
Chapter 1572 Facing the enemy with an array, fighting is inevitable!

Chapter 1572 Facing the enemy with an array, fighting is inevitable!

As the saying goes, to untie a bell, one must tie it.The sky-defying beasts were created by Kunpeng, and he must know the weaknesses of these sky-defying beasts.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "Kunpeng, where is the weakness of these heaven-defying beasts? How can we effectively kill them?"

Kunpeng was taken aback when he heard this, and after thinking for a while, he sighed helplessly: "Oh! It's not that I don't want to say it, but I don't know what their weakness is now. The sky-defying beast has an extremely powerful devouring ability. What they devour, they will gain what ability. I don’t know how far they have evolved, how can I know their weaknesses? Brother Tong, in my opinion, you should run away, it’s really not worth it Fight to the death with these things, right?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan said coldly: "Escape? Where are you going? Don't you even want the Azure Dragon Hall? Kunpeng, you created them obviously, don't you always like to stay behind? Regarding them, don't you think that you can't do it? Didn't you leave any behind?"

After being reminded by Tong Yan, Kunpeng suddenly realized: "Yes, of course I have left behind. I can manipulate them and make them work for me."

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan was overjoyed and immediately confirmed: "What you said is true? Can you really manipulate them?"

When asked by Tong Yan, Kunpeng became a little unconfident again, so he hesitated and replied: "I... I'm not 100% sure, but I can try. If it doesn't work, you can only run away. gone."

I thought things had turned around, but Kunpeng's "try" made Tong Yan have to look at this issue again.

"Kunpeng, Kunpeng, I always thought you were a shrewd guy and would be my lifelong enemy. But I didn't expect you to be confused. You handed over the heaven-defying beast to Situ Yuxin, so you didn't think Will one day make a comeback with these heaven-defying beasts? Even you are not sure about controlling these heaven-defying beasts, so how did that Elder Jin do it?"

Kunpeng said helplessly: "I can only say that I underestimated Situ Yuxin. This guy is far more powerful and terrifying than I imagined. It is true that I created the Heaven-Defying Beast, but why did the Heaven-Defying Beast appear later?" Surrendering to Situ Yuxin is Situ Yuxin's own ability. He can manipulate these heaven-defying beasts, and he probably has made some changes to these heaven-defying beasts. It is because of these that I am not fully sure, but I'm [-]% sure, and I'll know when I try it later."

Tong Yan is really too lazy to talk nonsense with Kunpeng, there is only one priority at the moment, and that is to fight.

Since the strength of the Heaven-Defying Beast is extremely strong, a hard bar will definitely not work.In this case, they can only use the existing terrain to the maximum extent to fight a guerrilla warfare.

But he still wanted to know more about the Heaven-Defying Beast.

"Kunpeng, can the Heaven-Defying Beast have independent thinking?"

Kunpeng thought for a while and said, "I can't tell. Logically speaking, they should not have normal thinking and logical ability. But if they have evolved to a certain level, they might really have sanity. Anyway, I can't say for sure. .”

Tong Yan really wanted to slap Kunpeng hard on the face now, asking him so many questions was basically nonsense.Asking is tantamount to asking for nothing, but a waste of time.

No more words, Tong Yan directly ordered: "Order all the members of the Heavenly Dao Alliance to retreat, withdraw from the fourth formation, and wait in the fifth formation. The monks whose strength has reached the realm of human immortality and above stay, and I will be in the fourth formation." In the middle, fight an ambush."

As soon as he said this, Qiang Liang immediately went to convey it.

The descendant of Kuafu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Brother Tong Yan, we only have so few people, how can we fight an ambush?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "It's very simple, all the grass and trees are soldiers. Although there are a large number of Heaven-Defying Beasts, there is only one leader. Since we are under the command of one person, as long as there is a problem with that guy's decision-making, he will definitely provide us with favorable conditions , a suitable opportunity. At that time, even if we cannot completely wipe out the Heaven-Defying Beasts, we must deal them a painful blow and make a good start for the next five formations."

Hearing this, the descendants of Kuafu laughed and said: "It seems that Tong Yan's brother is already well-prepared, so I will just be sent. By the way, where is the black beauty? Didn't she go to the enemy's camp with you? Why? You came back, but she didn't come back with you?"

As soon as Kua Fu's descendants said this, Tong Yan's brows couldn't help but frowned deeply.

"Brother Kuafu, are you kidding? I asked the black beauty to come back early to report the news. Hasn't she come back yet?"

The descendants of Kuafu nodded and replied: "Yes, she never came back. Could it be that she was blocked by a heaven-defying beast on the road, so she didn't get away so quickly? It shouldn't be. With her strength, she wanted to get away and had to wait. What's the problem? Maybe, where did she go, or was delayed by something important."

Even so, all kinds of doubts appeared in Tong Yan's heart.

When did the army of heaven-defying beasts disobey their orders?It was not long after the black beauty left, would there be any connection between the two?In addition, with the black beauty's cultivation base, it has been so long, she should have come back long ago.Could it be that she hid on purpose and didn't want to show up?

The black beauty has not returned for a day, and any doubts should be reserved.But regardless of whether the Black Beauty is involved with the Heaven-defying beast army or not, Tong Yan must be busy with the battle now.

Although the fourth formation was laid out by someone who knew the formation, the formation is relatively simple.It seems that this formation can be attacked and defended, but in fact, this is a defensive formation.But now facing the army of heaven-defying beasts, such a defensive formation would be useless at all.

Instead of this, it is better to set up a phantom formation.And with the phantom formation, not only can it confuse the enemy and make them not know where to go, but it can also provide effective cover and cover for Tong Yan and the others in their next guerrilla warfare.

Having made up his mind, Tong Yan immediately began to arrange the formation within the formation, and the big formation he wanted to arrange was the Nine-Twist Illusory Formation that he had learned from Feng Chu.

Relying on the Nine-Twist Illusory Formation, these heaven-defying beasts simply want to go on a rampage, but they can't break through at all. Instead, they will sink deeper and deeper, and become more and more chaotic.

When they were confused and didn't know where to go, it was the perfect time for Tong Yan and the others to make a move.

Tong Yan's movements were quick, and in just half a cup of tea, he successfully set up the Nine Twist Illusory Formation.

At the same time, under the leadership of that Elder Jin, the army of anti-sky beasts rushed directly into the fourth formation.

The war was imminent, and there was not much respite for people.

Trapping the enemy with the formation, destroying the enemy with the formation, and becoming famous all over the world with the formation, Tong Yan's formation can once again show its power.

A tragic fight has just begun!

(End of this chapter)

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