
Chapter 1585 Feeling cold, step forward!

Chapter 1585 Feeling cold, step forward!

Qiongqi, one of the four fierce beasts, has been sealed in the beast cell at the entrance of the Wu family's old house for thousands of years, but later it not only broke free, but almost killed Xiao Hei.

Ever since he escaped from the Wu family that time, the whereabouts of the beast Qiongqi has been unknown.

Unexpectedly, after many years, that guy actually appeared in the White Tiger City of the White Tiger Clan.

For Qiongqi, Tong Yan can be said to hate it deeply, not to mention anything else, just because it almost killed Xiao Hei, just for this alone, Tong Yan will never let it go.

In addition, to renew Gao Qian's life for the second time, the meat of the four beasts is needed, and the meat of the four beasts refers to the meat of the four fierce beasts.Qiongqi is one of the four fierce beasts, so its meat is naturally indispensable.

Maybe everything is arranged in the dark, if you can meet Qiongqi here, maybe you can find the other three fierce beasts through it.

Without further words, Tong Yan followed the white tiger who was leading the way, passed through several streets paved with ice, and finally came to the palace where the White Tiger King was.

Just after arriving at the door outside the hall, a piercing roar sounded again.It seems that another master of the White Tiger Clan has been defeated by Qiongqi. According to the words of the leading White Tiger, there will be only the last White Tiger master left.

If the last white tiger master also loses, the little sister of the white tiger will probably have to marry Qiongqi.

Of course, this kind of thing won't happen again.Because Tong Yan came, Qiongqi naturally couldn't continue to run wild in this White Tiger City.

The gate of the White Tiger Palace was guarded by four tall white tigers. When they saw Tong Yan following the white tiger leading the way, one of them immediately stopped him and said, "Who is he? Do you want to take him into the Palace?"

Upon hearing this, Baihu, who was leading the way, quickly explained: "Big guard, he is a friend of the princess. The princess has an order. If his identity is confirmed, I will take him to meet the princess. I am following orders, so please let the big guard go. "

Hearing this, the white tiger known as the great guard immediately said angrily: "Did Your Highness give you the warrant? Without the warrant, how can foreigners enter the royal palace? Thanks to you, you are still a loyal warrior of our white tiger clan, don't you Don't you even know that?"

Hearing this, the white tiger who led the way said with some shame: "What the guard reprimanded me is that I did neglect this point. Then I will enter the palace first, ask the princess for a warrant, and then bring him into the palace later!"

Having said that, it turned to Tong Yan and said, "Friend, wait for me here, I'll be back soon."

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm sorry to trouble you."

The white tiger who led the way didn't say anything, and hurried through the gate of the palace, and went to ask for the warrant from the little sister of the white tiger.

Tong Yan waited quietly, showing no signs of impatience, nor any dissatisfaction.

Time passed bit by bit, and the white tiger who led the way did not return for a long time.

But at this moment, there was another roar, and it seemed that the last white tiger master was also defeated by Qiongqi.

After so many years, perhaps that Qiongqi's strength has improved a bit.But Tong Yan is still confident that he can defeat him, no matter how strong Qiongqi is, can he still be stronger than Kunpeng?Even Kunpeng is not his opponent, and Qiongqi can't turn the sky.

After waiting like this for a while, the white tiger who went to ask for the warrant finally returned.

It held a jade pendant in its mouth, and the jade pendant was engraved with a tiger pattern, presumably it was the personal belonging of the little white tiger.

The white tiger leading the way put the jade pendant in his mouth in front of the white tiger known as the big guard. The latter looked down carefully, and then replied: "It is indeed the jade pendant of Her Royal Highness, you can go in."

Hearing this, Tong Yan didn't dare to delay, and immediately followed the white tiger leading the way through the gate of the palace, climbed up the steps all the way, and walked straight to the main hall of the Tiger King Palace.

And when they had just stepped up the steps, a tall, red-faced man came into Tong Yan's sight.

Tong Yan stared intently, the corners of his mouth slightly raised unconsciously.

Although the red-faced man was dressed in human clothes and looked like a human being, Tong Yan still recognized him. He was not a human being, but Qiong Qi who had escaped from the Wu family's old house.

It is said that enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other, but Tong Yan didn't get angry when he saw Qiongqi, but looked away like a stranger, looking for the figure of the little white tiger.

Fortunately, he also saw the little sister Baihu.Little Baihu is still the same, innocent, handsome and cute, but at this moment she has a very bad complexion, her eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, as if she has encountered something troublesome.

A middle-aged man in a white robe is sitting on the chair next to the little girl of the white tiger. Although this man is sitting, he exudes a compelling aura. He looks like a king, which makes people not angry The sense of prestige.

This person is none other than the king of the White Tiger Clan, the White Tiger King.

Behind the White Tiger King stood a few ferocious white tigers, which should be the Tiger King's personal bodyguards.

And behind Qiongqi, there were ten white tigers lying there, presumably they were the top ten masters of the defeated White Tiger Clan.

Looking at the bloodstains on the ground, it is not difficult to guess that Qiongqi's ten consecutive victories should be complete victories, and these bloodstains should be left by the ten defeated white tigers.

Qiongqi only had little sister Baihu in his eyes, so he didn't pay attention to Tong Yan's coming, and in addition, Tong Yan's appearance had changed slightly, so he might not be able to recognize it at a glance.

"Brother Tiger King, I have already won. Should you also fulfill your promise and marry your daughter to me?"

Hearing this, the White Tiger King said with a slightly ugly expression: "This king keeps his word, so naturally he won't break his word. But the marriage needs to be carefully thought out. The princess of this king should be more grand when she gets married. I hope you can understand me!"

When Qiongqi heard this, he burst out laughing and said, "The wedding can be grand, but tonight you have to go to the bridal chamber first. Brother Hu Wang, I think you should be in a hurry to embrace your grandson, right?"

Hearing this, the little white tiger girl immediately said angrily: "Bold maniac, even if I die, I will never marry you. Father, why do you have the heart to marry me to him? He is a beast, yes! Enemy of our four elephant beasts."

Hearing this, the White Tiger King said in a cold voice: "Shut up, this king has his own decision, and you can't make the decision. Qiongqi, since this king promised to betroth the little girl to you, he will definitely do it. Why are you in a hurry? ? In my king’s opinion, it’s better to plan carefully.”

Qiong Qi stared at this, and then said fiercely: "Today I have to enter the bridal chamber, if you refuse, then I will force it."

Speaking of this, he was about to pounce on the little sister Baihu.

I don't know if it's because the White Tiger King is cowardly, or because he really promises everything. At this moment, he doesn't intend to protect his daughter, which makes people feel very surprised.

But he doesn't care, someone will always care, such as Tong Yan.

Seeing that Tong Yan suddenly jumped forward, directly blocking Qiongqi's way, and then sneered: "Qongqi, you are a prisoner of the lower ranks, I am really easy to find. Today, let me see where you escape!"

(End of this chapter)

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