
Chapter 1614 Striking troops and raising horses, ten thousand immortals come to commit crimes?

Chapter 1614 Striking troops and raising horses, ten thousand immortals come to commit crimes?
In the blink of an eye, seven days have passed since the battle of heaven.After seven days of recuperation and Tong Yan's full treatment, both Qing Ming and Xuan Mo's injuries are close to recovery.

To bring them back from the brink of death, apart from the descendants of Nuwa, I am afraid that Tong Yan is the only one in the world who can do it.

But even though Tong Yan has the powerful power of Jupiter, he still can't make Tan Yu become normal, which has become Tong Yan's most painful thing.

The Tiandao League has moved out of Duantianjian and returned to the Azure Dragon Hall.

In the main hall of Azure Dragon Hall, everyone looked relaxed and leisurely.

The threat of the Holy Gate was temporarily eliminated, and everyone could breathe a sigh of relief.

But compared to the ease and ease of others, Tong Yan seemed a little preoccupied.

Qing Ming looked at Tong Yan, and immediately asked, "Little Tong, what are you thinking? Are you thinking about how our Tiandao League will develop in the future?"

Hearing what Qing Ming said, Tong Yan couldn't help but nodded.

Indeed, members of the Tiandao League have spread all over the world, and the Tiandao League has become the largest monk alliance in the human world.

It stands to reason that the reason why the Tiandao League was recreated was to deal with the Holy Gate. Now that the Holy Gate has been destroyed by the heavens, is there still a need for the Tiandao League to exist?Should we let everyone disband on the spot and live a good life?
Tong Yan knew that he would fight against the heavens sooner or later, but he didn't want to rely on the power of the Tiandao League, because this was his personal enmity with the heavens, and there was no need for all the people in the Tiandao League to follow him to fight against the heavens.

Except for this point, he still felt that the Tiandao League should not be disbanded.The reason is simple, Situ Yuxin is still alive, Situ Yuxin can summon ghost soldiers and ghost beasts as long as he uses the Nether Treasures, then the human world may be in great danger again.

But he really didn't want to make everyone so tired, and he couldn't let everyone follow him to tense up and worry about it just because the scourge of Situ Yuxin hadn't been eliminated.

After thinking for a while, he finally made a decision, that is to reduce the number of members of the Alliance of Heavenly Dao, so that most people can return to a peaceful life, leaving a small number of people to observe the movements around at any time.As long as something is discovered, or if you have to fight, it will not be too late to call everyone back.

Having made a decision, he immediately said: "Everyone, the Holy Gate no longer exists, and there shouldn't be any major disasters in the human world. Although Situ Yuxin escaped, because he is afraid of me, I think He will not reorganize the holy gate in a hurry. So I think we, the Tiandao League, can make some changes."

Hearing this, Qing Ming immediately asked: "Change? How to change?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Since the human world has returned to peace, we in the Heavenly Dao League don't have to keep busy and bothering so many people. The change I'm talking about is to let most of the Tiandao League's members return to their original lives. Next, a small group of people will continue to observe the movements of the human world, in case Situ Yuxin makes a comeback and harms the human world."

Hearing this, Qing Ming let out a soft sigh, and then looked at the others.

As the newly promoted wisdom in the Tiandao League, the descendants of Kuafu naturally have to talk about their own views.

He smiled at Tong Yan, and then said: "Brother Tong Yan's idea, I think it is right. What is the purpose of our formation of the Heavenly Dao League? It is for the peace of the human world, and for the common people in the world to live happily. Now, the Holy Gate This biggest threat has been eliminated. Naturally, we should make some changes, so we don’t need to be nervous all the time. Now we have 1 members in Tiandao League. In my opinion, 1 people are enough. These [-] people are watching everywhere. As long as Situ Yuxin makes another move, it will not be too late for us to recall the other brothers. What's more, we should sort out and rectify the Tiandao League, re-establish sub-rudders, halls and The functions of various ministries. In this way, we can respond quickly when dealing with emergencies without panicking or being at a loss. Another thing, I think it is necessary to give special attention to a small number of talented people Only by raising the cultivation of some people first, and then mobilizing other disciples, can our Tiandaomeng achieve real improvement. This is what I think of for the time being, and you can also express your opinions, and we will discuss together."

The words of Kuafu's descendants can't be said to be incomplete and meticulous. With him, Tong Yan can indeed share a lot of burden.

For Kuafu's descendants, Tong Yan also looked up to him even more.

Next, several people made new suggestions, which made the party lively.

Tong Yan adopted everyone's suggestions, and immediately made a series of reorganization and arrangements for the Tiandao League on the spot.

For example, he set up the Presbyterian Church for the Tiandao League, which has four subordinate halls, each of which has three sub-helms, and each of the sub-helms has four contact points.In addition, he also set up a monastery specially for the disciples to improve their cultivation.All disciples who are selected into the monastery can not only get advice, but also have the opportunity to obtain the magical weapon made by the Demon Emperor himself.

Then there are matters such as contact information, how to deal with emergencies, and so on.

The meeting of all the people lasted until late at night, and only then did the new regulations of the Tiandao League be finalized.

After this reform, the Tiandao League has become more cohesive, and it has greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of the disciples to practice, laying a solid foundation for the Tiandao League to become a sharp blade to defend the world.

After this incident, everyone started their own busy work.

Tong Yan stayed with Tan Yu all the time, enduring being bitten again and again by the nine-tailed fox.

How much he wanted to wake up Tan Yu, how much he wanted Tan Yu to return to his original appearance, but it was really difficult.At least until now, he couldn't do anything about it.

Looking at Tan Yu who was sleeping soundly in his arms, he couldn't help sighing softly, and then began to think hard again, hoping to find a way earlier so that Tan Yu could return to her former self.

While he was racking his brains and thinking hard, the door of the room was pushed open, and then Qing Ming came in angrily.

The sound of the door opening made Tong Yan stop thinking, and then turned his head to look at the door. Seeing that it was Qing Ming, he immediately smiled and said, "Brother Qing, why are you here? Huh? You don't look very good, did you encounter something?" Trouble?"

Qing Ming pulled a chair directly, sat down in front of Tong Yan, and said angrily, "Little Tong, have you heard of the Ten Thousand Immortals League?"

Tong Yan was obviously a little surprised when he heard the words "Ten Thousand Immortals League".

Of course he knew about the Ten Thousand Immortals League. Wasn't that a gathering organized by the Ten Thousand Immortals League in Yingzhou and Zhoushan?And it was this Ten Thousand Immortals League that imprisoned Nuwa's descendant Xue'er before.

"Brother Qing, what happened to the League of Immortals? I know that this organization was formed by a group of old monsters. Could it be that they have done something evil in the world?"

(End of this chapter)

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