
Chapter 1617 Playing Mystery, Leaping Clown!

Chapter 1617 Playing Mystery, Leaping Clown!
On the way out of the county, Tong Yan saw several animal skulls similar to those hanging on the door of the small jewelry store.Without exception, these things all have a demonic aura attached to them.

Now that they met, Tong Yan simply wiped away the evil spirits above one by one, but it is unknown how many such things emanated from the Ten Thousand Immortal Pavilion.If someone suffers because of this, there is nothing Tong Yan can do.

After leaving the county seat, they walked for about thirty miles in the direction guided by the clerk, and finally saw a lush hill.

Tong Yan originally planned to go up the mountain directly, but when he saw the plush toys in his hands, he hesitated for a moment, and simply put them all into the treasure ball containing Tan Yu.

After doing this, he and Qiongqi climbed up the hill, and saw a newly built building in the distance.

"Master, that should be Wanxian Pavilion, right?"

Tong Yan nodded and said: "It should be close to ten, Qiongqi, if you want to make a move later, try not to hurt others, as for the monsters, there is no need to show mercy."

Hearing this, Qiongqi smiled and said: "Master, don't worry, I know it well."

The two continued to move forward, and soon came to the gate outside the building.

It's not so much a special place, it's more like a private villa or some kind of club.

The building is in Chinese style, with three floors, covering an area as large as half a football field. There are ten or twenty strangely shaped stone sculptures in the courtyard, all of which add a strong sense of mystery to the Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion.

The gate is an iron gate, and the plaque on it is very eye-catching, and the three big characters of "Wanxian Pavilion" are particularly dazzling.

The gate was closed at this time, and no private cars parked around were seen.

Tong Yan nodded for a moment, and Qiongqi immediately stepped forward and slapped the iron door vigorously with his hand.

Seeing this, Tong Yan couldn't laugh or cry, so he could only remind him, "Qongqi, isn't there a doorbell? Just press it. No one will let you in if you beat like this."

It was only after Qiongqi heard this that he came to his senses, and then pressed the doorbell a few times.

Following his continuous ringing of the bell, a hunchbacked old man immediately walked out of the gate on the first floor of Wanxian Pavilion in displeasure, muttering non-stop while walking.

What kind of characters are Tong Yan and Qiong Qi? Although they are far apart, they can clearly hear all the obscene words from the old man's mouth.

The old man walked to the door, before he could speak, Qiongqi cursed angrily: "Well, you bastard, how dare you insult us, are you looking for death?"

As soon as this remark came out, the old man was startled.But this old man is obviously not an ordinary person. After a short period of distraction, he scolded loudly: "Where did the uneducated thing come from? Don't you know how to respect the old and love the young? How dare you say that I am old and immortal, I am really unqualified .”

When he said that, Tong Yan almost laughed out loud.

Respect the old and love the young?Yes, it is true that the old and the young should be respected.But Qiongqi has lived for thousands of years, who should respect the old and love the young?

In order not to confuse the situation, Tong Yan immediately said: "Old man, we are wrong, please forgive me. We are here for safety, can you let us in?"

When the old man heard this, his wrinkled face immediately showed arrogance and arrogance, and then he said sarcastically: "It turns out that you are asking for safety. See what you have committed by doing this, right? But our Wanxian Pavilion is nothing I'm in charge of everything, if you commit a crime, I advise you to surrender yourself."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Old man, you have misunderstood. We are good people, and the reason why we ask for safety is because we are going to travel far away and pray for safety on the road. Just let us do it. This is a little greeting gift, please accept it with a smile."

Having said that, Tong Yan directly took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket, and passed them through the gap on the iron door.

Money can turn ghosts around, Tong Yan came out of the Azure Dragon Hall this trip, and brought some money specially, and it just happened to come in handy now.

When the old man saw that Tong Yan was so generous, he immediately took a look at Tong Yangao, and he was not polite, he took the money directly.

After collecting the money, the old man's tone softened a lot, and he said, "I see that you are also sincerely seeking safety, so I will let you in. But remember, don't speak out loud when you enter the cabinet." Don't offend the immortals."

When Tong Yan heard this, he immediately pretended to be surprised and said, "Old man, what do you mean by your old age, there are many great immortals living here?"

The old man smiled triumphantly and said, "That's natural, otherwise why would our place be called Wanxian Pavilion?"

Tong Yan said lightly, and then pretended to be expecting: "It seems that there are gods in this world, and I really want to meet them. Old man, do you want to give me some incense money for peace? How much do you think is suitable?"

The old man said disdainfully: "That depends on your sincerity, how much incense money you give, isn't that what you decide?"

Having said that, the door has opened.

Tong Yan and Qiongqi no longer hesitated, and walked directly into the courtyard.

Logically speaking, Tong Yan and Qiongqi's cultivation bases don't need to spend so much effort, but in order to thoroughly understand the Ten Thousand Immortal Pavilion, Tong Yan "doesn't need it".

After the old man closed the big iron gate again, he led Tong Yan and Qiongqi to the gate on the first floor of Wanxian Pavilion.

Although the door was still separated, both Tong Yan and Qiong Qi could feel the extremely strong evil spirit at the door.

What Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion, it should be called Ten Thousand Demons Cave.Also Daxian, they are all a group of monsters.

However, although their hearts are like a mirror, they did not directly attack, but decided to continue the play.

The old man didn't open the door directly this time, but knocked on the door several times regularly with his hands.

After he finished knocking on the door, the door opened automatically from the inside.

As soon as the door was opened, the strong smell of smoke rushed in, and the strong evil spirit swarmed in.

Tong Yan looked into the room intently, and saw several "god statues" placed inside at a glance. Of course, these god statues were not real god statues, but a gimmick intentionally made by the monsters inside to play tricks.

If ordinary people entered it, they would definitely feel chills on their backs. Although they might not shorten their lifespan after staying for a long time, they would definitely be depressed and uncomfortable.

The old man saw Tong Yan looking inside wantonly, and quickly reminded: "Hurry up and lower your head, don't look around. If you offend the immortals, you will have to walk around. Come, follow me in."

Having said that, he took the lead to walk into the room.

Tong Yan and Qiongqi looked at each other, then stepped into the room with their heads down.

As soon as they walked into the room, the door closed automatically.

Immediately afterwards, an unmasculine voice sounded in the room.

"Kneel down and tell me what you are asking for. As long as you are sincere, this immortal will bestow blessings on you and let you return home with a full reward."

It's okay to bow your head, but now you're being asked to kneel down.Naturally, Tong Yan and Qiongqi would not agree to this matter of kneeling.

And after all of them arrived here, it was just a matter of uncovering the mystery of the Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion.

Now, all they have to do is subjugate demons!

(End of this chapter)

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