
Chapter 1612 Brotherhood, official counterattack!

Chapter 1612 Brotherhood, official counterattack!
Seeing that Tong Yan had escaped the beheading with the blood-breaking axe, the Demon Emperor was just about to let go of his worries, but now, his nerves became tense again.

Because he saw Tong Yan's fall, saw Tong Yan's powerlessness and struggle.

"Brother Tong Yan, you must survive, you must not give up. To defeat him, you must defeat him."

He shouted in his heart, but other than that, he couldn't do anything.

Hearing a loud "boom", Situ Yuxin, who was holding a blood-breaking axe, followed the place where Tong Yan fell and chopped down the heavy axe.

This ax was so powerful that it not only made a deafening noise, but also cut a bottomless ravine five meters wide on the ground.This was not over yet, Situ Yuxin hacked a few more axes in a row, and only stopped when the ground was full of ravines.

No one knows what is going on with Tong Yan now, no one knows what is going on under the gully.After being hit so hard, even a fairy would surely die.

Situ Yuxin looked down a few times, and then a smug smile appeared on his ferocious face.

He raised his head and laughed loudly, and shouted loudly while laughing: "No one can stop me, I want to become the Lord of the Three Realms. Gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas. Haha...haha..."

His laughter is so piercing, and his ambition is even more proclaimed to the world.Is there really no one who can stop him?Even Tong Yan, a Skywalker, can't do it?
Why hasn't the army of the heavens arrived for a long time? Are they also afraid?
Situ Yuxin just floated in the air like this, raising his head to express his joy and pride, but isn't this a provocation to the heavens and contempt for the gods in the heavens?

But even so, nothing changes in heaven.The dark clouds are still those dark clouds, and the wind is still blowing.

After finally getting rid of the entanglement of ghost soldiers and ghost beasts, Qing Ming and Xuan Mo finally came close.

In fact, they also witnessed the scenes of Tong Yan being severely injured, but apart from being angry in their hearts, what can they change?

No, they might be able to do something about it.They can fly moths to a flame, they can use their lives to avenge their brothers.

So, I saw Qing Ming and Xuan Mo flying up without fear.

They rushed directly to Situ Yuxin, but because of the effect of the Promise Domain, they only flew for a while before stopping at a distance of about [-] meters from Situ Yuxin.

Of course they wanted to move on, but alas, they simply couldn't.

Xuan Mo's eyes had turned blood red due to anger, and he yelled at Situ Yuxin like crazy: "Beast, you killed my father, you killed my clansmen, and today you killed my only brother. Let me go!" In the past, I will kill you with my own hands."

After he finished speaking, Qing Ming, who was also extremely angry, also roared loudly: "Kill my brother, this hatred will not be shared. Situ Yuxin, even if I am smashed to pieces, I will avenge my brother. Ah... ah... ..."

Qingming roared loudly, because of grief and anger, his face was already distorted, and pieces of blue scales covered his whole body.

This is the anger of the Azure Dragon King, this is the determination to take revenge at all costs.

Hearing Xuan Mo and Qing Ming's "provocation", Situ Yuxin finally turned his head and looked over.But he looked at Xuan Mo and Qing Ming, apart from contempt and disdain, there was also ridicule and sarcasm.

"With you two useless things, do you still dare to clamor to avenge Skywalker? You can't even break through the Promise Realm of this seat, so what qualifications do you have to challenge this seat? But it doesn't matter, since you want to If you die, then this seat will fulfill you. Aren’t you deeply brotherly? This seat will send you on the road together!"

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly took a step forward.

This small action had a huge impact on Qing Ming and Xuan Mo.

The Promise Realm instantly involved Qing Ming and Xuan Mo. In the Promise Realm, the two of them could not move at all. They couldn't do anything except staring at Situ Yuxin angrily.

"Haha... haha... now you know how powerful I am? You two ants, don't you want to avenge Skywalker? Come on, let me see how you resist being crushed to death. Haha ..."

While laughing, he manipulated the Promise Realm to squeeze Qing Ming and Xuan Mo.

Under the squeeze of this huge force, Qing Ming and Xuan Mo showed pain at the same time, but even so, they still stared at Situ Yuxin.Even if they die, they will never bow their heads, let alone regret it.

Died for brothers, died for justice, they were fearless, they died well.

The brotherhood between them and Tong Yan is touching, and the tacit understanding between them is unparalleled.It's just that they really died like this, what a pity that would be?
The Yaohuang watched quietly, suddenly he was very envious of Tong Yan, how happy it would be to have brothers like Xuan Mo and Qing Ming who lived and died together.

At the same time, he blamed himself so much, he wanted to help Tong Yan, but now, he couldn't do anything.

The Promise Realm continued to squeeze Qing Ming and Xuan Mo, their bodies seemed to be crushed.Qiongqi and the others stared blankly, feeling a little unbearable.

Unless there is a miracle, Qing Ming and Xuan Mo will surely die.

Just do miracles really happen?

There was only a long howl resounding from the ground through the clouds, and then, a man with a tall, straight figure and handsome appearance soared into the sky from the ground.

As soon as this man appeared, his figure flashed continuously, almost in the blink of an eye, he had already come to the side of Qing Ming and Xuan Mo who were crazily squeezed by the Wuji field.

The man picked them up one by one with each hand, and quickly withdrew from the envelope of the Promise Domain.

Qing Ming and Xuan Mo, who had lost the frenzied squeeze of the Promise Realm, both looked at the man who saved them. After seeing them, they both smiled knowingly, but soon fell into a coma.

The man put them directly beside the Demon Emperor, and then said to them who were unconscious: "Brother Qing, Xuan Mo, thank you for your sacrifices for me. It is my great honor to be brothers with you in this life. What you have suffered Your wounds will not be in vain, and your blood will not be shed in vain. I will definitely avenge you, and I will make that villain pay back tenfold. Brother Yaohuang, please take care of them. Now, it is my time to fight back It's time."

Upon hearing this, the Demon Emperor immediately said: "Don't worry, I will try my best to heal them. You should also be more careful!"

The man nodded and didn't say anything more. Instead, he flashed his figure and quickly came to Situ Yuxin.

Situ Yuxin's complacent face was now as cold as ice. He stared at the man in front of him with wide eyes. For some reason, there was a trace of fear in his heart.

"Tong Yan, you... are you still alive?"

(End of this chapter)

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