
Chapter 1616 What do you want to do with the bone of the demon?

Chapter 1616 What do you want to do with the bone of the demon?
A series of actions of the Ten Thousand Immortals have already shown that their ambitions are not small.For such an organization, if you don't pay attention to it, you may commit some heinous crimes by then.

After talking with the descendants of Kuafu and others, Tong Yan made such a decision.That is to personally investigate the Ten Thousand Immortals League, and by the way, find a hidden doctor for Tan Yu.

Qiangliang and Tiantong both planned to go with him, but he didn't agree, and brought Qiongqi with him instead.

Just like that, he and Qiongqi left the Azure Dragon Hall directly, and headed directly to the sub-helm where Qing Ming was.

First meet with Qing Ming to find out the details, and then go to follow the clues to investigate the Ten Thousand Immortals League, which can also save some detours.

He and Qiongqi moved very quickly, and the two of them drove for more than five hundred miles before stopping in a small county town.

There is also a contact point of the Tiandao League in this small county, so it would be a good choice to adjust here.

It's not that Tong Yan can't continue on his way, but that he cares about Tan Yu very much. He always feels that if Tan Yu stays in the treasure ball for too long, Tan Yu will become more manic.Taking a short break here can also feed Tan Yu some meat, and let her come out to get some air by the way.

This small county town can only be said to be ordinary, not very prosperous, but it is not considered poor and backward, and belongs to the category of medium-sized county towns.

Now the county is all high-rise buildings, like a new city.The same is true of this small county town, but there are also some ancient buildings preserved here, such as the ancient city walls and gate towers, and the other is the older Taoist temples.

Tong Yan didn't have time to play here, so he walked directly on the street.

The Tiandao League has its own emblem, so as long as you find the emblem of the Tiandao League, you can also find the contact point of the Tiandao League here.

But the contact point of Tiandaomeng has not been found yet, a small shop unexpectedly caught Tong Yan's attention.

How could a small shop attract Tong Yan's attention?Just because of the skull of an animal hanging above the entrance of the temple.If you take a quick look at this skull, anyone will regard it as an ordinary plastic decoration.

But Tong Yan didn't think so, because he clearly saw the evil spirit on the animal's skull.

Of course, this evil spirit is very weak, and it will be ignored if you don't pay attention.

But since Tong Yan saw it, he couldn't turn a blind eye to it, because the body of an ordinary person couldn't bear the long-term attack by the evil spirit, so he had to find out the source of the animal skull, and give the evil spirit attached to this thing to him by the way. get rid of.

With a plan in mind, Tong Yan immediately raised his legs and walked towards the small shop.

This small shop should be a store selling accessories and children's toys. Looking at the toys and exquisite accessories on the shelves inside, it really doesn't fit in with the animal skulls hanging on the door.

The door of the small shop was closed, Tong Yan pushed it casually, and the door opened, and the bell on the door also rang "jingling".

Perhaps hearing the sound of the bell, the clerk in the small shop immediately walked over following the sound.

Seeing Tong Yan and Qiongqi, he immediately asked with a smile, "You two, what do you want to buy? Our store has home decorations, accessories, and children's toys. Take a look, what do you need?"

The clerk is a young man in his early twenties, with a fair appearance, wearing a pair of black-framed myopia glasses, a plaid shirt and jeans, and an apron with the store name on his body.

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "We just came in to have a look around, and we don't know what to buy, but if there is something we like, that would be the best."

Hearing this, the clerk said with a smile: "Then take a good look, our products are all on the shelves, if you like anything, just tell me."

Tong Yan nodded, and then went shopping in the small shop.He seemed to be looking at the products on the shelves, but he was actually feeling whether there was any evil spirit around him.

After shopping around, he was really relieved. There was no evil spirit in this small shop, only the animal skulls on the outside door.

He looked at the clerk, and then smiled slightly: "Although the products in your store are beautiful, I don't like them. But the animal skull on the door is quite special. Is it for sale?"

The clerk was taken aback when he heard this, and then said in embarrassment: "Brother, I don't know about this. The god bone was invited back by our boss, who said that hanging it on the door can suppress evil spirits and attract wealth. How can you sell the things you invited back?" Why don't you look at other things, is there really nothing you like?"

Suppressing evil spirits and attracting wealth?Hearing this statement, Tong Yan almost laughed out loud.

Such a thing with a demonic aura can also suppress evil spirits and attract wealth, so it's not bad if it doesn't attract ghosts and ghosts.

But the clerk also specifically mentioned that their boss invited them. Where did this thing come from?
Thinking of this, he immediately asked: "You said that this is specially invited by your boss. It seems to be a good thing. My brother, I really like this thing. Can you tell me where your boss brought it?" Did you bring this thing back?"

The clerk thought for a while and said: "I remember the boss said, it seems to be... some Wanxian Pavilion. Yes, Wanxian Pavilion! It is such a place. But as for where this Wanxian Pavilion is, then I don't know. Otherwise, I'll call and ask our boss?"

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately said: "Okay, I will trouble you then. Don't worry, I will buy something from your store, so that your work will not be in vain."

Hearing this, the clerk said embarrassedly: "Then thank you, brother. I am here as a part-time student. If I sell one thing, I can get [-]% of the commission. Otherwise, I can only get [-]% of the commission for this month. Guaranteed wages of several hundred dollars."

This young man was honest and told Tong Yan about his promotion.

Seeing that this young man has a simple personality and knows how to work and study to lighten the burden on his family, Tong Yan naturally has to take good care of his business.

He picked up a few fluffy toys and decided to buy them so that the young man could get more commission.

The young man had already dialed the boss's phone number, and after some inquiries, he actually found out the exact location of the Ten Thousand Immortal Pavilion.

Where is Wanxian Pavilion?It's not in the county seat, but on a hill thirty miles away from the county seat.

The Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion is very popular recently. I heard that many people go there to seek wealth and blessings.

After Tong Yan inquired clearly, he bought these plush toys and left the shop.

Of course, after going out, he deliberately touched the skull hanging on the door with his hand, and just this time, the evil spirit attached to it was directly wiped away by him.

As soon as he left the small shop, Qiongqi asked, "Master, where are we going now? Should we continue to look for a contact point?"

Tong Yan shook his head and sneered, "Don't worry, I want to go to the Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion even more now. The Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion? The Ten Thousand Immortals League? I want to see, what exactly are they trying to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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