
Chapter 1635 The subordinates are ruthless and preside over the overall situation!

Chapter 1635 The subordinates are ruthless and preside over the overall situation!

Inside the ancient tomb, Tong Yan looked coldly at the black-armored general who had just been awakened for a short time, and then repeated again: "I have made it very clear that there are only two roads before you. One is death, and the other is death." Acknowledge me as Lord, and I will keep you safe. There are two paths, you choose carefully!"

Heijiashen general sat on the ground, gritted his teeth and said: "Recognize you as master? What do you think you are? Do you still want to be equal to the king of gods? Let me tell you, my master is only king of gods. As for you, in this life Don't even think about it. If you want to kill or cut, you can do whatever you want! Hmph..."

Having said that, he turned his head to the side and stopped looking at Tong Yan at all.

Seeing this, Tong Yan chuckled and said, "I didn't expect you to be so loyal to the god king. It seems that I really underestimated you. But does your god king care about the life and death of your subordinates? You are so foolish and loyal. What can you get in return? Maybe you are really not afraid of death, but death is always worthy of death. If it is really a waste of life, then your generous death is meaningless? Maybe I can't let you really be used by me , but I want to tell you one thing, in the eyes of your god king, you people are just his pawns. If he really cherished your lives, he would not let you come to die one by one. I There are many god generals who have been killed, you are naturally not the first, and you will never be the last. You are not willing to cooperate with me, I think I will meet the god general who is willing to cooperate with me after all. Okay Yes, I have said so much nonsense. I know you may not change your mind, but I will never give up halfway. Don't worry, I will give you a happy death, and let your soul fly away, and you will never be reborn forever!"

Tong Yan is a kind person, but that is for the kind and simple common people, for his friends, and for his enemies, he has never been soft-hearted.

He has already revealed the blue soul sword, and held it high above the head of the black armored general.

The Black Armored God General looked up, and immediately turned his head away again in disdain.I don't know if he is really not afraid of death, or if he doesn't believe that Tong Yan really dared to kill him.

But the moment the cold sword blade cut into his neck, he was suddenly afraid, suddenly frightened, and suddenly regretted it.But unfortunately, sometimes there is only one opportunity, and if you miss it, it will never be there again.

With a scream of "ah", Tong Yan mercilessly chopped off the general's head.

This is not over, the god will perish here, and the soul immediately flies away from the body, planning to escape.

But Tong Yan has already said that if he is to be shattered, he will never be reborn.So the moment his soul first appeared, Tong Yan used his star power to transform into an invisible big hand, directly and quickly grabbed the soul of the god who was about to escape into his hand.

Then, with a slight force from the big hand, the soul of the general was shattered and turned into nothingness.

If others saw it, they might think that Tong Yan's method was too cruel.

But Tong Yan actually had another reason for doing this, and that was to demonstrate to the god king who had been manipulating everything behind his back.As long as the god king sends down a god general, he will destroy one.He wants to see if the heavens can really condone the god king sending gods to the human world to die again and again.

He needs to show his tough side, and he needs to make the heavens dare not act rashly again.

Putting away the blue soul sword, he looked down at the black-armored general with his head in a different place, and couldn't help frowning slightly: "If I knew this, I really shouldn't waste time. It's good now, time is not only wasted, but also here It's so messy and messy. Senior, please don't blame me."

Hearing this, the owner of the tomb smiled slightly and said, "I don't think you are wasting your time. On the contrary, you are giving this god general a chance to live. It's just that this guy doesn't cherish it, that's why he got what he is now. The end. As for what you said to make this place dirty, what is this? This is the old man’s tomb, so it doesn’t matter if there is another corpse.”

Hearing what the owner of the tomb said, Tong Yan felt relieved and said, "Senior, I don't mind, so I feel at ease. I don't think there is anything else going on here, so let's leave here. By the way, senior, my name is Tong Yan. I don’t know what your senior is called?”

The owner of the tomb laughed and said, "I have long forgotten my name, so you should be anonymous."

Tong Yan nodded and said, "Okay, Senior Unnamed, we are all partners now. Clean up a little bit, and let's leave here."

Wuming shook his head and smiled, "Other than this mirror, the old man has nothing else, so I can leave with you now."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "That's very good, then let's leave now."

After saying this, everyone left and walked out of the tomb, intending to leave the ancient tomb.

But for some reason, it was pitch black outside the tomb at this time, and the little old man who followed Tong Yan and the others were all knocked unconscious on the ground.But those spots of light that were originally like stars disappeared strangely.

The one who stunned the little old man and the others was probably the black-armored general who was killed by Tong Yan, but the little "star" here disappeared without a trace, but I don't know why.

"Huh? I remember there are many stars here? Why are they gone?"

Hearing this, Wuming laughed and said, "Those stars were originally born by the old man's mirror. Now that the mirror wakes up again, those stars will naturally disappear. Youdao is the light of rotten grass, how dare you compete with the sun and the moon? The mirror Here, these stars naturally bowed their heads and surrendered, not daring to release any more light."

Tong Yan let out a sigh, then smiled and said: "I really don't know how this mirror has such power. With this mirror, Senior Unnamed, there is no one in the world who can compete with you."

Wuming shook his head and laughed: "There are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky. Although the old man has this mirror to help, his own strength is only average, and he really dare not take it too seriously. But you, my friend, are not as good as that general, but you beat that general without a trace. Without the power to parry, you are the real strong."

Strong?Tong Yan never dared to think like this, because he knew how powerful his enemy was, and he could only have a slight chance of victory if he continued to improve.

Without further delay, after waking up the little old man and the others, everyone left the ancient tomb like this.

This trip to the ancient tomb could not be said to be complete, but it was also a worthwhile trip. After all, I got to know this unknown expert, and I might rely on this unknown senior in the future.

Tong Yan was not interested in his other identity, Wuming didn't mention it any more, so he didn't ask any more.

However, when they left the ancient tomb and returned to the contact point of the Tiandao League, the Sound Transmission Talisman of Thousand Miles had already arrived at a gallop.

"There are difficulties in the alliance, thousands of disciples have defected, and the leader of the alliance is asked to return to the alliance quickly and take charge of the overall situation!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but frowned.He already guessed that this matter must have something to do with the Ten Thousand Immortals League, but he didn't expect that things would become like this overnight.

It seems that a direct conflict with the Ten Thousand Immortals League is already inevitable.

However, how did he know that this battle turned out to be "cannibalism"!
Where did this remark come from?
(End of this chapter)

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