
Chapter 1587 Accepted successfully, reunion is coming!

Chapter 1587 Accepted successfully, reunion is coming!
Tong Yan's words cannot be violated, under the absolute suppression of strength, Qiongqi has no other choice.

But Qiongqi, who is one of the four fierce beasts, is also arrogant in his bones. He didn't directly agree, but fell into a brief silence.

Seeing this, Tong Yan said again: "Don't worry, I have no intention of imprisoning you for life after life. As long as you can help me fulfill my long-cherished wish, then you will be free again."

Tong Yan's supplement finally made the hesitant Qiongqi make up his mind.

Seeing Qiongqi knocked his head on the ground three times, and then responded loudly: "Master, from today onwards, I will serve you as my Lord and never betray you."

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded in satisfaction, then took two steps forward, put his hand on Qiongqi's head, and began to conclude the master-servant contract.

In just a short while, the master-servant contract was successfully concluded, and Tong Yan had another helper in this way.

The development of the matter has greatly exceeded everyone's expectations. Not only the little girl of the white tiger was shocked, but even the king of the white tiger was also shocked.

Qiongqi, one of the majestic four fierce beasts, would actually recognize a Pianpian young man as his master. No one who saw this would be able to believe it for a while.

Of course, Tong Yan looks younger now, but that's only because of the technique of transformation. In fact, Tong Yan is no longer a teenager, nor a youth, but a mature man.

But for people with their cultivation level, as long as they want to, isn't it a trivial matter to want to become young?

The master-servant contract was concluded, Tong Yan withdrew his hand, and then said to Qiongqi: "Get up, you and I are now master-servant, but if you are willing to change your mind and reform, I think we have a chance to become friends .”

Hearing this, Qiongqi stood up, then said with a slight smile: "Master, don't worry, I will never do evil again in the future. You are a Skywalker, and I will protect the living beings with you."

No matter whether Qiongqi's words sound nice or not, Tong Yan still nodded with a smile.

After all, this is the White Tiger City of the White Tiger Clan, and the White Tiger King is here, so Tong Yan is naturally more polite, so as not to be disgusting.

I saw him bowing slightly to the White Tiger King, and then said with a smile: "Senior Tiger King, I haven't seen you for many years, and you still have the same demeanor! I'm so poor that I bother you so much, please don't be offended."

The White Tiger King was taken aback when he heard this, and then asked, "Little brother, have we met?"

Tong Yan nodded and said with a smile: "Of course we have met. I was lucky enough to see you, Tiger King, in Kunlun Mountain. At that time, there was Kunpeng, the leader of the Fengtian League. Don't you remember?"

Hearing what Tong Yan said, the White Tiger King suddenly realized. "It's you? I really didn't expect that in the past few years, your strength would be so strong. It seems that God chose you as Skywalker, which is really good. My little friend, I have to thank you, my little girl is here Thanks to you for taking care of Shura Dao. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid the little girl would have met with misfortune."

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "Senior Tiger King is too serious, Ling Ai calls me big brother, and I help her because of this brother-sister relationship."

The White Tiger King laughed and said, "Since your brothers and sisters match each other, then this king has really become your elder. If you don't dislike it, then you can be the honorary elder of my Baihu clan. In this way, you can be the elder of my Baihu clan. The whole clan of the White Tiger Clan can still walk around freely, but still be respected by the whole clan of the White Tiger Clan. What do you think?"

When the White Tiger King said this, it was obvious that he wanted to win over. If it was another day, Tong Yan would definitely refuse.

But today, he chose to agree.The reason is very simple, Tan Yu is still recuperating here, and there will be many troubles for the White Tiger Clan in the future. If he becomes an elder of the White Tiger Clan, the White Tiger Clan will be able to take care of Tan Yu more attentively.

Because of this, he couldn't refuse.

"Thanks to the love of Senior Tiger King, the younger generation would be more respectful than obedient."

The White Tiger King obviously didn't expect Tong Yan to be so forthright, so he immediately laughed and said, "Okay, then from today onwards, you will be the elder of my Baihu Clan. Pass on the order of this king to hold a banquet immediately, and this king will treat us well." The new elder."

The white tiger guards behind him heard this and immediately went to make arrangements.

Although Tong Yan wanted to see Tan Yu very much, but it was not easy to refute the White Tiger King's face, so he could only have dinner first, and then go to see Tan Yu later.

It was outside before, but now it finally entered the real hall.

The main hall of the White Tiger King is still very luxurious. Although the inside is not resplendent and magnificent, the cross inlay of white jade and blue ice stones is still very beautiful. In addition, the stone pillars are exquisitely carved, and every piece of furniture and utensils All come from the hands of craftsmen, and every decoration and decoration is an expensive thing.Not to mention anything else, the tea set on the side table is extraordinary at first glance, and the price is so high that it is absolutely jaw-dropping.

Perhaps the most important thing for such a group is money, because they don't need money at all.

Because of the conclusion of a master-servant contract with Tong Yan, the White Tiger King doesn't take Qiongqi seriously now.

Qiongqi is also very sensible, sitting directly at the end of the seat.

Before the dinner party started, the White Tiger King asked with a smile: "Little friend, why did you suddenly come to our White Tiger Clan as a guest? Is there something else going on?"

The White Tiger King finally asked, and Tong Yan didn't want to hide anything, so he replied directly: "Senior Tiger King, the reason why I came here is actually for one person. She is my confidante, and she is now in your White Tiger Clan." recuperation."

The White Tiger King is still very clear about the affairs of his clan. He has already guessed something after hearing what Tong Yan said.

"Little friend, do you mean that the Nine-Tailed Fox is your confidante? But she is not in a good condition now. Are you here to heal her?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan said worriedly: "I know she's not in a good condition now. As for whether I can save her, I don't really know. But it depends on human effort. I think she will be safe. Since senior has already Said that her condition is not very good, this junior has an unfeeling request, please allow senior to agree."

Hearing this, the White Tiger King responded immediately: "Little friend, just tell me if you need anything, and I will try my best to satisfy you."

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Senior misunderstood, I want to see Tan Yu earlier, can I not attend this dinner?"

When the White Tiger King heard that this was the case, he immediately laughed and said: "So that's the case, then go quickly. We can have this dinner at any time. Girl, take your elder brother to see Tan Miss Yu."

Hearing this, the little Baihu girl immediately responded, "Yes, Father! Brother, let's go!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan got up immediately.

"Yu'er, can we finally meet again?"

(End of this chapter)

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