
Chapter 1589 Already planned, shocking news!

Chapter 1589 Already planned, shocking news!
Hearing this sound, Tong Yan woke up suddenly.He looked at Tan Yu who was still sleeping soundly in his arms, and had mixed feelings for a moment.

"Yu'er, was it you who spoke to me just now? Could it be that your consciousness is still there, but your body cannot move? If this is the case, I will definitely cure you. Even if you change your physical body, I will definitely cure you you."

At this moment, Tong Yan was so eager for Tan Yu to open his eyes and say a few more words to him.

It's a pity that nothing seems to have changed, Tan Yu is still just the unconscious nine-tailed fox in his arms.

For some reason, he thought of Gao Qian again. With the method mentioned by the Great Immortal, since Gao Qian's life can be renewed, can this method also be used to preserve Tan Yu's life and wake her up?
No one knows whether this method will work for Tan Yu, but this is the only way Tong Yan can think of at the moment.

Seeing that Tong Yan had woken up, the little Baihu who had never disturbed her all this time finally came forward.

"Brother, are you okay? You can't stay with Sister Yu'er like this all the time, can you? You have also seen that Sister Yu'er's body is getting weaker and weaker now. You should find a way to heal her body! "

Hearing this, Tong Yan looked up at the little sister Baihu and said, "Little sister, thank you for reminding me, I know what to do. I plan to take Yu'er away from here. On the one hand, I will find a hidden doctor for her. I also want to use my method to see if I can cure her."

Upon hearing this, the little sister Baihu immediately stopped her and said, "Brother, how is this possible? If you take Sister Yu'er away and lose the help of the Holy Spring, Sister Yu'er's situation will only get worse. You can't be impulsive. Instead, it hurt sister Yu'er?"

Tong Yan knew that the little girl Baihu cared about Tan Yu from the bottom of his heart, so he explained to her: "Little girl, you don't have to worry. The reason why the holy spring of your Baihu clan can nourish people is that it can heal people's injuries quickly. In the final analysis, it is because of the power of regeneration. And my star mark also happens to have the same power of Jupiter as the power of regeneration, so as long as I often input the power of Jupiter for Yu'er, it will never be better than soaking in this holy spring In addition, I really don’t want to be separated from Yu’er anymore. I will do my best to take care of her and treat her until she fully recovers.”

Hearing what Tong Yan said, little sister Baihu felt relieved.

"Okay, since you're already prepared, big brother, then I won't force you. But where are you going to find a miracle doctor for Sister Yu'er?"

Tong Yan sighed softly and said, "I don't know where to find the miracle doctor, but I can mobilize the disciples of the Heavenly Dao League to help me find it. It is said that if there are many people, there is strength. If there are many people, maybe we can find them sooner." A miraculous doctor who can cure Yu'er."

The little girl Baihu nodded lightly, and then said: "Then can I go with you? I'm almost suffocated here, and I want to go out with you to have a look. By the way, you have news about Xuanmo huh? How is he?"

Hearing that little sister Baihu mentioned Xuan Mo, Tong Yan suddenly realized.In fact, as early as the time of Asura Tao, the little sister Baihu had already developed a love for Xuanmo.But now, Xuan Mo already had a wife, and if she told the truth, she would be very sad.So Tong Yan decided to hide it and not tell her about Xuan Mo's marriage.

"Little girl, Xuanmo is fine now. He has become the god of the sea. Because there are some problems in the country of returning to the ruins, he is dealing with them there now. What? Do you miss him?"

Little Baihu said with some embarrassment: "That's not true. It's just that I haven't seen you for a long time, so I just asked casually."

Really just asking casually?Tong Yan's heart is like a mirror, but he didn't say it clearly.

"Little girl, I think it's getting late. If you really want to go with me, you have to ask your father's permission, right? I'll take Yu'er with me now, and we'll go see your father together." Bar!"

Hearing this, the little Baihu girl looked at Tan Yu in Tong Yan's arms, and then asked, "Brother, are you planning to just hold Sister Yu'er like this all the time? Wouldn't it be too weird if someone saw this? And Isn't that inconvenient? Why don't I do it for you!"

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled and said, "No need, I have a precious ball here, and there is space inside, I'll just put Yu'er in later. But now, I just want to hold her by myself."

The little sister of Baihu let out a soft sigh, and said no more.

Tong Yan immediately carried Tan Yu out of the holy spring, and went back the same way with the little sister of the white tiger, intending to say goodbye to the white tiger king.

However, to some surprise, when they arrived at the White Tiger Hall, the White Tiger King left first.

The bodyguard of the White Tiger King conveyed that the White Tiger King had an emergency and had to deal with it quickly, so he could not stay in the city and wait for Tong Yan, the elder, and hoped that Tong Yan would not blame him.

Although I don't know what the White Tiger King is in a hurry to deal with, but I guess it won't be a trivial matter.

If people don't talk about it, it's not easy for Tong Yan to ask more questions.

But in this way, little sister Baihu was very happy.Without the control of the White Tiger King, wouldn't she be able to go wherever she wanted?As for the guards of the White Tiger King, who would dare to stop the princess?

The White Tiger King left in a hurry, and Qiongqi himself was very at ease. Not only did he eat and drink, but he also secretly put it in his pocket when he saw something.

This guy really doesn't regard himself as an outsider, not only eating and drinking, but also taking, which is really speechless.

Since the White Tiger King is not here, Tong Yan naturally doesn't need to say goodbye to anyone, but he has to bring Qiongqi, after all, Qiongqi is his servant anyway, and he needs to find the other three fierce beasts through Qiongqi. Come on, Qiongqi is still very important.

Without staying too long, a group of three people plus the nine-tailed fox Tan Yu left the beautiful White Tiger City.

Tong Yan already had a plan in mind, first go to Duantian, Jian and Qingming to join them, and mobilize the members of the Tiandao League to look for the miracle doctor.Then go through Qiongqi to find the other three fierce beasts.In this way, even if the genius doctor found can't save Tan Yu, he can still try to save Tan Yu's life through the method left by the Great Immortal.

The trip to White Tiger City came to a successful conclusion.Because he didn't want Tan Yu to stay in the deserted treasure ball, Tong Yan often held it in his arms.

Fortunately, Tan Yu's size is not big, Tong Yan only needs to put on a cloak or looser clothes to wrap Tan Yu in it without being noticed by others.

The group of people moved forward all the way without stopping at all, and finally returned to Duantian and Jian smoothly.But after returning to Duantian and Jian, and seeing Qingming and the others, Tong Yan heard such a piece of news, a piece of news that could shake the Three Realms!

What is the news?

(End of this chapter)

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