
Chapter 1590 The heavens declare war, disaster is imminent!

Chapter 1590 The heavens declare war, disaster is imminent!
In the hall of Duantian and Jianshan Caves, Tong Yan was holding Tan Yu in his arms and looking at Qing Ming solemnly.

"Brother Qing, what did you just say? Did I hear you wrong?"

Hearing this, Qing Ming said with some seriousness: "You heard me right, what I said is true. The heavens are really going to attack the Holy Gate, and the battlefield is in the human world."

The news Qing Ming said was absolutely sensational enough.

The war between the heavens and the Holy Gate will probably be a tragic and catastrophic one, not weaker than the war between gods and demons thousands of years ago.It's just that last time the battlefield was chosen in the ruins of gods and demons, but this time it was chosen in the human world.

From a personal point of view, Tong Yan certainly hoped that Tianjie would take action against Shengmen, because not only Tianjie but also Shengmen were his enemies.The two forces are fighting each other, which is only good for Tong Yan, not bad at all.

But if you look at it from the perspective of all beings in the world, this war is absolutely terrifying and uncontrollable.At that time, I'm afraid it will inevitably lead to the loss of life and the suffering of the people.

Tong Yan has always upheld the burden of protecting the world, and has never been able to forget that he is a Skywalker.

So at this moment, when he heard that the heavens were going to fight the Holy Gate, his mood was very complicated and heavy.

"Brother Qing, where did you find out this news? Is it reliable?"

Qingming nodded and replied: "It is absolutely reliable, because this is the news that the heavens conveyed to me. As the god of the east house, the heavens ordered me to join this crusade. New instructions are estimated to be issued soon .”

Hearing this, Tong Yan finally no longer doubted the reliability of the news.In a sense, Qing Ming is the god of the east house and will belong to the heaven.Not only the Qinglong clan, but all the four elephant beasts are under the jurisdiction of the heavens.

If the heavenly realm wants to attack the holy gate, it will inevitably need the help of the four elephant beasts. It is quite normal to notify the king of the four elephant beasts in a way similar to the sign of heaven.

Suddenly, Tong Yan thought of the White Tiger King who left the White Tiger City in a hurry.The White Tiger King is the king of the White Tiger Clan and the God of the West. He probably got instructions from the heavens, so he left the White Tiger City in a hurry.

According to the usual practice, Tong Yan, the Skywalker, should also be enlightened.It's just that he is different from the previous Skywalkers. Isn't he the thorn in the side of the heavens, the thorn in the flesh?

Seeing that Tong Yan was silent, Kuafu's descendant suddenly said, "Brother Tong Yan, are we going to watch tigers fight from the other side? Don't we want to do something?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned slightly and said, "If we just wait and see, the world will be destroyed by then. But other than that, what else can we do? We can't try to stop this heavenly war, right?"

Although Tong Yan blurted out the word Tian Zhan, it is very appropriate.

Hearing this, the descendants of Kuafu sighed softly and said, "We are the weakest right now, so we really shouldn't be caught in the fire. But the problem is, even if we want to be alone, we are afraid that disaster will come."

Tong Yan is a little depressed at the moment, the most depressing thing for him is why the battlefield is in the human world.

Is the heaven really just to deal with the Holy Gate?Don't they care about the common people in the world?
Tong Yan was puzzled and difficult to accept.

Suddenly, a bold idea appeared in his mind.If the battlefield is moved to another place, wouldn't the world be safe?
But how to transfer it?Whether it's the heaven or the holy gate, they can't listen to him, can they?

Wait, not sure.The heavens may be difficult to persuade, but the Holy Gate may not have no room for persuasion.

Only because the Holy Gate is in the human world, the heavens will choose the battlefield in the human world, and if the Holy Gate is transferred, the battlefield will naturally be transferred accordingly.

If Situ Yuxin can be persuaded, there is still room for this matter.

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "Several brothers, brothers, I have an idea, you analyze it for me."

Upon hearing this, Qing Ming immediately asked, "What do you think? Let's hear it!"

Tong Yan said immediately: "I want to go to the Holy Gate and see Situ Yuxin again."

Before Tong Yan could finish speaking, Qing Ming interrupted directly: "No, how can this be possible? You almost died at the hands of that guy last time. If you go to the Holy Gate, isn't that just asking for your own death? I absolutely disapprove!"

Tong Yan saw that Qing Ming was a little anxious, and said patiently: "Brother Qing, you have to listen to me. The reason why I went to the Holy Gate is to make the Holy Gate move. Of course, it is difficult, but it is not necessarily It is impossible. Just imagine, why did the Holy Gate take root in the human world? It is because they do not yet have the ability to compete with the heavens. Otherwise, with Situ Yuxin's intelligence, he would have sent troops to the heavens. What does he need now? It takes enough time to cultivate his army of heaven-defying beasts. I think it is absolutely the last thing he wants to start a war at this time. Then how to avoid this war? Or, how to minimize the loss? There is only one The solution is to persuade him to return to the Asura Way. When he was in the Asura Way, the heavens couldn’t do anything to him. Now that he’s gone back, the heavens can’t do anything to him either. No matter where he cultivates his heaven-defying beasts, I don’t think he will. Stop. Instead of that, why not persuade him to return to the Asura Way, and give him a better suggestion? Think about it, is this the truth? "

After hearing Tong Yan's words, Qing Ming was speechless.

The descendants of Kuafu thought for a while, and then said: "Brother Tong Yan, although what you said is reasonable. But why would Situ Yuxin listen to you? He doesn't care about the life and death of all living beings in the world, he only cares about himself. I guess if you There is nothing in his favour, and it may be difficult for him to accept your suggestion."

Tong Yan nodded and replied: "What Brother Kua said is right, I have indeed thought of this. But how to make him accept my suggestion is not what we should think about, but what he should think about. What does he need? What request, if it is not too much, I will agree to him. I don't believe it, does he really have nothing to ask for my help? As a transaction, it is natural for each to get what he needs. Only in this way can the transaction be finally concluded. And it is precisely Because of this, I feel the need to go to the Holy Gate and talk to Situ Yuxin in person."

The descendant of Kuafu said helplessly: "That being said, it's too risky for you to do this. You know that guy wants to tear you into pieces. How could he let you go easily if you send him to your door at this time? Unless you are [-]% sure that you will get out of your body, otherwise, you'd better not take risks lightly."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "After the fierce battle with Situ Yuxin last time, my strength has improved a lot. He couldn't kill me last time, and he can't kill me this time either. His Promise Domain has no effect on me. His magic weapon is absolutely no match for my Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle. Except that his cultivation base is far superior to mine, he really has no ability that I am afraid of. I can’t say that one thing can subdue one thing, but against him, I win No, it is very sure to retreat completely."

When everyone heard this, they fell silent for a while.

What is unbelievable is that a letter from the Holy Gate was delivered at this time.

Could it be that Situ Yuxin also intends to meet Tong Yan?And among them, do you have other intentions?

(End of this chapter)

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