
Chapter 1574 Launched a surprise attack, it wants to be a human?

Chapter 1574 Launched a surprise attack, it wants to be a human?
As soon as this remark came out, everyone's eyes showed firmness, but Kunpeng seemed a little worried and uneasy.

"Brother Tong, those powerful heaven-defying beasts really have to be eliminated, but have you ever thought that if we rush forward right now, will it be counterproductive? Not to mention that we are likely to become these heaven-defying beasts." The target, and those powerful beasts who are against the sky, will they suddenly escape with wisdom in their hearts? There are only a few people like us, and there are not many strong ones. I guess it is not enough for these beasts Gap between teeth. So I think we should be careful, don't you?"

One bite at a time, this Kunpeng regards himself as a member of the Tiandao League.

Before Tong Yan could speak, Qiang Liang said angrily: "Kunpeng, you are greedy for life and afraid of death, and you say you are greedy for life and afraid of death. What nonsense are you talking about? If you don't rush up to deal with these heaven-defying beasts, are we here to watch a show? Boss , you give the order, I, Qiangliang, will be the first to rush forward."

In fact, what Kunpeng said is not unreasonable, but there is no other choice now.This battle must be fought, otherwise it is doomed to endless troubles.

As the saying goes, when you stop and stop, you will suffer from it.

Tong Yan directly said loudly: "Those powerful beasts against the sky must be eliminated, we have no choice. Everyone follow behind me, I will use the magic of the formation to approach them quietly, without letting them find out .Whether we can kill these beasts with one blow depends on our luck. Let's go!"

Having said that, he took the lead in raising his legs forward.

Hearing this, the others hurriedly lined up and followed closely behind.

Using the magic of the formation, Tong Yan led the crowd to turn left and right. After walking around in such a dizzy way for a few times, he actually miraculously came to the vicinity of those powerful beasts against the sky.

Not only that, they were only a short distance away from the herd of beasts, but none of the beasts against the sky found them, and they were still fighting each other.

"You stay here and don't move. Qiangliang, Yitian, Kunpeng, Kuafu and Brother Qing, the five of you follow me. Each of us will wipe out these six most powerful beasts against the sky in one fell swoop."

Although Qing Ming was unwilling to speak and was full of killing intent towards Kunpeng, he still followed.The reason is simple, brotherhood is the most inseparable thing for him, no less than family affection.

Tong Yan wants to deal with the army of heaven-defying beasts, how can he not get angry?
Hearing Tong Yan's roll call, Qing Ming and the other five nodded their heads.

Then, under the leadership of Tong Yan, they got closer to the five most powerful beasts against the sky.

Including Tong Yan, there are six people in total, and the most powerful beast against the sky happens to have six heads.One person, one head, the goal is very clear.

Tong Yan sent everyone to the Heaven-Defying Beast they were going to deal with one after another, and waited until he finally settled down.

He suddenly uttered a loud shout, which was the horn.As soon as the sound came out, the six people shot at the same time, and they all attacked the heaven-defying beast in front of them.

Because the devouring heaven-defying beasts are different, the six most powerful heaven-defying beasts are also different.Some have two heads, some are like rocks, some are as high as ten meters, and some lie on the ground. With their different shapes, the abilities they are good at are naturally different.

For example, the Heaven-Defying Beast that Qiang Liang faced was the tallest, with a pitch-black body, as if wearing a black armor. It was not only powerful, but also extremely powerful in resisting attacks.

Qiang Liang suddenly appeared, holding Huanglong in his hand and wanted to smash the opponent's head with a "whip".But when this "whip" went down, it only hit the Heaven-Defying Beast's body shaking, but it didn't hurt the slightest bit.

In desperation, Qiangliang could only turn into a giant and fight with him hand-to-hand. It seemed that there was no possibility to kill him with one blow.

Besides Yitian, what Yitian was facing was a lizard-like beast lying on the ground.The whole body of this heaven-defying beast is red, as if it was shaped by magma, and it can feel extremely high temperature just by getting close.

But Yitian's five-element arrow was very good, with just one arrow, it shot through the head of the heaven-defying beast.However, the sky-defying beast was not killed on the spot, and it was not until Yitian shot three more arrows in a row that it was finally killed.

In this comparison, the descendants of Kuafu faced this heaven-defying beast that was the easiest to deal with. Although it had two heads, they were all smashed to pieces under the fists of descendants of Kuafu, with a "plop" sound. He fell to the ground and died.

As for Kunpeng and Qinglong, although the heaven-defying beast they faced was powerful, Qinglong had already become the god of the east and gained divine power, so it was more than enough to deal with a heaven-defying beast. Accurate and ruthless, the Heaven-Defying Beast who confronted him would surely die.

In this way, the most variable is the heaven-defying beast that Qiang Liang is facing, and the heaven-defying beast that Tong Yan is facing.

Tong Yan's transposition can be described as unpredictable.Coupled with Tong Yan's increased strength, there are very few opponents in this world.

But what he didn't expect was that he used the shape shifting and wanted to make a surprise attack, but unexpectedly, the surprise attack came to nothing.The Heaven-Defying Beast's insight ability is extremely strong, the moment he attacked, it actually entered the soil directly by virtue of its ability similar to Tudun, and easily escaped Tong Yan's surprise attack.

Tong Yan was not discouraged, he swung the Blue Soul Sword and stabbed the ground several times.But after several strikes, he failed to stab the Heaven-Defying Beast, instead, the Heaven-Defying Beast fled to five meters behind him.

He noticed something strange behind him, turned around and wanted to strike again.

However, what was unexpected was that the Heaven-Defying Beast who was confronting him suddenly spoke, and what was even more inconceivable was that it spoke human language that Tong Yan could understand.

"I am not your enemy, why do you want to put me to death?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help being startled, and then couldn't help but look at the heaven-defying beast in front of him a few more times.

I saw that the body of this heaven-defying beast was the closest to that of a human being, with two legs and two arms, and a head with four eyes and a huge black sarcoid on the head.Its whole body is covered with a layer of blue carapace, like granite.He is tall and tall, more than two meters away.

At this moment, its four eyes looked at Tong Yan at the same time, and its rough face seemed to be full of doubts.

Tong Yan stared at it for a few moments, and then said: "I really didn't expect that you, a mere evil beast, can still speak human language. If this is the case, it means that you have opened your mind and understood There are many reasons. Well, you asked me why I got rid of you. The reason is very simple. I did this for the sake of the world. Because when you become stronger, you will become the biggest threat to the world. I can’t just watch the world People are devastated, and you can't wait until you have no one to cure, then destroy the world. So, can you understand?"

Hearing this, the four-eyed beast nodded and said: "I can understand, you are worried that I will become a beast and destroy everything. But if I tell you, I want to be a human being, and I want to live a good life in the world. Can you forgive me?" Am I dead?"

What?This heaven-defying beast wants to be a human?

(End of this chapter)

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