
Chapter 1571 Fleeing from the enemy camp, soldiers approaching the city!

Chapter 1571 Fleeing from the enemy camp, soldiers approaching the city!
Tong Yan was shocked when he heard this.What is Skybreaker?When it comes to opening the sky axe, one has to talk about an ancient god, and this ancient god is Pangu.

The story of Pan Gu's creation of the world should be known to everyone in China.And this sky-opening ax was the ax used by Pangu at that time.In fact, the sky-opening ax has only been mentioned in myths and legends.Such a magical weapon may have ceased to exist with the fall of Pangu, but now, Kunpeng actually mentioned the sky-opening axe, and even knew the whereabouts of the sky-opening axe. How could Tong Yan not be surprised? How can you not be surprised?

"Kunpeng, you're not talking nonsense, are you? Even if the Sky Opening Ax exists, it shouldn't be in the human world, right? Would the god kings of the heavens let such a magical weapon be left in the human world?"

Kunpeng saw that Tong Yan was a little suspicious, and immediately explained: "Brother Tong, although the Sky-Opening Axe is powerful, it is not something that everyone can control, let alone anyone. Just think about it, the Sky-Opening Axe is How powerful is the weapon of God Pangu? Such a treasure is indeed attractive, but if you take it rashly, or get close to it rashly, the consequences will be unimaginable. The five kings of the heavens may have known about this axe However, they did not dare to act rashly because they did not dare to offend Pan Gu, nor did they have the confidence to use the Sky-Opening Axe. In other words, since they were unable to use the Sky-Opening Axe, why would they bring such an ax back to the heavens? What's more, the Sky-Opening Ax is in the human world. If they want to take it with them, they probably won't be able to take it with them, right? Not to mention that there is a large barrier in front of the Sky-Opening Axe, how can the spirit beast that guards the Sky-Opening Ax be an ordinary fairy? Can it be defeated? I think it is because of these concerns that they are unwilling to cause this trouble. After all, whoever moves the Sky-Splitting Axe will definitely not be ignored by the other gods. So no one will move, and let the Sky-Splitting Ax be quiet Stay in the world. Think about it, is this the truth?"

What Kunpeng said was indeed reasonable, perhaps it was because of these reasons that the Sky Ax was able to stay in the human world for so many years.

But then again, since even the king of gods can't use the sky-opening axe, why does Situ Yuxin look for the sky-opening ax everywhere, and deliberately wants to get it?Could it be that Situ Yuxin can control the sky-opening axe?

Thinking of this, Tong Yan asked directly: "Situ Yuxin has been looking for the sky-opening axe all this time. What is he looking for for the sky-opening axe? Even if he finds something that even a god king can't control, what can he do?"

Kunpeng sneered and said, "Some people just like to daydream. To put it simply, he just hopes that he is a destined person, the one who has been waiting for him. But for a vicious guy like him, How could Skybreaker choose him? It's just deceiving yourself."

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said: "Compared to him, you are not much better, right? Since you know the whereabouts of the Sky-Opening Axe, you should have tried your luck long ago. What's the matter, the Sky-Opening Ax didn't catch your eye You?"

Facing Tong Yan's ridicule, Kunpeng said with some embarrassment: "I'm not overthinking my own strength, how can it be so easy to recognize the master of the Sky Axe. Brother Tong, you see, I have told you so much, this time Can you take me away with you?"

Tong Yan originally wanted to ask him about the specific location of the Sky-opening Axe, but at this moment there was already commotion outside, and it was estimated that Elder Jin couldn't hold back anymore.

It is no longer suitable to stay here for a long time, the most urgent thing is to leave here first.

Tong Yan nodded and said: "Okay, then I will take you away first, and I will ask you later. Don't be dazed, everyone, and quickly follow me into the formation. We will leave now!"

Hearing this, everyone immediately stepped into the formation.

After everyone settled down, Tong Yan immediately launched the big formation, and with the help of the Seven Sages of Liushan, he brought out the power of the formation to the extreme in one fell swoop.I saw the yellow light on the formation, and everyone in the formation was surrounded by yellow light, and disappeared without a trace along with the yellow light in an instant.

A yellow light suddenly appeared in the big tent, Elder Jin outside the big tent saw it, and rushed into the tent with people.

However, Tong He said that they were all gone, and there was no sign of them in the whole big tent?

Elder Jin stared at the teleportation array on the ground, gritted his teeth and said, "No wonder he is regarded as an enemy by the Holy Gate. This Skywalker is really capable. But did you escape the first day of the junior high school and the fifteenth day?" Come on, give me an order to attack the Heavenly Dao League immediately, and it is bound to uproot the Heavenly Dao League!"

I thought that capturing Kunpeng would easily solve the crisis of the Tiandao League, but I didn't expect that it would be impossible to escape a battle after all.

Now the army of heaven-defying beasts has frantically rushed to the fourth formation set up by the Tiandao League. This big battle must be fought, or it must be fought if it is not fought.

But with the current strength of the Tiandao League, how can they win this war with huge disparity in strength?

Tong Yan and the others moved very quickly, relying on the technique of earth escape, they had returned to the fourth formation in almost a few seconds.

Qing Ming and the others who had been waiting for a long time knew that Tong Yan and the others had returned safely when they saw the yellow light outside the tent.

But when Qing Ming and the others came out to greet him and found Kunpeng's figure, Qing Ming's eyes glowed coldly, and a murderous intent welled up in his heart.

"Kunpeng, how dare you come to the territory of my Qinglong clan. I will not spare you today!"

As soon as the words fell, Qing Ming was about to make a move.

Seeing this, Tong Yan had no choice but to stop him in time: "Brother Qing, wait a minute! Although Kunpeng has a deep hatred with us, I have promised to let him go today, so you can't kill him, at least not today."

Hearing this, Qing Ming glared angrily and said, "What? You can't kill him? Boy, do you know what you're talking about? How much he caused us back then, have you forgotten? How can you still protect him? "

Tong Yan knew the anger in Qing Ming's heart, but he couldn't really break his promise.After all, he agreed to Kunpeng, so he had to keep Kunpeng safe for a day.

"Brother Qing, I can understand your feelings. But now, we shouldn't be thinking about these things. The army of heaven-defying beasts should attack soon. We have to think about how to deal with it, otherwise our Heavenly Dao League will be destroyed. It's over."

Qing Ming said angrily: "Think about the way to deal with it? Do you think I can think about anything now? Boy, I really don't understand you more and more. What about your strategizing back then, and your jealousy like hatred back then? That's all. I don't want to say anything more, after all, you are my brother. If you talk too much, it will only hurt our brotherhood. Discuss it, I don't see what I see!"

With that said, he turned around and walked back into the big tent angrily.

Seeing this, Tong Yan couldn't help sighing softly.

But now is really not the time to think about these things, the enemy must be let go and fight.

But how to deal with the beast against the sky?Doesn't this heaven-defying beast have any weaknesses, nothing to be afraid of?
(End of this chapter)

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