
Chapter 1568 Going smoothly, disobedience?

Chapter 1568 Going smoothly, disobedience?
Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately stared fiercely at Kunpeng.

"Kunpeng, what do you mean by that? Do you still want to provoke our relationship now?"

When Kunpeng heard this, he quickly explained: "No, no, I never mean to provoke. I just want to tell you that I once saw her having a secret conversation with Situ Yuxin. Although I don't know what they talked about, But I think it's definitely not simple. In addition, this old demon became famous very early and was bloodthirsty. He not only killed many ordinary people, but also killed many famous monks. In short, her hands are full Blood, to be friends with such an old demon, you have to be more careful. Of course, maybe I think too much, anyway, I kindly remind you, whether you listen or not, it's all up to you. Don't be angry, I will Do not bother you."

Having said that, he quickly closed his eyes, for fear of offending Tong Yan and getting another fat beating.

He has already said so, Tong Yan naturally cannot turn a deaf ear to it.But it's not realistic for Tong Yan to have a gap with Hei Mei just based on his words.

But Tong Yan really kept an eye out, if the black beauty really turned against him at that time, he wouldn't be caught off guard.

Fortunately, Kunpeng did have the ability to completely control the Holy Gate army. He ordered the reinforcements composed of heaven-defying beasts to retreat, and the reinforcements did retreat obediently.

Hearing the sound of "Tong Tong" footsteps outside, Tong Yan couldn't help getting up and going to check.

When he saw this powerful army of heaven-defying beasts, he couldn't help showing a look of shock.

The devouring ability of the sky-defying beasts is indeed strong enough. The appearance of these sky-defying beasts can be described as strange, some are tall and big, like giant apes; some are thin and small, like dwarfs; Not human, like a snake but not a snake, in short, they all have different appearances and each has its own merits.

Because he had seen the semi-finished products of the Heaven-Defying Beasts before, seeing the demon stings emerging from these Heaven-Defying Beasts, Tong Yan immediately guessed the identities of these monsters.

He turned his head to look at Kunpeng, and then asked, "These monsters are your masterpiece, Heaven-defying beasts, right? They've all reached maturity, right?"

Hearing Tong Yan's question, Kunpeng, who was healing his wounds, immediately opened his eyes and replied: "Yes, they are indeed heaven-defying beasts refined by me, and they are all finished products. It's a pity that they no longer belong to me. Now they are Situ Yu Xin's secret army."

Hearing this, Tong Yan chuckled and said, "You don't need this kind of tone. You gave them to Situ Yuxin yourself, so why should you express your emotions? Sometimes I really can't see through you, you are obviously pretentious Why are you willing to become Situ Yuxin's dog? Didn't you say you wanted to become the Lord of the Three Realms? Seeing how you are now, I'm afraid you will never have this chance again."

Hearing this, Kunpeng gritted his teeth and said, "Don't you humans often say that a man can bend and stretch? In order to live, there is nothing I can't do. Instead of dying at the hands of Situ Yuxin, it's better to give him everything, so that I can give him everything." In exchange for peace, why not? Besides, do you think I will be a dog for him for the rest of my life? If he hadn’t been assisted by the Heavenly Book, how could his cultivation be raised to such a high level? After I get the Heavenly Book, I will definitely surpass it. He, even more so, will trample him under his feet forever."

Hearing the word "Book of Heaven", Tong Yan immediately asked, "Book of Heaven? You mean that Situ Yuxin has a book of heaven in his hand? Where did he get the book of heaven, do you know?"

Kunpeng shook his head and said, "How could I know, but it was definitely brought from Asura Dao. As for how he got it, I'm afraid only he himself knows."

What they got from Asura Dao should be what Tong Yan and the others got after they returned to the human world.

How long has it been since Tong Yan and Qiang Liang returned to the human world? In such a short period of time, Situ Yuxin's cultivation has improved by more than one realm, which is too exaggerated.

However, it can also be seen from this that the Heavenly Book does possess the power of good fortune, and whoever can comprehend it may become the master of creation.

Wait, mentioning the book of heaven made Tong Yan suddenly think of someone.who?It was none other than Nangong Yun, the owner of the Qilin Pavilion who possessed half a book from heaven.

Where is Nangong Yun at the moment?
Thinking of this, Tong Yan immediately asked Kunpeng, "Kunpeng, do you know where the owner of Qilin Pavilion, Nangong Yun, is now?"

Hearing this, Kunpeng shook his head and smiled wryly, "He left with Zheng Shiqiang. Who knows where they went? I also tried to send people to look for them, but they couldn't find them. I guess they hid, or buried themselves in penance. .”

Hard work?There is indeed such a possibility, after all, Nangong Yun has half a volume of heavenly books in his hands.With Nangong Yun's ingenuity, he might really realize something.

After seeing Nangong Yun again, he probably won't be the Nangong Yun from before.

Tong Yan didn't say much, but walked back to the coach seat and sat down again.

Now is to wait, waiting for the arrival of the next day.At that time, as long as the conditions proposed by Tong Yan are fulfilled by Kunpeng, the crisis of the Tiandao League will be temporarily over.

Time passed quickly, and it was already the morning of the next day in a blink of an eye.

After a night of healing, Kunpeng's injuries have recovered a bit and he can walk normally, but it will take some time for him to fully recover. After all, he does not have the power of Jupiter and the power of regeneration to help him.

Standing up, before Tong Yan could speak, he couldn't wait to say: "Brother Tong, I think it's time for me to fulfill my promise, and please fulfill your promise too. OK?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded his head and said, "Don't worry, a gentleman is quick to say something, and I won't break my word."

"Okay, with your words, I'm relieved. Don't you want the blood of Baihu and Xuanwu? I'll let people from the Baihu and Xuanwu clans come in and bleed you personally."

Having said that, Kunpeng walked directly to the door of the big tent, and then shouted out: "Call me the tiger and the tortoise, I have something to look for them."

Hearing this, the guards outside the tent immediately went to convey it.After a while, two tall men entered the big tent.

Kunpeng looked at them and said directly: "Show your real bodies and show Brother Tong."

When the two men heard this, they immediately showed their true colors.

Kunpeng did not lie, the bodies of these two men were indeed a white tiger and a basalt.

The blood of the four spirits is related to Gao Qian's continuation of life, so Tong Yan did not dare to take it lightly, and immediately ordered the two of them to bleed.

Tong Yan didn't carry any utensils with him, so Tong Yan could only use treasure balls to carry them. Fortunately, there were enough treasure balls, so he chose two smaller ones to store blood equivalent to two jugs, so Tong Yan decided to give up. .

Now it is only necessary to ask Qing Ming to contribute some blood, and the blood of the four spirits can be collected.

Next, Kunpeng ordered the white tiger to stay, and turned around to lead Tong Yan to the habitat of the white tiger clan.Afterwards, Kunpeng issued an order to withdraw troops.

However, what people didn't expect was that just after the order to withdraw troops was issued, five thousand heaven-defying beasts quickly surrounded the big tent.

What the hell is going on here?Is this heaven-defying beast going to disobey?
(End of this chapter)

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