
Chapter 1562 The power of the sky fire, the leader returns!

Chapter 1562 The power of the sky fire, the leader returns!
The gossip sky fire formation has been launched, and the lightning in the cloud group is flickering non-stop.The Holy Gate camp under the clouds seemed to be exploding. It was in chaos and full of panic.

As the current leader of the Holy Gate Army, Kunpeng also walked out of the big tent in time because of the noise in the camp.

He looked up and looked up, his brows wrinkled involuntarily.

"What's going on? How can there be so many thunderclouds? Could it be that someone is casting a spell in secret?"

He looked around, and soon found clues.

The Bagua Tianhuo Formation was launched, and as the eight positions of the Eight Diagrams Formation, they were naturally exposed inevitably.And as long as you look carefully, you can find that the eight formations are emitting all kinds of light straight into the sky.

Seeing this, Kunpeng showed an angry look on his face, and then said fiercely: "It's wishful thinking to get rid of my holy army in one fell swoop. Come on, why are you panicking?"

As he shouted angrily, a group of guards rushed over immediately.

"Deputy sect master, what are your orders?"

Kunpeng's eyes shone coldly, and he immediately stretched out his finger to a "foot" in the distance and said, "Gather the troops quickly, and destroy that thing for me immediately. By the way, patrol around the camp, and if you find the same thing, also take it together." Destroy. Got it?"

"Yes, I will obey!"

Saying that, this group of people immediately rushed towards the Li formation that formed the Bagua Tianhuo Formation.

Although Kunpeng's reaction was fast enough, it was still a little late, and the clouds above the sky were already overwhelmed.Before the group of troops arrived and left the battle, electric fires poured down from the sky.

Seeing the fire falling from the sky, the disciples in the Holy Gate camp were all terrified and fled in all directions immediately, no matter what the so-called military discipline is.

Of course, how can there be any military discipline in such a tiger and wolf division?

Kunpeng watched coldly, he knew that he could no longer command these fleeing disciples at this time, he only hoped that this sky fire would end quickly, otherwise, his army might also lose its fighting power completely.

At the same time, Qing Ming, the descendants of Kuafu and others also rushed out from the fourth formation, and witnessed the coming of the sky fire.

They were very surprised by this, but also full of doubts and puzzles.

"Brother Kuafu, what's going on? Could it be that someone is secretly helping us?"

Although the descendants of Kuafu are smart, they can't guess everything based on the coming of the fire from the sky.

He thought for a while, and then said: "Perhaps it is true, but the sky fire fell from the sky, could it be that there are people in the heavens to help?"

Qingming laughed loudly and said: "No matter who helps, this time, the Holy Gate will suffer a big loss. Brother Kuafu, do you think we are going to send troops at this time, and take advantage of the panic of the Holy Gate army to catch them by surprise? ?”

The descendant of Kuafu shook his head and said: "It's better not to take too many risks. How the fire fell that day is still unclear at the moment. Sending troops rashly may not have a good effect. It is better to wait for these holy disciples to be exhausted. Afterwards, we will send troops again, and the effect will probably be even better at that time.”

Qingming nodded and said: "What Kuafu and Brother said is very true, we really should calm down now. Then let's watch the show with peace of mind, such a good show is not to be missed. Haha..."

This is indeed a good show, but this good show is just a lot of thunder and little rain.

Although Tong Yan is well versed in formation techniques, but hastily deploying the Bagua Tianhuo formation, the power will be greatly reduced.Furthermore, his cultivation is not enough to lay out a more powerful formation, and it is already very satisfying to be able to create such a big momentum.

Seeing the fire burning down the Holy Gate's camp with his own eyes, and hearing the screams and noisy noises in the Holy Gate's camp, he knew that his goal had been achieved.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to continue to maintain this formation.Furthermore, even if he doesn't take the initiative to withdraw the formation now, the formation will no longer have any power.

The formation of the Bagua Tianhuo Formation is dominated by eight weapon spirits, and the goal has been achieved, so it is natural that these eight weapon spirits should be invited out one by one.

Seeing a group of people from the Holy Gate camp rushing towards him, Tong Yan had a sneer on his face.Immediately, he performed transposition, and put the eight spirits into his orb one by one.

When the team sent by Kunpeng rushed to the ground, the fire from the sky stopped falling, and even the thunderclouds began to scatter around.

The men dispatched by Kunpeng rushed to nothing, and could only kick down the remaining stones, which was regarded as the completion of the mission.

The sky fire comes and goes quickly.

In just a few minutes, there were already white clouds floating in the sky, as if the sky fire had never descended.

But the Holy Gate's big camp is now in a mess, all the big tents have basically been burned by the sky fire, and they can no longer be used.And some unlucky disciples of the Sahabi were also burned by the heavenly fire, more or less severely.

As for some timid guys, they even ran away and never came back.

Checking the numbers again, there were originally 5000 Holy Gate troops, but now there are less than [-] left.

From this point of view, Tong Yan's Bagua Tianhuo array had an effect that exceeded expectations.

Kunpeng's face is very ugly now, looking at the mess in the camp, he feels as if he has been humiliated.This bad breath was very uncomfortable in his heart, and he could only vent it to the holy disciples around him.

"You bastards, you are obviously asked to patrol the surroundings of the camp, why are you still being set up to attract thunder and fire? Are you taking my words as wind on your ears? Let me tell you, if you can't completely clear the way of heaven this time, If the alliance is destroyed, then not only will I not be able to explain to the sect master, but you will also be to blame. Immediately assemble my team and re-select a new camp as a camp. Just wait for the reinforcements to arrive, and attack the Tiandao League as soon as possible. Everyone knows Yet?"

Facing his scolding, the surrounding disciples could only nod in response, and no one dared to reply.

Tong Yan had judged that the Azure Dragon Hall should be nearby, otherwise, the Holy Gate camp would not have been set up here.

He has already succeeded here, so naturally there is no need to stay here.The most urgent task is to meet up with Qing Ming and the others as soon as possible. After knowing everything, he can determine how to fight against the Holy Gate and how to wipe out all the enemies.

He started searching around ten miles outside the camp, and finally he found the clue.

What did he find?He discovered the Great Array and found the dead bodies of the disciples of the Sahabi.

Therefore, he is almost certain that the current place is the battlefield between the Tiandao League and the Holy Gate.

The battlefield has been found, where is the Tiandao League, can it be far away?

Searching along the battlefield, he finally came to the fourth formation.

But at this moment, Yi Tian happened to come out to breathe, and saw Tong Yan at a glance.

Tong Yan finally reunited with the Tiandao League, and at the same time, the Holy Gate's reinforcements have also arrived...

(End of this chapter)

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