
Chapter 1603 What is the altar for?Peak showdown!

Chapter 1603 What is the altar for?Peak showdown!
At the foot of Kunlun Mountain, Qing Ming and others finally arrived here.Looking up at the towering mountain, the expressions on everyone's faces were a little dignified.Among these people, the easiest to talk about is probably the Demon Emperor.

He looked at the mountain, looked at the sky, and then said with a chuckle: "After so many years, I finally have the opportunity to return here. Back then, I was just a little demon at that time, but now, I Already a god-like existence. Let's go, I can't wait to meet that Situ Yuxin. He threatened Brother Tong Yan to take my life before, and today I can finally settle this old score with him. "

Hearing this, Qingming said, "Brother Yaohuang, although your strength is far superior to ours, you must not be careless. Situ Yuxin's strength is absolutely unimaginable. If we meet later He competes head-on, so you must not act impulsively."

The Demon Emperor has lifted the curse of Qing Ming's son, and also helped the little guy improve his cultivation, so at this moment Qing Ming has abandoned the previous suspicions and treats the Demon Emperor as a friend.

Hearing what Qing Ming said, the Demon Emperor nodded and smiled and said, "Don't worry, Qinglong King, I will not be reckless. I will join hands with everyone to deal with that fellow."

Hearing the Yaohuang's personal consent, Qing Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone didn't stay any longer, and immediately flew up, heading straight for the Dengtianlou where the main altar of the Holy Gate was located.

After such a short time, Situ Yuxin had come down from the top of the Dengtian Building and came to the altar that the disciples of the holy disciples were building.

He looked at the altar behind his hands, with a confident smile on his face.

This altar is of great importance to him, because this altar was built to assist the Nether Twin Treasures.

He wanted to mobilize ghost soldiers and ghost beasts on a large scale. Without any assistance, the twin treasures of the ghost would not be able to recruit a powerful army for him in a short time.And with this altar, he can maximize the effects of the Nether Treasures. At that time, the altar will become a passage, and there will be an endless stream of Nether ghost soldiers and ghost beasts arriving here through the passage.

With an army composed of ghost soldiers and ghost beasts, plus an army of heaven-defying beasts and tens of thousands of disciples from the Holy Gate, he is not only full of confidence, but also full of confidence in a contest with the heavens.

He was looking forward to the completion of the altar as soon as possible, and he also looked forward to the quick dispatch of troops from the Heaven Realm. He couldn't wait to compete with the Heaven Realm, and even more impatiently wanted to enter the Heaven Realm and become the supreme master of the Three Realms.

However, his expectation was interrupted at this moment.

Qing Ming and his group of seven came at a gallop, although they were thousands of meters apart, they were still clearly seen by Situ Yuxin.

"Huh! It seems that Skywalker's helpers are here, but you dare to come to my holy gate to play wild. Today, I will take you first, and tomorrow I will slaughter all the ants in the heavens. Ha ha……"

Before the laughter stopped, he had already turned into an afterimage, and greeted Qing Ming and the others directly.

In just a moment, Qing Ming and the others met Situ Yuxin who was welcoming him head-on.

However, the two sides did not act immediately, but confronted each other.

"Evil thief, what did you do to my brother? Where is he now?" Seeing Situ Yuxin, Qing Ming asked furiously.

Hearing this, Situ Yuxin smiled contemptuously and said, "Want to know where he is? You'll know when you die."

Hearing this, Qing Ming was about to speak again, but he was pulled by the Demon Emperor.Then the Demon Emperor took a step forward and came to the forefront of Qing Ming and the others.

"You must be the master of the Holy Gate, Situ Yuxin, right? Your cultivation is really good, but with your cultivation, why do you force Brother Tong Yan to kill me? What? Do you have an old grudge against me, or do you On a whim, just want to suppress my threat?"

Situ Yuxin looked at the Demon Emperor intently. The two of them only had a breath collision, and they already knew each other's strength.

If there was anyone here that could pose a threat to Situ Yuxin, it must be the Demon Emperor.

Although the Demon Emperor's cultivation level is still lower than that of Situ Yuxin, the disparity between them is already very weak.In a real fight, no one can say that they have an absolute advantage to win, and in the end they might lose both sides.

The arrival of the Demon King was indeed beyond Situ Yuxin's expectations. Yes, the Demon King has always been a potential threat to him. It is precisely because of this that he hopes to get rid of the Demon King with the help of Tong Yan.But things backfired, instead of killing the Demon Emperor, Tong Yan became close friends with the Demon Emperor.And now, the Demon Emperor came to the world, intending to help Tong Yan.

His wishful thinking was completely overturned, not only failed to get rid of his powerful enemies, but made countless enemies, this is definitely the last thing he wants to see.

But a brazen person like him naturally doesn't care about any hostile relationship, if he can win him over, he still has to try to win him over.

"Looking at Xiongtai's extraordinary appearance, he must be not an ordinary person. I don't know how to call him?"

The word "Xiongtai" has already shown that he wants to show his favor.

But the Demon Emperor didn't buy his account at all. Instead, he said sarcastically, "Your Excellency, you really have a good memory. Where did you coerce Brother Tong Yan to go? Have you forgotten? You should have known who I am, right? As for How do I address you, you can call me Your Majesty, or you can call me Lord Holy Emperor. You can choose one of the two titles yourself?"

When Situ Yuxin heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, but he still forced a smile and said: "Is there any misunderstanding between Xiongtai and me? We have never met each other, so how can we let Tong Yan go?" How about dealing with Xiongtai? Besides, Xiongtai and I hit it off right away, we have made some friends, why does Xiongtai reject people thousands of miles away?"

The Demon Emperor sneered and said: "Rejecting people thousands of miles away? I don't want to do this, but we should stay far away from such despicable and treacherous people like you. There is a saying in the world that people who are close to Zhu Red near ink is black, if I get blackened by you, won't I be struck by lightning?"

Having said all this, Situ Yuxin's heart is like a bright mirror. If he wants to get acquainted with the Demon Emperor, it may be impossible for him.

The Demon Emperor's intention here is obvious, it is to settle accounts, no matter how he persuades him to show favor, it will never have the slightest effect.That being the case, why should he bow his knees, he might as well be tougher, so that he can feel better.

Thinking of this, the smile on Situ Yuxin's face disappeared, replaced by a cold killing intent.

"Demon Emperor, I have always respected you as a person, so I have the intention to get acquainted with you. With your strength and mine, not to mention sweeping the Three Realms, but at least you have the ability to compete with the heavens. But you just don't give face, so I have no choice but to be polite. gone."

As soon as the words fell, the aura on his body quickly spread out, and being hit by his aura, except for the demon emperor, everyone else took a few steps back.

The Demon Emperor looked at each other coldly, and then said imposingly: "Your Excellency is really good at cultivation, but you don't know how strong you are, so let me learn from you!"

(End of this chapter)

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