
Chapter 1575 Turning enemies into friends, the battle continues!

Chapter 1575 Turning enemies into friends, the battle continues!
Hearing this, Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked, "Are you sincerely wanting to be a human being? How can I trust you?"

There was a wry smile on the rough face of the four-eyed beast, and then he replied: "I don't need you to believe me, even if you are stronger than me, but I want to escape, you may not be able to catch me. You should have You know, I am good at the art of earth escape, as long as I step on the ground, I can hide anywhere, if you want to catch me, how easy is it?"

This four-eyed beast is right, its earth escape technique is really exquisite, it is really not easy for Tong Yan to catch it.But Tong Yan doesn't know the art of earth escape?The earth escape technique learned from the ten great skywalkers in Taishan Yincao is naturally not good, but the spirit of Saturn is good at manipulating earth and rocks, so he is naturally proficient in this earth escape technique.As long as Tong Yan uses the power of the spirit of Saturn, he can also use the faster and more sophisticated earth escape technique.

It's just that Tong Yan didn't have any significance, because the four-eyed beast didn't know about it, so he didn't exaggerate.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then said: "I can let you go, but you must sign a master-servant contract with me. Maybe you think this is unfair, but this is the only condition for me to spare you. You have superhuman wisdom, I think you should understand that I'm different from other people, I don't want to rule the Three Realms, I just want to protect the world. And since you want to be a human, I don't think you will just watch the people in the world burn to pieces, right?"

This time it was the four-eyed beast's turn to hesitate. After all, after signing the master-servant contract, he would never be able to betray his master.

Normally, no one or monster would be willing to do this, but for some reason, the four-eyed beast stared at Tong Yan for a long time, then nodded silently.

Seeing that the four-eyed beast agreed, Tong Yan showed approval on his face.

"Sure enough, I didn't misunderstand you. You are indeed different from other heaven-defying beasts. Although I still have to sign a master-servant contract with you, don't worry. After I destroy the Holy Gate, I will give you back your freedom and let you be a real beast." people."

Hearing this, the Four-Eyed Heaven-Defying Beast nodded heavily and said, "Okay, then I will recognize you as the master!"

Having said that, it immediately knelt down on one knee and lowered its head.

Tong Yan took a step forward, and immediately made a five-element mark with one hand, and then pressed it on the head of the four-eyed beast.

Following the surrender of the Heaven-Defying Beast, a golden light appeared on both Tong Yan and the Heaven-Defying Beast.

As soon as the golden light faded, the master-servant contract had been signed.

It's not so much the shackles that Tong Yan attached to the Four-Eyed Heaven-Defying Beast, but rather the vow that the Four-Eyed Heaven-Defying Beast made to Tong Yan never to break away.Only when the four-eyed beast is willing, can this master-servant contract be finalized.

"Get up, from today on, you are my friend and brother of Tong Yan. Although you and I have a master-servant contract, in my eyes, we are equal, independent and free. I hope you can keep Goodwill, love the world with me, and protect all living beings in this world. Okay?"

Hearing this, the Four-Eyed Heaven-Defying Beast slowly stood up and said, "Yes, master, I have made a note."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "You don't have a name yet, right? If you don't mind, how about I give you a name?"

When the four-eyed heaven-defying beast heard this, its four eyes shone with excitement. "Master, are you really willing to give me a name? Great, I've always wanted to have a name."

Tong Yan laughed and said, "You have four eyes, from which you can see all kinds of life, and from above you can see the blue sky and white sun. Why don't you call me Tiantong!"

"Tiantong? Okay, then I will be called Tiantong. Master, thank you."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "It's just a matter of raising your hand, you don't have to be so polite. Well, it's time for us to meet up with everyone, and I'll introduce you to them by the way."

Tiantong nodded vigorously, his eyes full of anticipation.

When Tong Yan brought Tiantong to meet up with the others, the powerful heaven-defying beast that Qiang Liang was facing was also killed by everyone's joint efforts.In this way, only Tiantong was left among the six powerful beasts against the sky.

Everyone looked puzzled as Tong Yan brought the heaven-defying beast, Tiantong.Qiang Liang was the first to ask, "Boss, what's going on? Why did you bring it here?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "His name is Tiantong, and he will be our companion from now on. He wants to be a man, so I decided to help him. I know you may be worried, but it doesn't matter, we have signed a master-servant contract. So he won't do evil things behind our backs, you can rest assured."

Tong Yan explained everything clearly, saving everyone from asking.Everyone was relieved when they heard that they had signed a master-servant contract.

Qiangliang took a step forward, stared at Tiantong, then laughed and said, "You are so funny, you want to be a human. Are you really that good?"

Hearing this, Tiantong nodded heavily and said, "Okay, being a human is much better than being a monster. I don't want to kill, I just want to live an ordinary life. There was such a picture in my mind, men farming and women weaving, Both sons and daughters, retreating to the mountains and forests, that is the life I want."

This kind of life was admired by many people in ancient times, but how could Tiantong, a heaven-defying beast, know this?

It is estimated that he has devoured such a person, or that there is such a person's flesh and blood in his body, so he has inherited some memories about his predecessors.After all, the Heaven-Defying Beast is composed of the flesh and blood of many things, and has the ability to devour. It is quite normal to have such thoughts, or such memory fragments.

Tong Yan smiled and said, "Tian Tong, the life you yearn for is also what I yearn for. Let's work together to bring peace back to the world, and we can all live our lives."

Tiantong said with full expectation: "I really hope that this day can come sooner, so that I don't have to fight anymore."

When everyone heard this, they fell silent for a while.

Who wants to fight and kill all the time?But in order for a peaceful life to come, he had to fight again.

They have no choice now but to end the war with war!
After a brief silence, the fighting had to continue.

In just a short while, a few more sky-defying beasts completed their evolution.In order to avoid the appearance of the strongest beast against the sky, they can only enter the battle again.

However, the crisis was far more than that. Situ Yuxin, who had been staying in Kunlun Mountain, came here quietly for some reason.

Facing the mighty Situ Yuxin, it's not easy for everyone to survive, but as long as their lives last, they can only continue to fight!

(End of this chapter)

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