
Chapter 1584 Vicious beast VIP, settle the old score!

Chapter 1584 Vicious beast VIP, settle the old score!

Hearing this sound, Tong Yan immediately turned his head to look, but unfortunately the source of the sound was too far away, he couldn't see anything at all.In addition, the place is full of ice rocks, sometimes an icicle, sometimes a stone pillar, completely blocking the line of sight.

Not only him, but the white tigers surrounding him also looked in the direction of the voice.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "Brother Baihu, what's the matter? Was there an earthquake? Or something happened?"

One of the white tigers said impatiently: "This is a matter of our white tiger clan, and you don't need to worry about it as an outsider."

Hearing this, Tong Yan was really helpless, in order not to annoy these white tigers, he simply stopped talking.

Logically speaking, after such a long time, the white tiger who sent him here should have come down from above.But that guy was still missing, which made Tong Yan smile bitterly in his heart.You don't need to guess, that guy must have run away.

Becoming Kunpeng's subordinate is equivalent to betraying the White Tiger clan. How could that guy dare to come back?

But it doesn't matter, anyway, Tong Yan has successfully entered the territory of the Baihu clan, as long as he meets the little sister of Baihu, he can reunite with Tan Yu.

Tong Yan's heart was full of anticipation for this, and he hoped that little sister Baihu could come here soon.

After more than ten minutes passed like this, the white tiger who had gone to communicate hurriedly returned.

As soon as he saw Tong Yan, he asked, "You said you are a friend of Her Royal Highness, but I don't know your name?"

Tong Yan was taken aback when he heard this, and quickly replied, "My name is Tong Yan!"

Hearing this, the white tiger asked again: "Are you the one who walks that day?"

Tong Yan replied truthfully: "Yes, I am indeed Skywalker!"

The white tiger stared at Tong Yan for a while, and then said: "Okay, since you are Tong Yan the Skywalker, then follow me!"

With that said, it turned around and walked forward first.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately followed quickly.Several other white tigers also followed one after another to prevent Tong Yan from doing anything harmful to the white tiger clan suddenly.

The white tiger leading the way was not fast, and Tong Yan followed along while looking around at the territory of the white tiger clan.

As one of the four spirits, the territory of the White Tiger Clan is naturally extraordinary.In the battle of the Four Spirits thousands of years ago, the White Tiger Clan was not affected much, so the White Tiger Clan has become the most powerful group among the Four Spirits.

Originally, the Xuanwu clan and the Baihu clan could still fight each other, but the Xuanwu clan suffered a heavy blow from the Holy Gate in the Asura Way, and the former Xuanming Temple is no longer what it used to be.In this way, the white tiger became the one with the most members and the strongest strength among the four spirits.

If the positions of the four spirits were rearranged, the White Tiger Clan would definitely take the first place.

As he walked forward, the sight Tong Yan saw became more and more shocking.

The territory of the White Tiger Clan is so large that it can be called a world.Although it is cold here, it is beautiful.Each ice pillar, each ice stone, is like a blue gemstone, illuminated by light from nowhere, dazzling and colorful.

There are also many unnamed plants, white trees, blue grass, and purple flowers, which adorn this place brilliantly.

Going forward, you can see tall buildings one after another.These buildings are somewhat antique, but they have their own unique characteristics.

Round roofs, tall doors below, and each building is made of blue ice stone, with exquisite patterns engraved on them. It cannot be said to be exquisite, but it is definitely unique.

From a distance, you can see a larger building, which is a palace made of ice. No need to guess, the White Tiger King should live in it.

Continue to move forward, and there are more white tigers that can be seen.Some of these white tigers are playing, and some are practicing fighting, what a harmonious scene.Although I don't know what their fun is, maybe this is the life they want most.

Generally speaking, this is a world of ice and snow, and these buildings are surrounded by each other to form an ice and snow city.

It is said that there are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky. If you don't come here, who would know that there is a "pure land" here?

But at this moment, there was another roar of a beast in front, and then the ground seemed to tremble.

Tong Yan was puzzled, and finally asked again: "Brother Baihu, what's the matter with that sound? Could it be that someone is fighting?"

The white tiger leading the way was not impatient. On the contrary, it actually opened its mouth and replied: "That's right, there are indeed people fighting. A powerful guy has come to our White Tiger City, and now he probably won another victory. Sigh... "

The powerful guy came to White Tiger City?Tong Yan immediately asked: "What's going on? Does anyone else dare to act wild in your White Tiger City?"

The white tiger who led the way said helplessly: "That guy was originally a distinguished guest of His Highness the White Tiger King. How could this guy have taken a fancy to the princess and insisted on asking the White Tiger King to betroth the princess to him. The princess naturally disagreed, but His Highness the White Tiger King didn't want to offend this guy." He is an honored guest, so let him face the top ten masters of our White Tiger Clan. As long as he can win in the end, the princess will be betrothed to him. His Royal Highness Tiger King is also a helpless move, hoping to defeat that guy with the top ten masters of our White Tiger Clan But who would have thought that this guy is so powerful that he has already defeated our eight masters in a row. There are also the last two masters, and I don’t know if he can be defeated in the end.”

Hearing this, Tong Yan was filled with contempt.He thought that the White Tiger King was a powerful character, but he didn't expect that he couldn't even protect his own daughter.

It is no longer the ancient times, and the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers are no longer counted.What is important now is free love, what is important is your love and my willingness.Since the little sister Baihu disagrees, then the White Tiger King should sternly refuse.It's good now, but it puts little Baihu in a bad situation.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then said: "Who is the person who can have this ability? The top ten masters of your White Tiger clan are not gods, maybe they are not weaker than ordinary gods, right? How could they still lose?"

The white tiger leading the way stopped, turned to look at Tong Yan and said, "That guy is also very famous, I don't know if you have heard of it, that guy is one of the four fierce beasts corresponding to our four spirit beasts. One. The strength is really not so easy to deal with."

As soon as Tong Yan heard the words "Four Fierce Beasts", he couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately confirmed, "Brother Baihu, which one of the Four Fierce Beasts is that guy?"

The white tiger leading the way replied directly: "This powerful lunatic is exactly Qiongqi among the four fierce beasts!"

Strange?Hearing this, Tong Yan's eyes lit up.

"Qongqi, Qiongqi, this is really a narrow road for enemies. I didn't expect you to run here. Well, this time, you don't want to run away again. We should settle the old score."

(End of this chapter)

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