
Chapter 1613 The only nemesis, a new chapter!

Chapter 1613 The only nemesis, a new chapter!
That's right, the one standing in front of Situ Yuxin was none other than Tong Yan who survived the catastrophe.

Tong Yan is not only alive now, but also miraculously healed from his injuries.In addition, he exuded a special aura, and it was the existence of this aura that made Situ Yuxin, who had always been arrogant and defiant, a little afraid.

"How did this happen? You have suffered such a serious injury, and there is no way you are still alive. What is going on? How did you do it?"

Seeing Situ Yuxin with a shocked face, Tong Yan replied coldly: "Situ Yuxin, don't you even understand the reason why the magic height is one foot higher than the Tao? Although your strength is indeed strong enough, but If you want to kill me, you will never be able to do it. As I have already said, your Wuju Dao has no effect on me. The reason is very simple, because I am the nemesis you will never be able to defeat. As long as I am here, It is absolutely impossible for you to become the so-called Lord of the Three Realms. You almost killed my elder brother, brother, now it is time for you to pay back."

Having said that, he directly raised his left hand, and immediately after that, he saw a wisp of gray gas quickly condense in the palm of his left hand, and changed shape at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What is unbelievable is that this wisp of gray gas actually outlines a word, a word that no one can recognize.Perhaps it is a word, but it is a symbol or a mark.

Situ Yuxin looked at the "word" intently, and his already hideous face became even more distorted.

"'s impossible, did you comprehend the word of heaven?"

Tianzi?That's right, the "character" in Tong Yan's hand is exactly one of the thousands of heavenly characters.

Although Tong Yan didn't know how to pronounce this "word", he did understand the meaning of this "word", and the profound meaning of this "word" was to purify.

Purify all filthy things, and return the world to peace.

Situ Yuxin has malicious intentions in his heart. Although he is not a demon, he is no different from a demon. It is a filthy thing.

With this "word", Situ Yuxin's demonic nature and vicious thoughts can be instantly eliminated. As for what Situ Yuxin will look like after being purified.Even Tong Yan didn't know it at the moment.

Situ Yuxin finally understands why he feels inexplicable fear. Now he understands, because Tong Yan has found a way to deal with him. He is no longer an invincible existence. Tong Yan has really become his biggest nemesis .

The fear became more and more intense, he didn't dare to stay here anymore, he thought of running away, thinking of staying away from Tong Yan.

Finally, under Tong Yan's pressing step by step, his cowardly thoughts took over, and then he turned around and galloped away into the distance.

Naturally, Tong Yan did not expect that the mighty Situ Yuxin would flee without a fight, so Situ Yuxin's escape made him stunned.

With his cultivation and speed, it is very difficult to catch up with Situ Yuxin, but if he doesn't chase, wouldn't it be a waste of opportunity?
He didn't want to waste the rare opportunity like this, so he still chased after him.

It's just that Situ Yuxin escaped faster after he chased him like this. Instead of shortening the distance between the two, it continued to expand.

When Situ Yuxin disappeared into the sky, Tong Yan had no choice but to stop.

He really wanted to get rid of the scourge of Situ Yuxin, but there was no way. Even though he had a way to deal with Situ Yuxin, he didn't have enough speed and cultivation to catch up with Situ Yuxin.

This is reality, a reality that people are both helpless and have to accept.

He didn't know where Situ Yuxin would flee to, but he firmly believed that one day, he would completely eradicate Situ Yuxin.

Situ Yuxin's escape, in a sense, Tong Yan and the others won the final victory.

After losing the leader Situ Yuxin, the Holy Gate suddenly became leaderless and in chaos.

Relying on this loose sand, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the heavenly soldiers and generals of the heavenly realm.

The winner of this celestial battle has been determined, and that is the celestial realm.Not only that, but this heavenly battle will not last too long, it is estimated that it will end in a few hours at most.

In order to prevent Situ Yuxin from turning back suddenly, Tong Yan hid in Kunlun Mountain alone after sending Yaohuang and the others away.

He needs to know the result of this sky war, and more importantly, whether this sky war will cause harm to the common people around Kunlun Mountain.

Less than an hour after Situ Yuxin escaped, the dark clouds in the sky parted suddenly, just like an open door. Immediately afterwards, he saw a group of heavenly soldiers and generals in golden armor with extraordinary temperament coming from the space where the dark clouds parted. Floating and falling.

They all landed on Kunlun Mountain, and directly near the main altar of the Holy Gate.

Immediately afterwards, a massacre began.After losing the backbone of Situ Yuxin, the disciples of the Holy Gate didn't have the mood to fight, and they were soon beaten to pieces by the heavenly soldiers and generals.

Some who escaped quickly were able to escape, while those who escaped slowly were all executed without exception.

As for the ghost soldiers and ghost beasts summoned by Situ Yuxin from the Land of Nine Nethers, they are indeed powerful, but because they are well-trained, they cannot exert their full strength at all, and they are eaten away bit by bit. .

The last thing I want to talk about is the heaven-defying beasts in the ascending tower. These heaven-defying beasts are really powerful, but the heavens seem to have thought of a way to deal with them. It caught the necks of these heaven-defying beasts.

The heaven-defying beasts only struggled for a while, and they were as quiet as kittens and puppies.

Unlike other holy disciples, these heaven-defying beasts were not slaughtered, but were directly led back to the heaven by the gods.

Seeing these heaven-defying beasts being tamed and brought into the heaven with his own eyes, Tong Yan was very surprised.

He didn't understand why Tianjie did this, but Tianjie naturally had their ideas.

It's just that this kind of behavior made him very uneasy. He faintly felt that there seemed to be a lot behind it. He only hoped that it was a blessing and not a curse, and he only hoped that it would not have anything to do with the human world.

The massacre finally came to an end two hours later.Several villages around Kunlun Mountain were affected, but luckily the casualties were not heavy.

For the disaster in the human world, such damage is considered extremely small.

Tong Yan was also satisfied with this result.Although Qing Ming and Xuan Mo were seriously injured in the battle with Situ Yuxin, all efforts were not in vain.This kind of dedication has brought about a short-term peace in the human world.

It's just that this also laid a hidden danger. Situ Yuxin fled away with the Nether Twin Treasures. As long as he had the Nether Twin Treasures, even if he lost the powerful army of the Heaven-Defying Beasts, he could rebuild a new one in a very short time. An army composed of ghost soldiers and ghost beasts.

If Situ Yuxin is not eliminated for a day, the human world cannot truly find peace for a day.

There is a long way to go, and Tong Yan must not relax in the slightest.

What is quite surprising is that after the collapse of the Holy Gate, the Ten Thousand Immortals League gradually began to emerge.

Will it become the new enemy of Tiandaomeng?There is also the black beauty, she has been missing, where did she go?

(End of this chapter)

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