
Chapter 1565 Enemies meet, how can we let go?

Chapter 1565 Enemies meet, how can we let go?
What is the reason that makes Kunpeng so confident?Nothing else, precisely because of the arrival of the support army.But what kind of army is this reinforcement?

First of all, it is certain that this support army is not composed of humans.Secondly, this support army is very good at fighting, different from ordinary monsters and the like.Finally, this support army is currently the most powerful army of the Holy Gate. They were not formed to occupy the world, but to break through the heavens.

Some people may have guessed it, yes, this powerful reinforcement army is composed of heaven-defying beasts.

The Heaven-Defying Beast is originally a monster created by Kunpeng. It is called the Heaven-Defying Beast, which means walking against the sky.The Heaven-Defying Beasts are actually very similar to the Monster Beasts made in Longyang Mausoleum, but the Heaven-Defying Beasts are not monsters, because they are not among the monsters at all, but between zombies, demons, ghosts, and divine beasts. , or in other words, it is the combination of these four creatures.

No one knows how Kunpeng forged these heaven-defying beasts, but someone saw that Kunpeng sent people to collect and hunt down a large number of zombies, monsters, ghosts, and beasts, and then beat them all into meat and mixed them together , and put them into tens of thousands of human-shaped iron barrels in Dengtianlou.

The rest was done by Kunpeng himself, and I don't know what method he used to create the Heaven-Defying Beast.Of course, sky-defying beasts have no souls, and what manipulates them is the spirit of the demon sting.

Back then in Tianshan Sword Gate, Zheng Shiqiang once led such an army of heaven-defying beasts to invade Tianshan Sword Gate, intending to seize the Sword Soul Stone.

However, because Tong Yan arrived in time, the danger of Jianmen was resolved, and Zheng Shiqiang was regarded as Tong Yan's eyeliner.

However, the Heaven-Defying Beast that Tong Yan saw back then was only a semi-finished product, and the truly completed Heaven-Defying Beast will have the ability to devour. Whatever it eats, it will gain a certain ability unique to living beings. The more it eats, the stronger it will be. , in the end, it was really against the sky.

Although we don't know how strong the current army of heaven-defying beasts has reached, but if it is used to deal with the Tiandaomeng, the Tiandaomeng really has no chance.

But it's a coincidence that Tong Yan didn't intend to fight the Holy Gate head-on, if not, there would be no beheading this time.

At this time, Kunpeng was a little proud and full of longing for the future, but he was also somewhat sad in his heart.The Heaven-Defying Beast was something he invented and created, but now it has become the secret army of Situ Yuxin, the master of the Holy Gate.He worked so hard to create it, but instead it became a wedding dress for others. No matter who it is, it may be unacceptable.

But Kunpeng has a very strong heart. Not only can he bend and stretch, he is also very knowledgeable about current affairs. He knows that Situ Yuxin can easily kill him, so in order to survive, he can give everything to Situ Yuxin.But the seeds of hatred had already been planted in his heart, that is, he was too weak now, and when his strength approached Situ Yuxin, he would definitely take away everything he had lost.

Sitting on the coach's throne, Kunpeng said to himself: "Tiandao League, Tiandao League, I still want to thank you. If there is no organization like you, how can I have a chance to stand up? There is no way, in order to be able to To ascend to a high position, I must have a stepping stone, and you Tiandao League will be the stepping stone for me to ascend to a high position."

As soon as he finished speaking, the voice of reporting came from outside the big tent.

"Reporting to the deputy sect master, the reinforcements have arrived in front of the fourth formation of the Tiandao League, should we directly launch a strong attack?"

Hearing this, Kunpeng chuckled and said, "Then what are you waiting for? Attack me! I'm waiting for good news from them."

Hearing this, the messenger waiting outside the tent responded immediately: "Yes, this subordinate will go and pass the message."

Hearing the sound of footsteps gradually drifting away, Kunpeng picked up the teacup in front of him, took a sip of tea leisurely, and then said with a smile: "No one can stop the onslaught of the army of heaven-defying beasts, not to mention these humans from the Heavenly Dao League, even if they are Heavenly soldiers and generals are here, and there is absolutely no chance of winning. Let these guys from the Heavenly Dao League test the strength of my army of heaven-defying beasts today. I really want to see, after these heaven-defying beasts devour humans, will they What will it look like? Hehe..."

After the laughter, he started tasting tea again, with a confident look, which was really impressive.

But at this moment, a black light suddenly flashed behind his big tent, and immediately after that, eleven people appeared.

These eleven people were none other than Tong Yan, Qiang Liang and others who were in charge of the beheading operation.

With the help of Tong Yan's earth escape technique, they successfully came to the rear of the Holy Gate army, and even to the rear of the coach's tent.

It has to be said that with the improvement of Tong Yan's cultivation base, his earth escape technique has also become more profound.

The distance from the fourth formation of the Tiandao League to the Holy Gate camp is not short, but it is not something that anyone can do to sneak in so unnoticed.

As soon as the 11 people showed up, Kunpeng, who was sitting in the big tent, noticed something strange.

This so-called coach's big tent is actually nothing more than a big tent.As long as there is a little movement outside the tent, how can the people inside the tent not hear it?
"Who is it? How dare you act wild outside my tent, don't you want to live? Someone, quickly take down the person outside my tent!"

As soon as he realized it, Kunpeng yelled loudly.

His shout certainly attracted his followers, but at the same time, his shout also reached the ears of Tong Yan and others.

A cold light flashed in Tong Yan's eyes, and then he sneered at everyone: "It is said that the enemy's road is narrow, but I never thought that I would meet my old enemy here. Everyone, follow me into the account and wipe out the enemy's commander in one fell swoop!"

Tong Yan may not be able to hear other people's voices, but he is too familiar with Kunpeng's voice.

The fact that Kunpeng is in this account means that he is likely to be the commander of the Holy Gate Army.Since he is the coach, how can Tong Yan let him go?

There was a sound of "tearing", and the tarpaulin at the back of the big tent was directly torn apart by Qiang Liang and Yi Tian.

Tong Yan was the first to step into the tent, just in time to meet Kunpeng head-on.

"You...Tong Yan? You...Why are you here? Didn't you go to the Kingdom of Returning Ruins?"

Seeing that it was Tong Yan who came, Kunpeng's face changed drastically, and he began to feel a little bad.Over the years, Tong Yan's cultivation has improved a lot, but his cultivation has remained stagnant.He almost died at the hands of Tong Yan back then, and today he has no chance.

Tong Yan looked at Kunpeng, sneered and said, "Kunpeng, don't come here without any harm. I never thought that you are the one who leads the army to attack my Tiandao League. If I had known this, I should have come to you earlier."

Hearing this, Kunpeng hurriedly explained: "Tong Yan, you... don't get me wrong, I'm not a commander, and this army doesn't listen to me. I never thought of attacking the Tiandao League. It's... Situ Yuxin's." Ideas. The injustice has its leader, and the debt has its owner. If you want to look for it, you can look for him."

Tong Yan said coldly: "It's well said, the grievance has its head, and the debt has its owner. Back then you harmed my friend, and even more so, I almost died. Today, we should settle it."

As soon as the words were finished, Tong Yan's figure flashed, and he had already launched an attack.

(End of this chapter)

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