
Chapter 1602 New forces, the biggest change!

Chapter 1602 New forces, the biggest change!
Tong Yan in the empty space is like a flat boat floating on the sea, moving with the waves and wind.The difference is that he can't hear anything at this moment, and he can't feel anything.

He was just sleeping, sleeping peacefully.No one knows how long he will sleep, and no one knows what will happen next.

Before the start of the war, the Kunlun Mountains were already covered with dark clouds and lightning.

Naturally, Situ Yuxin didn't have time to accompany Tong Yan. He stood at the top of the Dengtian Tower, looking up at the sky with a contemptuous smile on his face.

"Gods of the heavens, you almost killed me back then, but now that I'm back in the world, you still want to get rid of me. Okay, very good! Come quickly, I will let you know, and anger me What will be the consequences. I will trample all of you under my feet, and finally climb to the peak that belongs to me. I will never forget the enmity back then, and I will definitely make you repay ten times. Haha...haha..."

His laughter was loud, but because of the howling wind, it couldn't spread very far.

The Heaven Realm should be gathering strength at this time, and they will naturally not be soft on Situ Yuxin who openly challenged the Heaven Realm.But Situ Yuxin dared to be so rampant, so he naturally had something to rely on.When we fight together tomorrow, I really don't know who has a better chance of winning.

This is the eve of the war, and both forces are dispatching troops.Situ Yuxin seemed to be fine, but his holy disciples were busy all the time.

They are building a huge altar, and they don't know what the altar is for, but since Situ Yuxin ordered it, it is enough to show that the altar is extremely important.

And in the ascending tower, there are thousands of heaven-defying beasts struggling to kill and devour each other.

The reason why Situ Yuxin let these heaven-defying beasts fight in a melee is that he hopes to pick out a hundred of the most powerful heaven-defying beasts. When the battle tomorrow, these hundred heaven-defying beasts will surely become the nightmare of those heavenly soldiers and generals.

The ability of the sky-defying beast is devouring, the stronger the opponents devouring, the more powerful they will become.I can only hope that those heavenly soldiers and generals will not be unlucky enough to die at the mouth of the heaven-defying beasts, otherwise, after the first battle, it is estimated that few gods will be able to compete with these heaven-defying beasts.

Since we talked about the Heaven-Defying Beast, we should talk about another person.who?It is Kunpeng who created the Heaven-Defying Beast!This guy has been missing since he escaped from Azure Dragon Palace.But at this moment, this guy quietly came to a short peak of Kunlun Mountain.Surprisingly, he is not alone, but with two people.

Of these two people, one was wearing a huge cloak, making his face invisible, and the other was wearing a white robe, completely dressed like an ancient person.

The man in the cloak was difficult to identify for a while, but the man in the white robe was very familiar.Because he is none other than Nangong Yun, the owner of the Qilin Pavilion.

Is it surprising?Surprising indeed!Nangong Yun is still hanging out with Kunpeng Ghost. It seems that there are indeed no permanent enemies in this world, only permanent interests.

Looking into the distance, Kunpeng gritted his teeth and said, "Situ Yuxin, that bastard, he must be very proud now. But he thinks too much of himself, and it's certainly a good choice to fight against the heavens with the Heaven-Defying Beast. Reversible The heavenly beasts are immature now, and if they rush out to fight against the heavens, they will only kill all the heaven-defying beasts in the end. Furthermore, even if one or two heaven-defying beasts survive in the end, they will become beast kings. Do you obey him? If you don’t obediently retreat back to Asura, tomorrow will be the time for the destruction of his holy gate.”

Hearing this, Nangong Yun chuckled and said: "I can't see it. Although Situ Yuxin is arrogant, he is extremely smart. If he has no support, he will never dare to confront the heavens. If I guess If it is true, he must have obtained something from Tong Yan. It is precisely because of the treasure that greatly increased his strength that he has the confidence to declare war on the heavens."

Hearing this, Kunpeng was puzzled and said, "What could it be? Tong Yan's ingenuity is well-known all over the world. How could he give Situ Yuxin his treasure? I think you are overthinking it."

Nangong Yun shook his head and smiled, "That's not necessarily true. Do you still remember that nine-tailed fox? That nine-tailed fox is Tong Yan's weakness and his trick. If Situ Yuxin uses that nine-tailed fox as a threat, do you think Will Tongyan still refuse to obey?"

As soon as this remark came out, the man in the cloak trembled slightly, but quickly regained his composure.

"Nine-tailed fox? Isn't the nine-tailed fox in the White Tiger Clan? And according to my report, Tong Yan has already picked up the nine-tailed fox. The nine-tailed fox didn't fall into the hands of Situ Yuxin, how could it become Situ Yuxin? What is the reason for blackmailing Tong Yan?"

Nangong Yun laughed and said, "Since you know that Nine-Tailed Fox was taken away by Tong Yan, you must also know about Nine-Tailed Fox's physical condition. If Situ Yuxin can cure Nine-Tailed Fox, do you think Tong Yan will refuse?"

When Kunpeng heard this, he suddenly realized: "It turns out that this is the case. It is estimated that Tong Yan heard Situ Yuxin's nonsense, so he made a deal with him. But which treasure on Tong Yan can make Situ Yuxin more powerful?" increase?"

At this moment, the man in the huge cloak who had been silent all this time suddenly said, "The Nether Treasures!"

This person's voice was hoarse, but Kunpeng and Nangongyun couldn't help frowning when he said this.

"It's no wonder that Situ Yuxin dared to fight against the heavens head-on. It turns out that there are twin treasures of the Netherworld as a backup. From this point of view, our trip is probably in vain. Maybe we will win this battle in the end." , is the Holy Gate.”

The man in the cloak snorted coldly, and continued to say in a low and hoarse voice: "That's not necessarily the case. The war is not over, who knows the result? And no matter who will win in the end, it will be beneficial to us. Our ten thousand The League of Immortals has always been acting in secret, and when they finish fighting and both losers, it will be the time for our League of Ten Thousand Immortals to become famous all over the world."

League of Immortals?They actually mentioned the Ten Thousand Immortals League?Could it be that the Ten Thousand Immortals League composed of monsters is controlled by the three of them?
If this is the case, this fourth party force is probably about to make a grand debut.

Just one human world, now there are three forces, plus the heavenly world.Tomorrow's battle seems destined to be extremely exciting.

According to Kunpeng and the others, they came here with the intention of having a snipe and a clam fight for the fisherman's profit, while the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.But their wishful thinking may not be able to come true, because the seven of Qing Ming and the others have already approached Kunlun Mountain.

And the result of the seven of them coming here will directly affect tomorrow's battle.

(End of this chapter)

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