
Chapter 1629 According to the stele, the confusion of the bronze mirror!

Chapter 1629 According to the stele, the confusion of the bronze mirror!

"Little boy, come and take a look! There are many things recorded on this stele, and it also mentions things about you."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately raised his legs and stepped forward.Seeing this, Qiongqi hurriedly followed.

Looking carefully, I saw a lot of words engraved on the stone tablet, painted with red paint, so that the writing on it was clearly visible.

The font on it was also in seal script, and Tong Yan immediately began to read it carefully.

Because there are many words engraved on the stone tablet, but the content is probably how the owner of the tomb sought immortality and asked how to build this magical ancient tomb. At the end, the stone tablet also mentioned Skywalker, and the record is also very consistent. actual.

The specific dynasty of the owner of the tomb is unknown, but it can be inferred from the seal characters that this person should have been born before the end of the Western Han Dynasty, more than 2000 years ago.Of course, this is only the time of this person's birth, but because of the rapid improvement in his cultivation level later on, his lifespan has greatly increased. According to the original words on the stone tablet, he has been cultivating immortals for a thousand years without accomplishing anything.Cultivating immortality for a thousand years means that he has lived for 1000 years. As for the fact that he has achieved nothing, it should mean that he has not ascended to the heavens, so he left this self-deprecating sentence.

According to the stele, when he was more than 500 years old, he happened to encounter a meteorite falling from the sky. He thought he could break through the way of heaven, but he failed.But relying on this extraterrestrial meteorite also gave him a lot of benefits, such as the continuation of his longevity, such as learning the secret about Skywalker, and the fact that his body will not rot after death, and he will be reborn as a human after a thousand years.

What he said about reincarnation made Tong Yan a little unbelievable. People cannot be resurrected after death. Could it be that the owner of the tomb still expects to be resurrected after death?This reminded Tong Yan of the one in the tomb of the celestial master. That guy also imagined that he could be reborn, and he was indeed about to transform into a dragon, but even if he transformed into a dragon, would he be reborn?What's the point of being reborn, having forgotten everything and turned into another creature?

It is also written on the stele that he was worried that his physical body would be destroyed, so he sealed his physical body in the coffin with ninety-nine and 81 seals.After a thousand years, I hope someone with predestined relationship will remove the seal and wake him up.

The so-called predestined person, anyone who enters this tomb and sees this stele should be called his predestined person.But who is willing to remove the seal? If the thing in the coffin is a murderous thing that will endanger the world, it is estimated that few people are willing to do it.

Of course, this is not something Tong Yan cares about.What Tong Yan cares about is the records about Skywalker.

The above mentioned that the Skywalker was ordered by the sky, but because he went against the sky, the sky fell into a catastrophe and killed all the skywalkers.In the next thousand years, there will be another Skywalker.Although this last Skywalker was also chosen by God, he was very different from the previous Skywalkers.

This last skywalker will be the strongest skywalker, who will not be ordered by fate, and will not be treated kindly. If he has good intentions in his heart, he can protect the human world, and if he has evil thoughts in his heart, he will destroy the three worlds.

The last Skywalker was born as a demon. He was born in the human world and died in the human world in his previous life.

After several reincarnations, he finally became a human being.However, he is tyrannical by nature, if he has evil thoughts, he will surely repeat the same mistakes.

Good and evil are originally a matter of one thought, whether it is preserved or destroyed, it is all formed by one thought.

To be honest, Tong Yan was really shocked after seeing it.If what the stele says is true, then he must be the last Skywalker.He was transformed into a human after the fall of the Omen Star, which he already knew.

But the statement that he was born as a demon, was born in the human world, and died in the human world made him very puzzled.

Isn't he the Omen star that existed from the beginning?Was it transformed by a demon who died in the world?If this is the case, his life experience seems to be getting more and more complicated.

He remembered everything on the stone tablet in his heart, and maybe one day, he could figure out everything.

"Little boy, what are you thinking? Have you thought of a way to crack this bronze mirror?"

How to crack the bronze mirror?Tong Yan couldn't help being taken aback by this, and then asked, "Brother Qing, didn't you let me see this stele? Why did you bring up the bronze mirror?"

Hearing this, Qing Ming was speechless for a while, and immediately explained: "When will you not be able to look at the stele, I am more concerned about the bronze mirror. Didn't you see these small characters? The god mirror mentioned in these small characters is probably this bronze mirror .”

Hearing what Qing Ming said, Tong Yan looked in the direction of his finger, and sure enough, he saw a few lines of small characters, and these lines of small characters were not carved on the stone tablet, but on the ground in front of the stone tablet on stone bricks.

He took a closer look, and indeed, as Qing Ming said, the small characters recorded the contents of the bronze mirror behind the stele.

It said: "I got a mirror by accident. This mirror is a treasure, but my cultivation level is low and I can't control it. People who are destined can run around the world with this mirror. Those who get this mirror should make good use of it."

After Tong Yan read it, he suddenly understood why Qing Ming was so devastated.

"Brother Qing, do you want to get this magic mirror, because you can't move it, so you are troubled?"

Qingming nodded and replied: "That's right! This mirror is too heavy. I have tried many methods, but I can't move it a little bit. This is clearly written, this is a magic mirror. With it, we will Isn't it more confident to deal with the Ten Thousand Immortals League and Situ Yuxin? You are extremely smart, and I think you can definitely figure out a way."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled wryly, it's all going on here.

But since Qing Ming has already set his sights on this giant bronze mirror, he has to try anyway. If he can control it, it will naturally be of some benefit.

"Brother Qing, let me give it a try. I don't know if I can move it or take it away. You can't have too much hope."

Qingming laughed and said: "You can definitely do it. If you can't do it, no one in the world can move this mirror."

Tong Yan smiled awkwardly, then walked around the stone tablet and came to the bronze mirror.

The size of this bronze mirror is really not small, and it is taller than that stone tablet.

I don't know if it's because it's been placed for too long, or the mirror is just like this, the surface of the mirror is gray and it can't be used to illuminate people at all.

The patterns on the mirror are very beautiful, like mountains, with ups and downs.He walked directly to the back of the bronze mirror and found that there seemed to be two big characters engraved on it, but because the mirror was corroded badly, it was impossible to see what the characters were.

Tong Yan was a little skeptical, just such an unattractive mirror, could it really be a magic mirror?
But seeing Qing Ming being so fanatical, he could only try to move the mirror to see if it was really immovable as Qing Ming said.

Grabbing the edge of the mirror, he immediately exerted force.Facts have proved that what Qing Ming said is correct, the mirror is indeed very heavy and cannot be moved at all.

And because the mirror is so heavy, it highlights its special features.

Seeing that the mirror was so dirty, for some reason, he stretched out his hand to wipe the surface of the mirror.

Originally, there was nothing unusual about his wiping, but after wiping for a while, a golden light suddenly shot out from the slightly clean mirror.

Seeing this, he couldn't help being taken aback, and immediately continued to wipe it hard, and the light in the mirror became more and more intense as he wiped it.

However, what he didn't notice was that what the mirror faced was the coffin of the owner of the tomb.And the light emitted from the mirror is shining on the coffin.

Is this an accident?It's definitely not that simple, this is probably a trick deliberately set up by the owner of the tomb!

(End of this chapter)

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