
Chapter 1588 Finally reunited, I am only for you!

Chapter 1588 Finally reunited, I am only for you!
Thinking of seeing Nine-Tailed Fox Tan Yu soon, Tong Yan felt a little urgent and longing.After he left the White Tiger Hall with the little sister Baihu, he couldn't wait to ask the little sister Baihu about Tan Yu's situation.

"Little girl, how is Yu'er doing now? According to Kunpeng, she has been soaking in your hot springs all the time. If this soaks for too long, will it have any effect on her body? She doesn't eat or drink , how can the body hold it?"

The little sister Baihu walked forward and said to Tong Yan: "Brother, sister Yu'er is in a coma now, and her body has turned back into a nine-tailed fox. You must know that the nine-tailed fox can also be called a divine beast." , soaking in our holy spring here will only be good for her body and will not cause side effects. In addition, you may not know that her current situation is not clear. If she is rashly let her leave the holy spring, she will lose The nourishment of the holy spring, who knows if something will happen to her? In short, you will know when you see her. As for how to cure her, you have to figure out a way by yourself. We have invited many famous doctors, but there is nothing we can do. Alas... ..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan let out a sigh, and then said: "Have you seen my clone already? Didn't he look around for a miracle doctor?"

Little Baihu was taken aback when he heard this, and then asked in puzzlement, "Your clone? I haven't seen your clone yet?"

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked: "Have you not seen him? Then how did Yu'er enter the territory of your White Tiger Clan? How did you put her in the holy spring you mentioned?"

Hearing this, the little Baihu girl thought about it for a while, and then replied: "It was an old man who brought sister Yu'er around the territory of my Baihu clan, and specially ordered that sister Yu'er be placed in the holy spring. Could it be ...Could it be that the old man is your avatar?"

This possibility is very high. Perhaps Tong Yan's avatar knew that he could not enter the territory of the White Tiger Clan. In order to avoid unnecessary disputes, he simply turned into an old man and brought Tan Yu here.

As for the details, there is no need to think about it carefully. Since the avatar sent Tan Yu here, it is probably because he is helpless.

No matter what, Tong Yan firmly believed that the avatar, just like himself, loved Tan Yu deeply, and would never abandon her easily.If it is not impossible, it will never come to this point.

The two chatted a little more, and gradually left the White Tiger City.He raised his eyes and looked into the distance, where it was foggy, and guessed that the holy spring should be in the white mist.

Follow the little girl of the white tiger to continue forward, walking on the straight ice stone road, sometimes you can see the stone statues of the white tiger on both sides of the road.

It seems that this holy spring is still highly valued by the White Tiger Clan. The fact that a special road can be built to reach it shows that this holy spring is unusual.

As they walked, they had completely entered the white mist.

"Brother, the Holy Spring is just ahead. We don't have many wounded from the White Tiger Clan, so it's quiet here."

Hearing this, Tong Yan probably guessed the function of the holy spring.Since the wounded were mentioned, it is reckoned that this holy spring can heal the wounds of the White Tiger Clan.If this is the case, this holy spring is really amazing.

After walking forward for a while, he could vaguely hear the sound of "gurgling". Tong Yan could conclude that it was the sound of hot spring water bubbling out.

The two approached again, and a nine-tailed fox immediately entered Tong Yan's sight.

Although Tan Yu has become a prototype, she is still so familiar to Tong Yan.Tong Yan didn't hesitate any longer, and with a change of shape, he came to Tan Yu's side.

He didn't care about the hot spring getting his clothes wet, so he directly hugged Tan Yu in his arms.

"Yu'er, my Yu'er. I haven't seen you for so long, do you know how much I miss you? I always thought that the avatar would cure you, but I didn't know you were soaking in this spring water alone. I'm sorry, I'm sorry , I didn't take good care of you, I made you suffer. Don't worry, I will definitely cure you, and I will definitely let you open your eyes. From now on, I will never leave you again, never again Leave you alone. Yu'er... Yu'er..."

As he spoke, Tong Yan's eyes were filled with tears.

These tears contain a lot, including the joy of seeing Tan Yu again, the distress for Tan Yu, and the deep self-blame.

But no matter what, he was finally reunited with Tan Yu.It's a pity that Tan Yu couldn't give him any response at all, but fell into a deep sleep with his eyes closed softly all over his body.

Tong Yan hugged Tan Yu like this, and sat in the spring water.He really missed Tan Yu so much, even though Tan Yu had turned back into a fox, his eyes still wouldn't move away in the slightest.

He just hugged Tan Yu like this for 10 minutes, 10 minutes, half an hour, an hour, two hours...

He not only hugged Tan Yu, but also said a lot of things to Tan Yu, some of which were thoughts about Tan Yu, some were about his own experiences during this period, and some were about his longing for the future.

It's just that after he talked for so long, Tan Yu still closed his eyes and became the quietest listener.

Little sister Baihu knew that Tong Yan had too much to say to Tan Yu, so she walked to the distance very wisely, not daring to disturb her in the slightest.

After more than three hours like this, Tong Yan gradually calmed down.

Tan Yu was already like this, and Tan Yu would not hear what he said.Rather than wasting time on this, it is better to find a way to treat Tan Yu.

Soon, an idea appeared in his mind.If Tan Yu is in a state of frequent death, can the power of Jupiter bring her back to life?

Without further delay, he immediately injected the power of Jupiter into Tan Yu's body continuously.

With the injection of the power of Jupiter, Tan Yu's fur glowed with green light.This is the light of life endowed to Tan Yu by the power of Jupiter, but can this light of life really wake Tan Yu up?
As long as he can save Tan Yu, Tong Yan will not hesitate to sacrifice his life.He completely ignored the overdraft of Jupiter's power in the star imprint, and kept injecting Jupiter's power into Tan Yu's body.

Time passed bit by bit, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his face became pale.

But as the power of Jupiter in his star imprint was consumed too much, the green light of life on Tan Yu's body had slowly dimmed.

He forcibly continued to mobilize the power of Jupiter, but found that his mental power had been overdrawn together with the power of Jupiter. His head sank, and he hugged Tan Yu, leaning against the stone beside the hot spring and fell asleep.

In the haze, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Tong Yan, you fool, who made you not cherish yourself so much? Do you know how much I feel sorry for you? I am very satisfied to see you again. Don't waste your energy for me anymore. I only want you Live well, live well. This is my greatest happiness!"

(End of this chapter)

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