
Chapter 1577 Finally fight, Wuji field!

Chapter 1577 Finally fight, Wuji field!
Tong Yan has made up his mind, so naturally he won't change it.But before "going into battle", he must explain a few words.

"When I go to fight, you all leave this place immediately. If possible, don't even go back to the Azure Dragon Hall. Brother Qing, take your sister-in-law and leave with the children. This place has already been targeted by the Holy Gate. It is absolutely not wise to stay in Azure Dragon Hall. In short, you must leave here and go to a safe place. As long as you are still there, our Heavenly Dao League will be there. Don’t worry, I will join you later. Our Heavenly Dao Mengmeng will definitely defeat the Holy Gate and eventually uproot it. In addition, Brother Qing, I need you to help me with one important thing. I have the blood of the White Tiger and Xuanwu here, and you can contribute some blood of the Qinglong. Give them together to the Great Immortal who is a guest at my Wu family. Just say it is the blood of the Three Spirits, and ask the Great Elder for the blood of Suzaku, and the Great Immortal will understand everything by then."

Tong Yan told him everything he needed to do. Although he really wanted to save his life, he had to be prepared to sacrifice.

This is the only thing he can do, and it can be regarded as an explanation to Gao Qian.

When everyone heard this, they all showed serious expressions.They knew very well in their hearts how dangerous it would be for Tong Yan to go to a decisive battle. Since they couldn't stop it, they could only pray for Tong Yan silently.

"Little Tong, you promise me that you must survive, you must survive. Okay?"

Tong Yan nodded heavily and said, "Brother Qing, I promise you, I will survive and be reunited with you. You can go now!"

Speaking of this, he deliberately showed a relaxed look.But the battle is approaching, how can he relax?
As soon as everyone left, Situ Yuxin in mid-air became a little impatient.

"Skywalker, I know you are in the formation. Why? Don't you dare to fight with me? If you dare not fight, then come out and surrender quickly. Otherwise, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless If I can't catch you, can't I destroy Qinglong Palace and your Wu family?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan took a deep breath, then jumped out of the Nine Twist Illusory Formation and came into midair.

When Situ Yuxin saw Tong Yan appearing, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Tong Yan, you have not disappointed me. Now that you have shown up, shouldn't you tell me about your trip to the Kingdom of Ruins? Have you completed what I have told you? ?”

Hearing this, Tong Yan chuckled and said, "Situ Yuxin, what do you think you are? Do you want me to serve you? Are you overestimating yourself? Let me tell you, not only did I not kill Naguixu The Demon Emperor of the Kingdom of Heaven, and I have become brothers with different surnames. How about it? Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Hearing this, Situ Yuxin did not become angry from embarrassment. Instead, he laughed and said, "Being a brother with a different surname? You are really unexpected! Well, I didn't expect you to kill him. Now that you have become brothers. If This seat has taken you down, do you think he will submit obediently?"

Tong Yan said with a disdainful smile: "I'm afraid this will disappoint you. If you want to take me down, do you think it's possible? Since I dare to fight, I'm not afraid of you. If I die, how can I drag others down? Besides, you think you Surely you will win? Although you have reached the realm of the Golden Immortal, you are still one step away from the Daluo Golden Immortal, right? If you cannot break through, you will not be able to advance to the heavens, and you will never be able to become the master of the Three Realms. And I am Skywalker, the one chosen by God. If you kill me, you may not be able to improve any more in this life. From this point of view, if I die by your hands, it would be a good deal. Are you right?"

Situ Yuxin's face changed slightly, and then he chuckled again: "Skywalker, do you take yourself too seriously? If I kill you, can I not become the Lord of the Three Realms? And you think even if I can't break through to In the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, there is no way to attack the heavens? It seems that you still have a lot of things you don’t know. There is a gap in cultivation between Da Luo Jinxian and Jinxian, but the realm of Jinxian already has the ability of Da Luo Jinxian. It's just that they live longer than me in terms of longevity. But even so, I have ten thousand years of longevity, and this life is enough. Well, what should be said has been said. Since you want to die , then this seat will fulfill you."

Speaking of which, the golden light on Situ Yuxin's body slowly materialized, and finally turned into a set of golden armor.And what appeared next was a golden long sword, like the sword of a king, exuding a menacing aura.

Seeing this, Tong Yan frowned involuntarily.

The gap, this is the gap between him and Situ Yuxin.Breath materialization, is this something that ordinary gods can do?

But Tong Yan was not discouraged, but full of fighting spirit.The stronger the enemy is, the more potential it can stimulate the human body.

Situ Yuxin was already ready to attack at any time, Tong Yan naturally did not hesitate, and immediately took out his magic weapon.

What he took out was the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and the Blue Soul Sword.

Tarzan blade is broken, so it can no longer be used.And even without the Tarzan Blade, his magic weapon is enough.

Seeing Tong Yan holding a sword in one hand and a Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in the other, Situ Yuxin's eyes showed contempt.

Can't help but see him suddenly slash with his sword.Immediately afterwards, a half-moon-shaped golden light blade slashed towards Tong Yan.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately resorted to shapeshifting.But what he didn't expect was that his body was... so hard to move.

It was too late, but it was soon, the golden light blade was close at hand, and Tong Yan couldn't move his body. At this critical moment, he instantly displayed the power of the Venus, and then shouted: "The power of the Venus, fix your body!"

Before he finished speaking, the power of Venus had already shot out from between his brows, just in time to confront the incoming golden light blade head-on.

Then, a miraculous scene happened.

Under the strong control of the power of Venus, the golden light blade landed directly three centimeters in front of Tong Yan.Just imagine, if Tong Yan's reaction was slower, the consequences would be disastrous.

The appearance of this scene surprised Situ Yuxin.

He was full of doubts and said: "You have a domain ability? With your cultivation base, how can you obtain such an ability?"

Situ Yuxin's question surprised Tong Yan.

"How could this be? My Venus power can't stop him? Could it be that he is not controlled by the power of the Five Elements?"

Suddenly, Tong Yan woke up with a start.

Jumping out of the three realms, not among the five elements.Is this Situ Yuxin really such a rare talent?

Seeing Tong Yan in a daze, Situ Yuxin laughed and said, "Are you confused, why is this seat not controlled by your domain ability? You may as well tell you, because you are now in this seat's domain. And this seat The territory of the seat is not the five elements, but the infinite!"

Promise?Promise field?What field is that?

(End of this chapter)

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