
Chapter 1576 The burden is heavy on your shoulders, you must not lose!

Chapter 1576 The burden is heavy on your shoulders, you must not lose!
There are too many heaven-defying beasts, and in this way, it is inevitable that a few more heaven-defying beasts will appear.In desperation, Tong Yan had no choice but to redeploy and use the ingenuity of the Nine Twist Illusion Formation to send everyone to the Heaven-Defying Beast that was about to be killed one by one.

Fortunately, the strength of the Heaven-Defying Beast that took the lead this time was limited, and under the surprise attack, everyone succeeded very smoothly.

But the battle has to continue, unless all the heaven-defying beasts are killed here.

Relying on the power of the Nine Twist Illusory Formation, it is not impossible to eliminate all the heaven-defying beasts, as long as there is enough time, it can be done.

It's just that what people didn't expect was that at this moment, an accident happened.

As a deafening thunder suddenly sounded, all the people and beasts in the Nine Twist Illusory Formation were startled on the spot by the thunder.

Immediately afterwards, a figure wrapped in golden light appeared in midair.Because the golden light on that person was too dazzling, it was impossible to see his appearance clearly.

But as soon as this person opened his mouth, his identity was already known to everyone.

"Skywalker, you are really powerful. With a mere formation, you actually let these heaven-defying beasts of this seat fight each other. If this seat comes later, I am afraid that all my hard work will be in vain. Don't you wholeheartedly want to fight?" Do you want to eradicate the holy door of this seat? Then come up and fight to the death with this seat. If this seat loses, the holy door will no longer exist. But if this seat wins, from now on, the Tiandao League must bow to my holy door Proclaim yourself as a minister, and wait for my holy door to send. How about it? Do you dare to come and fight with me?"

Provocation, this is Chi Guoguo's provocation.

It has to be said that this Situ Yuxin is really smart, he knows that it is not easy to uproot the Tiandaomeng.That's why I came up with this duel. As long as Tong Yan loses, the Heavenly Dao League will no longer be a threat to the Holy Sect, and as long as Tong Yan dies, the Holy Sect can dominate the world.

With Tong Yan's current cultivation level, it is basically impossible to defeat Situ Yuxin.But at this time, if he is timid and does not fight, it will definitely deal a huge blow to the morale of the Tiandao League.

The reason why Tiandaomeng is full of confidence is because they firmly believe that evil does not prevail, and because they trust Tong Yan and others.But if even Tong Yan is not the opponent of Situ Yuxin, the head of the Holy Gate, then trying to eradicate the Holy Gate will become empty talk, a thing that will never be completed.

It was precisely because of these that Tong Yan knew that he had to fight.Even if it is likely to die, he cannot escape.

If he died, all members of the Heavenly Dao League would know that their leader was a hero who died in battle without fear.But if he escaped, everyone in the Tiandao League would think he was a coward and a coward.

Since you can die well, then death is not so frightening.

Tong Yan took a deep breath and was about to fly up immediately.

Several people around him saw him and hurriedly stopped him.

At this time, Qing Ming no longer blamed Tong Yan, but said with concern: "Little Tong, what are you going to do? Don't you know that this is Situ Yuxin's provocative method? If you just go out like this, wouldn't you Didn't he fulfill his wish? Besides, don't you know how strong Situ Yuxin is? You are [-]% sure to beat him? If not, what's the difference between going out like this and dying? "

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Qing, I know you care about me. But have you ever thought about it? At this time, as the leader of the Heavenly Dao League, is it possible for me to escape? All brothers Looking at me, I can't let them down. Even if I die in battle, I will raise the banner of the Tiandao League. Besides, how do you know that I am not sure? Situ Yuxin is powerful, but I will return Didn’t the Kingdom of Ruins and his party gain anything? Brother Qing, don’t worry, I won’t die. Maybe I can beat him.”

What Tong Yan said was actually purely to comfort Qing Ming and others.Better than Situ Yuxin?If he really thought so, it would be a fool's dream.As for whether you can save your life, you can try it.

Hearing this, Qingming still said worriedly: "Even if you have gained something in the country of returning to the ruins, I can detect that your cultivation base has not improved significantly. Now you don't even have the realm of a fairy, how can you overcome A Situ Yuxin who is not weaker than the god king? Boy, this is not a joke, but if there is even the slightest difference, you will not be able to live. No, I will never let you go, even if I want to go, I will go."

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and smiled wryly: "Brother Qing, you are not the leader of the Heavenly Dao League, what are you going to do? Besides, what can you do if you go for me? Die for me? Thank you With your kindness, I don’t want to die, let alone let you die in vain. My cultivation is not high, but I am good at fighting. Of all of you here, can any one beat me? My physical strength has the strength of a god , the power of the demon, and the power of the stars, if the three forces merge with each other, I am afraid that my cultivation has already reached the peak of the heavenly realm. Therefore, only I can fight that Situ Yuxin. And only I, Only then can we defeat Situ Yuxin!"

He said he was full of fighting spirit, but how could he actually have such confidence?People are valuable with self-knowledge, and the difference in cultivation and strength cannot be offset by high fighting spirit.

But at this time, he must show his responsibility and his self-confidence, so that everyone can rest assured, so that everyone can cheer and encourage him.

Qing Ming obviously still refused to compromise, but at this time Kua Fu's descendants spoke up.

"Qinglong King, I know you have a deep brotherhood. But I think brother Tong Yan will never fight unprepared. Maybe he already has a countermeasure in his mind. So in my opinion, let brother Tong Yan feel at ease and be bold Let’s do it. People don’t frivolously abuse young people, and if they don’t fight, who knows what the result will be?”

Hearing this, Qing Ming immediately said: "But... But Situ Yuxin's cultivation base is too high, I'm afraid it will be bad luck for the boy to go here. How can I just watch my brother take risks? ?”

Tong Yan stretched out his hand and patted Qing Ming's shoulder, then said with a slight smile, "Brother Qing, we brothers have almost died so many times along the way. But haven't we survived? Do you still remember the five immortals? Is it? At that time, our cultivation base was not as good as the realm of immortals, but what happened in the end? Didn’t we win them in the end? Nothing is impossible, as long as we don’t give up hope, we will never fail! Believe Me, I will never lose."

won't lose?Is that winning?Of course not, as long as he saves his life, he won't lose!

"Come on, Situ Yuxin! Let me see what kind of abilities you have?"

(End of this chapter)

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