
Chapter 1630 The bronze mirror is weird, and the coffin is amazing!

Chapter 1630 The bronze mirror is weird, and the coffin is amazing!
Tong Yan really didn't notice that all the light from the bronze mirror was shining on the coffin, not only him, even Qing Ming and Qiong Qi didn't notice it.

The mirror could emit light, which made Tong Yan very excited. He continued to wipe the mirror vigorously. In just a while, he wiped three tenths of the huge bronze mirror clean.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a "click".

Because the tomb was very quiet, only when he wiped the mirror surface would there be a "cracking" sound, and the "clicking" sound immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Tong Yan and the three of them looked at the source of the "click" sound almost at the same time, and after seeing it like this, they all showed surprise and doubt.

Where did that sound come from?Not at the side, but in the coffin of the owner of the tomb.

Because the sound was already so ear-piercing through the thick coffin wall, if the coffin was opened, the sound would probably be even louder.

Tong Yan could clearly see that the light emitted from the bronze mirror was completely absorbed by the coffin, this could not be a coincidence, there must be a lot of meaning in it.

Qing Ming stared at the coffin that made the noise, and then asked Tong Yan full of puzzlement: "Little Tong, what's going on? Could it be that the things in the coffin are alive?"

Qing Ming's guess coincides with Tong Yan's guess, and the sound can be made, naturally it is probably because something is doing something wrong inside.

But the coffin was not opened, and it was not known whether it was the noise from the corpse or something else.

Tong Yan thought for a while, then looked at the bronze mirror that was still shining with light, and then said: "Brother Qing, I'm afraid we were deceived."

As soon as this remark came out, Qing Ming was even more puzzled.He immediately asked: "Little boy, were we deceived? Who deceived us?"

Tong Yan sneered and said, "Who else is the owner of this ancient tomb? If I'm not wrong, the bronze mirror is probably the key to the rebirth of the tomb owner. He left his handwriting and told Ours is a magic mirror, and he can't use it. If this is the case, how did he bring this bronze mirror here? With your and my strength, it is still impossible to move this bronze mirror. I don't believe it The cultivation of the owner of this tomb will be higher than ours. So there is only one explanation, that is, he lied to us. He should have refined this bronze mirror long ago, and the reason why he placed it behind the stone tablet should also be intentional. It is the small characters on the ground that he wanted others to discover it, and he found it by accident. He said that this bronze mirror is a divine mirror, but I am afraid that no one who practices cultivation would not want to obtain such a precious treasure. In order to get this divine mirror, You will definitely think of many ways. You didn't think of wiping the bronze mirror because of your personality. But I thought of wiping, but fell into the trick of the tomb owner."

Qingming probably understood a little bit, and hurriedly asked again: "Then what should we do next? Should we cover this bronze mirror?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "It's just the so-called soldiers coming to cover up water and earth. Since we have fallen into the trick of the owner of the tomb, we might as well come up with a trick. And we have already made strange noises in the coffin, I'm afraid we will Now covering the mirror surface of the copper mirror can't change anything."

Qing Ming let out a sigh, and then said: "Then shall we wait or do something?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Continue to wipe the bronze mirror, so that the owner of the tomb can come out earlier. I want to see what the method of rebirth of the owner of the tomb is."

Qingming nodded and said: "Okay, then leave the rest to me. I am strong, so I can wipe it quickly." After speaking, he immediately walked to the bronze mirror, and immediately wiped it vigorously.

Because there is a stone tablet to cover it, it is very laborious to wipe it.

But as the surface of the bronze mirror became brighter, the stele turned into powder with a "bang".

In this way, the light emitted from the copper mirror can completely shine on the coffin without hindrance.

And as the area illuminated by the light grew larger, the coffin began to tremble and shake.

Seeing this, Tong Yan took out the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and held it in his hand.

And Qiongqi frowned even more, his face was dignified, his hands had turned into sharp claws, and he was ready to fight at any time.

"Master, the things inside are about... coming out. The things that make me uneasy are the things in this coffin."

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help frowning, because Qiong Qi, one of the majestic four beasts, was so uneasy, what exactly is in the coffin?

He suddenly regretted it now, he was a little too conceited.If the things in the coffin escaped and even he couldn't subdue them, it would definitely bring disaster to the world.

He shouldn't have taken such a risk, he should have been more cautious.But the matter has come to this point, and there is no turning back after opening the bow, so he can only wait for it.

Seeing that Qing Ming had wiped clean 90.00% of the copper mirror, but for some reason, the light in the mirror suddenly disappeared.The surface of the original bronze mirror became deep and pitch black, as if ink had been applied to it.

Tong Yan looked at it intently, and immediately shouted to Qingming: "Brother Qing, quickly step back. There is something wrong with that bronze mirror!"

When Qing Ming heard this, she quickly backed away, directly to Tong Yan's side.

But at this moment, wisps of black air suddenly gushed out from the mirror, like thousands of tentacles, quickly extending towards the restless coffin.

As the black air approached, the Dao talismans on the coffin fell to the ground one after another, turning into ashes directly, and the chains that bound the coffin also began to break "bang bang".

In just a short while, seven or eight of the restraints on the coffin had been removed.

At the same time, black air penetrated into the coffin from the gap in the coffin.Then, the shaking coffin fell silent.

But Tong Yan and Qing Ming's nerves became more and more tense, and they all looked at the coffin intently.

Time passed little by little, and there was no black air gushing out from the copper mirror, and the mirror surface returned to its original appearance.

Looking at the coffin, it was also placed quietly, as if nothing happened.

But Tong Yan knew very well that this was the moment of silence before the storm, and it was estimated that the storm would strike soon.

Finally, it's time to come.

There was a loud "boom", and the huge coffin exploded in all directions, stirring up dust and rocks, making the tomb room choked and muddy.

Tong Yan was still watching intently, he saw a figure standing up slowly, moving and trembling.

The dust slowly fell, and the figure in his eyes became clear.

But it's okay if it's not clear, but when it became clear, it made his scalp numb and his whole body uncomfortable.

God, what the hell is this thing?It turned out to be made of countless black worms, and those black worms are still wriggling at this moment...

(End of this chapter)

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