
Chapter 1569 In order to live, the thing of dreams!

Chapter 1569 In order to live, the thing of dreams!
Kunpeng was the first to notice that something was wrong. He clearly ordered the entire army to retreat, but the army of guarding beasts who came to support them suddenly surrounded the entire tent.

what does that mean?This means disobedience, means the capture of the king!

Not daring to delay, he immediately turned his head to look at Tong Yan and said, "Brother Tong, you also saw that I ordered the entire army to retreat. But... but these heaven-defying beasts seem to be disobeying orders, I advise you to make some preparations, I'm afraid I can't control the entire army now. It must be Situ Yuxin, and he must be behind the scenes."

How could Tong Yan and the others who were in the big tent not know about the sudden movement of the heaven-defying beast, but now that Kunpeng said it himself, it won him a chance to survive.Otherwise, Tong Yan might have already killed him.

Tong Yan, who has experienced many battles, is definitely used to seeing big scenes.Even though the heaven-defying beasts had surrounded the big tent, Tong Yan still showed no fear.

He looked at Kunpeng, and then said seriously: "It seems that your coach is also a puppet, and it is Situ Yuxin who really controls the entire army. Now that we are surrounded by layers, you can talk about it, what should we do next?" Do?"

Asked by Tong Yan, Kunpeng inevitably became a little nervous.

He hesitated for a moment before replying: "If you fight against the Heaven-Defying Beast, it is unlikely that you will leave alive. Unless...unless you use other means. For example, hold me hostage, use me to As a hostage. If they still recognize me as the deputy sect master, you will be able to escape smoothly with me as a hostage."

Tong Yan never thought about the method Kunpeng said.It's just that the sudden disobedience of the sky-defying beast already shows that the Holy Sect doesn't care about Kunpeng, the so-called deputy sect master.With Kunpeng as a hostage, I am afraid that the Holy Gate army will become even more unscrupulous.

In fact, Tong Yan had already thought of a way to escape, but he needed time, time to prepare.

"Kunpeng, your method may or may not be effective. I don't think it's better than this, Qiangliang and Yitian, you two go out with Kunpeng to try. If the other party cares about Kunpeng, let's take him as a hostage to escape. If you like it, return quickly. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, Qiangliang and Yitian immediately responded in unison.

The two of them didn't talk nonsense, they directly clamped Kunpeng from left to right, and led him out of the tent.

Seeing them go out, Tong Yan quickly took out the Blue Soul Sword, and immediately started drawing on the ground.

The method he wants to escape is the technique of earth escape. He can be teleported directly from the fourth position of the Tiandao League to here, and naturally he can also be directly teleported back to the camp of the Tiandao League from here.

Now it depends on how much time Kunpeng and the others can buy, preferably enough time for him to complete the arrangement of the teleportation array.

Outside the big tent, Qiangliang and Yitian came out with Kunpeng on their left and right.

Kunpeng was also very cooperative. As soon as he got out of the big tent, he shouted: "What do you want to do? Do you want to rebel? I have already ordered the whole army to retreat. Are you deaf, or are you deliberately disobeying orders?" ?”

His voice was very loud, on the one hand, he was speaking to these heaven-defying beasts, and on the other hand, he was speaking to Tong Yan in the big tent.

As soon as he finished speaking, an old man in a golden robe walked out of the Heaven-Defying Beast.

The old man looked at Kunpeng with an ugly smile on his wrinkled face.

"Deputy sect master, although you have a high status, you are not the commander of this army. How can your orders count? In addition, the sect master has already ordered that as long as he is a member of the Tiandao League, he will be killed. Now There are people from the Heavenly Dao League in your big tent, how can we just let it go? The deputy sect master, it seems that I can only say sorry. These guys from the Heavenly Dao League must die today."

Kunpeng obviously knew the golden-robed old man in front of him, so as soon as the golden-robed old man's words fell, he flew into a rage and said: "Old man, you are just the servant of the sect master, how can you have the right to speak here? You also know that I am the deputy head of the sect, even if I have no right to order the army to retreat, but as a hostage, don't you just ignore me? Don't you want to kill me together?"

The old man in the golden robe replied with a half-smile: "We only kill members of the Heavenly Dao League. As for whether you will be killed by the Heavenly Dao League, it depends on your own good fortune. Vice sect master, I'm sorry! "

Speaking of this, the old man raised his hand high, and he was about to give an order.

Seeing this, Kunpeng's face changed greatly, and he immediately said first: "Wait! Elder Jin, I know that you have followed the sect master for many years and are the most trusted person of the sect master. But you can't be the master of the sect master? Could the sect master not Do you care about my safety and let you do whatever you want? Besides, I created all these heaven-defying beasts. I have no credit or hard work, right? You can’t cross the river and tear down the bridge, you’re going to chill my heart, right?”

Hearing what Kunpeng said, Elder Jin put his hand down, then chuckled and said: "Deputy Sect Master, you are a smart person, you should be able to guess why I appeared here today. If The head of the sect really trusts you, why not let you be the head coach directly? If you are trustworthy, how can you collude with the Tiandao League and completely disregard the interests of my holy gate? Indeed, you do have credit for the holy gate. But the same , you have also obtained the right to live, and you have also obtained the high position you have dreamed of. The sect master treats you well, if it is not because of your rebellion, do you think the sect master would still guard you like this? That's all for now, I hope you Forgive me a lot."

Hearing this, Kunpeng felt really cold. He thought he was smart, but how could Situ Yuxin be stupid?In this game, he has completely lost.And if he died here today, he wouldn't even have a chance to come back.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and then said anxiously: "Wait, didn't the sect master always want that thing? I can find it for him, on the premise of letting me live. How about it?"

In order to survive, Kunpeng can give up everything, whether it is status or dignity.

Hearing this, Elder Jin frowned slightly and said, "You're not lying to me, are you? Do you really know the whereabouts of that thing? But if you knew, why didn't you tell the sect master before?"

Kunpeng smiled brightly and said, "Tell the sect master? If I say everything, how can I save my life? If I don't save myself some backhands, I'm afraid I don't even know how I died. Elder Jin, you Think about it carefully, exchange my life with what the sect master dreams of. Isn't it worth it?"

Hearing this, Elder Jin thought about it for a while, and then said with a chuckle: "It's worth it, of course it's worth it. The deputy sect master is able to bend and stretch, he is indeed a man. Well, if that's the case, then I will spare your life. But the premise is that you have to let I believe you, how do I know if you are talking nonsense?"

What exactly was Kunpeng talking about?What exactly would be the dream of the master of the Holy Gate?

The answer is shocking!

(End of this chapter)

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