
Chapter 1564 Decapitation is imperative!

Chapter 1564 Decapitation is imperative!
Tong Yan, the leader of the alliance, had just returned to the throne when the enemy army came rushing in.Although it was sudden, it didn't catch Tong Yan by surprise.

There is a saying that is good, when soldiers come, they will block the water and cover them with earth.The enemy is at present, and there is only one battle.

But wanting to fight is definitely not just shouting slogans and fighting the enemy.If you can't know yourself and the enemy, how can you survive a hundred battles?

"Elders, can you tell me about the current situation of our Heavenly Dao League? I just came back, and I really don't know much about our Heavenly Dao League."

Hearing this, Qing Ming immediately replied: "Leader, my Heavenly Dao League currently has 3000 disciples, distributed in nine formations. I have ordered people to deliberately lose the first three formations, and there are only six formations left. In the previous battle, casualties Thousands of people, now there are more than [-] people left. Among these [-] people, there are not many people with high cultivation bases, only a hundred people are in the realm of human immortals, and there are even fewer masters in the realm of earth immortals. Comparing combat power alone, we are in the We are absolutely inferior, but we have a geographical advantage. These nine formations are easy to defend and difficult to attack. Even if the Holy Gate army is superior in number, it will not be easy to break through our nine formations."

Hearing what Qing Ming said, Tong Yan already had a general understanding of the current situation of the Tiandao League.

In the human world, there are actually many people who have reached the level of immortals, but many of them are already elders and heads of various sects, and they will not easily join other organizations.As for the masters in the land of immortals, there are also many, but most of them live in seclusion in order to comprehend the way of heaven and ascend to heaven.So in this way, most of the disciples of Tiandao League are below the realm of human immortality, and it is okay to deal with ordinary monsters, but it is very difficult to deal with old demons and old demons whose strength has reached the cultivation level of more than a thousand years.

Confronting the Holy Gate head-on, for the current Tiandaomeng, is no different from hitting a stone with a pebble. In addition to adding unnecessary sacrifices, the damage it can cause to the enemy is also very small.

Based on the above considerations, Tong Yan already had a strategy in mind to meet the enemy.

"Brother Qing, elders, now that the enemy is strong and we are weak, if a large-scale war breaks out, we will have no advantage at all. Instead, it will wipe out the forces we have worked so hard to accumulate, so I have only one suggestion, That is to avoid their strengths and attack their weaknesses. Maybe you will say, how to attack their weaknesses. It is very simple, destroy their command post, which is their coach. A group of dragons without a leader will inevitably turn into a mess. At that time, it only needs to be overwhelmed by a large army, and they naturally have no intention of fighting, and the danger of our Heavenly Dao League will be resolved."

Tong Yan said his plan, Kuafu's descendants thought for a while, and then asked: "Brother Tong Yan, although what you said is reasonable, how do you destroy the other party's command post? It's really too difficult to take the head of a general in a thousand armies!"

Tong Yan nodded and replied: "Yes, this matter is indeed not small. But it is not impossible. I learned the art of earth escape with my ten masters in the Yincao of Mount Tai in the early years. With my current cultivation, the earth escape The distance is enough to enter the enemy's rear, and the number of people that can be carried is at least ten or more. Therefore, we only need to choose ten masters with superb cultivation bases, and sneak into the enemy's rear with me. Kill it, and great things can happen!"

As soon as he said this, Qing Ming immediately vetoed it: "No, as the leader of the alliance, how can you put yourself in danger? It is too risky to do so. Have you forgotten how we were imprisoned by the Holy Gate that day? The Holy Gate There are quite a few masters among them, and the coach sent this time is definitely not weak. If something goes wrong, our Heavenly Dao League will be over."

Tong Yan knew that Qing Ming objected because he was worried about his safety.But this is the only way now. In order to preserve the strength of the Tiandao League, it is worth taking the risk.

And Tong Yan can conclude that Situ Yuxin, the master of the holy gate, must not have come in person, otherwise the gossip sky fire formation he set up has just descended, and Situ Yuxin will probably lock his position, and he will not be able to join so many brothers.

As long as Situ Yuxin is not around, he is confident that no one in the holy gate can pose a threat to him. Even if he may be injured in a fight, he can definitely retreat unscathed.

"Brother Qing, I know your concerns, but how can you catch a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's den? We have known each other for so many years, and you should know my personality best. And no matter how many people object to what I believe, I will do it Besides, this is the best way now, don't you have the heart to let those monks who are not in the realm of immortality die in vain? They joined our Heavenly Dao League for the peace of the world, not just for death. Brother Qing, Don't persuade me any more, this matter is settled like this."

Qing Ming is very helpless at the moment, but no matter how helpless he is, he knows that he can't persuade Tong Yan to change his mind.That being the case, it can only be the next best thing.

"Okay, then I won't talk nonsense. Aren't you going to take ten people? Count me in, so it's okay?"

But he didn't expect to be opposed by Tong Yan just after he finished speaking.

"No, I can't take you with me. During the time I'm not in the Tiandao League, you and Kuafu should be managing the Tiandao League. If you go with me, who will dispatch the troops? Who will come?" Cooperate with me? So you must not go, not only you, but also Kuafu and brother."

Qing Ming looked helplessly at the descendants of Kuafu, hoping to get the support of descendants of Kuafu.

Seeing this, the descendants of Kuafu also said helplessly, "Since Brother Tong Yan has already made plans, let's follow his orders. After all, he is the leader of the alliance, so he can do whatever he says."

When Qing Ming heard it, she wanted to say a few words about Kua Fu's descendants, but she swallowed the words.

Qingming and the descendants of Kuafu definitely cannot go, which means that others can.

Both Qiangliang and Yitian are militants, how could they miss this good opportunity.

So the two expressed their opinions one after another and put forward their ideas of colleagues.

Tong Yan did not refuse this time, and directly agreed to them.

The final ten candidates are Qiangliang, Yitian, Heimeiren, Li Jun, Big Palm Monster, and five masters who have reached the realm of immortality.

A team of 11 people assembled in this way, and then it was a tense and exciting moment.

It's just that Tong Yan didn't know that the current head coach of Shengmen turned out to be Kunpeng.This is really a narrow road to Yuanjia, and it seems that the end of Kunpeng is coming.

At this moment, Kunpeng didn't know that the danger was approaching, and he was completely immersed in the joy of having power.

Once the reinforcements arrive, he is [-]% sure of this battle.And after the victory in this battle, Situ Yuxin, the head of the Holy Gate, will definitely look at him differently. At that time, he will be able to secure the position of deputy head of the Holy Gate.

If Situ Yuxin is happy, maybe he will show him the Heavenly Book. By then, his cultivation base will leap a thousand miles, and maybe one day he will become the Supreme Being of the Three Realms.

It's a pity that the ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny.

His death is approaching gradually!
(End of this chapter)

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