
Chapter 1563 How can the enemy not fight?

Chapter 1563 How can the enemy not fight?
"Brother Tong Yan, why is it you? Didn't you go to the country of returning to the ruins?"

Seeing Tong Yan, Yi Tian was overjoyed and rushed over immediately.

Tong Yan is also very happy at the moment, he has been looking for Qingming and the others, and now that he meets Yitian here, it means that he has finally found the "organization".

"Yitian, is this the residence of the Heavenly Dao League? I came back to look for you two days after I came back from the country of returning to the ruins. But because I don't know the way, I wasted a lot of twists and turns. Fortunately, I finally met you , how are you? Are you okay?"

Yi Tian laughed and said, "Brother Tong Yan, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me. We are all waiting for you, waiting for you to come back to make up your mind. Well, let's stop talking here, come with me quickly."

Tong Yan smiled and nodded, and immediately entered the fourth formation under the guidance of Yitian, and went all the way to the outside of the big tent.

Seeing so many energetic members of the Tiandaomeng along the way, Tong Yan was very moved. It was all thanks to Qing Ming that the Tiandaomeng was able to be where it is today.If it weren't for him, how could Tong Yan have so much help to fight against the Holy Gate together?

As soon as he arrived outside the big tent, Yitian shouted happily: "Qinglong King, Brother Kuafu, do you know who is here? Brother Tong Yan is back, come and see!"

Hearing his shout, everyone in the big tent rushed out one after another.

Seeing that it was indeed Tong Yan, everyone's faces were filled with excitement.

Qing Ming was the first to rush forward, hugged Tong Yan tightly with his strong arms, and then said a little excitedly: "Little Tong, you have finally returned safely. During your absence, do you know that there is something wrong with your brother?" Are you worried about you? Fortunately, God blesses you, and you finally returned safely."

Qingming is a dragon, so his strength is naturally not weak. Being hugged so tightly by him, Tong Yan only felt that it was a little difficult to breathe.

"Brother Qing, can you relax a little? Are you trying to strangle me?"

When Qing Ming heard this, he quickly let go of his arms, and then laughed and said: "You are my brother, how could I strangle you to death. Besides, with your body, it is not so easy to get hurt. By the way, hurry up Tell me, when did you come back? What did you encounter in the country of returning to the ruins? The sea monsters didn't make things difficult for you, did they?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "I have been back for a few days. I heard in the old house that you have rebuilt the Tiandao League here, so I couldn't wait to come here. Because I don't know the way, I came a bit late. As for I will tell you about the matter of the Kingdom of Returning Ruins in detail later. Kuafu, brother, don’t come here without any harm!"

Having said that, Tong Yan looked at the descendants of Kuafu who were also watching him.

The descendant of Kuafu laughed and said, "Brother Tong Yan, you came back in time. If I'm not wrong, you should have seen the army of the Holy Gate, right?"

Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "I really can't hide anything from Kuafu and Brother, yes, I have indeed seen the Holy Gate Army, and I even gave them a big gift."

Upon hearing this, Kuafu's descendants immediately laughed and said, "So that's it, that's it. The Azure Dragon King and I are still guessing who caused the fire in the sky and burned down the enemy's camp. It turned out to be from you. I should have thought about it a long time ago." Yes, but I just dare not think about you. Come on, stop standing here, let's talk inside!"

Tong Yan nodded, then looked at Hei Meiren, Qiangliang, Li Jun and others.

"Sister Beauty, long time no see, you are still so radiant. Qiang Liang, during my absence, you didn't cause any trouble, did you? Brother Li, I didn't expect you to be here, thank you very much."

His series of greetings made the three of them at a loss as to how to answer them. They couldn't answer together, right?

Qiangliang didn't care about that much, he just laughed and said: "Boss, I didn't cause any trouble during your absence. Not only that, I'm also an elder of the Tiandao League. I'm relieved to see you come back safely, From now on, I have to follow you. Hehe..."

The black beauty went on to say: "No, brother Qiangliang has become an elder, but we are all elders too. There is only one vacancy for the position of leader, and I will wait for you to come back to be competent. Tong Yan, I knew you would not It’s so easy to get into an accident, seeing your dusty appearance, you must have gained a lot in the country of returning to the ruins, right? Did you also bring the descendants of Nuwa back?”

Tong Yan walked towards the big tent, and replied: "Indeed, I have indeed gained a lot from this trip to the market. Not only did I bring Xue'er back, but I also met a good friend. You may not guess, I I have become an irreversible acquaintance with the Demon King of the sea monster clan. If the Kingdom of Return to the Ruins hadn’t been entangled in the heavens, maybe he would return to the human world with me.”

Hearing this, Li Jun said happily: "Brother Tong, from what you said, the descendant of Nuwa has returned safely? Where is she? Didn't she come here with you?"

Tong Yan shook his head and said, "She's in the old house of the Wu family. I was anxious to meet you, so I came ahead of time. If you want to see him, wait for us to repel the enemy and follow me back to the old house of the Wu family. Saw her."

Li Jun smiled and said: "Okay, then I will go to see her with you later."

Saying so, everyone has already entered the big tent.

Naturally, there are only a few elders in the Tiandao League, and there are some former acquaintances. After Tong Yan greeted them respectively, he suddenly didn't know where to sit.

Seeing that everyone had already taken their seats, Tong Yan felt a little embarrassed.

"Brother Qing, I've been walking all the way, so you can arrange a seat for me anyway. Is this how you treat your younger brother?"

Qingming laughed and said: "Isn't that prepared for you? You should go and sit!"

Tong Yan said helplessly: "I just came back, how can I sit up? This Heavenly Dao League was rebuilt by you, how can I directly become the master?"

The descendants of Kuafu laughed and said, "Brother Tong Yan, the seat has been reserved for you a long time ago. Although the Tiandao League is being rebuilt today, if you weren't famous back then, how could there be so many heroes coming to join us?" ? After all, we just contacted you for you. They still only recognize you as the leader.”

Qing Ming also echoed: "That's right, there will always be only one leader of the Tiandao League, and this leader is you, Tong Yan. So no matter what, the position of the leader must belong to you."

Seeing this, Tong Yan felt helpless, but still agreed.

"Well, since everyone insists on letting me be the leader, then I won't refuse anymore. I will give up the position of leader after the Holy Gate is resolved, and I will do it now."

Under the eager gaze of everyone, he raised his legs and walked to the throne of the leader.

After taking a deep breath, he sat down slowly.

As soon as he sat down on his side, a doorman in charge of messenger rushed into the big tent.

"The big thing is not good, the Holy Gate has assembled an army of [-], and it is rushing towards us at this moment!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan's eyes flashed coldly, and then he said coldly: "It's really fast enough, let them know how powerful our Tiandao League is. Send the order and prepare to fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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