general, his Taishan blade was already full of cracks.However, because he later fell into a coma, he simply left the matter behind.

Today he desperately wanted to set up an formation to destroy the Holy Gate camp, but he forgot to restore the Mount Tai blade, and rashly let the spirit inside escape from the blade.In this way, the Taishan Blade that lost its spirit was directly shattered and turned into pieces.

Such a sudden situation made him unexpected, and the shattering of Taishan Blade made him feel distressed.

The Tarzan Blade has been with him for many years and is one of his favorite weapons.But now, Tai Shan Ren completely left him and turned into pieces.If you think about refining, it is estimated that there is little hope.

Not only that, but where should the eight weapon spirits flying out of Mount Tai's blade live in the future?

He blamed himself and felt sad.But at this moment, Brother Gou, who was in the Kun formation, comforted him: "Brother Tong Yan, you don't need to worry too much. Even if this Taishan Blade is not broken today, it will be broken in the future. If it weren't for us Eight are maintained by spiritual power, it has already been broken. Everything is destined, you must not blame yourself. I have seen your little ball, if you are worried that we have nowhere to go, let us enter yours first In the small ball. When you meet Shentie in the future, you might as well build us a Tarzan blade at that time. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sighed softly and said, "This is the end of the matter, I really shouldn't think about it anymore. Brother Gou, thank you."

Gou Er heard this, hehe laughed and said: "Thank you for what I did, we are your spirits, and we will live and die together with you. So the relationship between us is closer than brothers. Well, don't think about it anymore .The eight formations have been completed, shouldn't it be activated?"

Tong Yan took a deep breath, then used the treasure ball to inhale the fragments of the Mount Tai blade, and then regained his energy, then stretched out his hand to pinch the sword, and a finger directly entered the Kun formation.

After receiving the infusion of his immortal power, the Kun array suddenly shone with a yellow light. When the light turned around, it fell into the Gen array exactly like a bolt of lightning.Gen Zhen was urged, and in turn shot out a ray of light, which directly injected into Kan Zhen.After that, it is the Xun formation, the shock formation, the departure formation, and the replacement formation, until it is injected into the first dry formation.

All eight formations were activated, and eight beams of light shot into the sky.Immediately afterwards, the eight formations united with each other, the eight formations merged into one, and the Bagua Tianhuo formation was finally launched at this moment.

With the launch of the formation, the fire clouds in the sky made up for it in an instant, as if the fire clouds were dazzling.

And within the burning cloud, there are traces of electric light interspersed, which is a sign that the sky fire is about to descend.

The vision appeared in the sky and immediately attracted everyone's attention.Not only did the Holy Gate Army detect it in time, but even the Heavenly Daoists also noticed it carefully.

The clouds above the sky were almost condensed, and the lightning in the clouds flickered more and more frequently.

It seems that the sky fire is about to fall from the sky.

"Holy Gate, I, Tong Yan, will officially declare war on you with this Bagua Tianhuo Formation today. Situ Yuxin, come and kill me if you have the ability!"

(End of this chapter)

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