
Chapter 1636 Steady as Mount Tai, clean up!

Chapter 1636 Steady as Mount Tai, clean up!
In just one night, the Tiandao League suffered a huge change.Tong Yan didn't dare to stay in Qingcheng Mountain any longer, so he hurried back to Tiandaomeng.

He needs to understand everything, why the seemingly unbreakable Tiandao League turned into this overnight.He had to figure out even more what the enemy's real purpose was in doing so.

Along the way, he was very silent, thinking about any possibility in his mind.

What is quite different from his silence is Qingming's anger, his face is full of anger, and his eyes are full of killing intent.He was irritated, and he was ashamed and disgusted by this kind of "little trick" behind the scenes.

Everyone knew that this was the work of the Ten Thousand Immortals League, but now they had to go back first. Only by reorganizing the Heavenly Dao League could they declare war on the Ten Thousand Immortals League and let them know how powerful the Heavenly Dao League is.

In less than a day, everyone returned to the Azure Dragon Hall smoothly.

At this moment in the Azure Dragon Hall, all the elders and hall masters gathered here.The loss of the Tiandao League this time is really too great, even worse than the loss in the battle with the Holy Gate.

The defection of one's own disciples is more unacceptable than death in battle.Everyone had anger and humiliation on their faces, but he had to restrain himself and wait for Tong Yan, the lord, to decide what to do next, how to seek justice from the Ten Thousand Immortals League.

When Tong Yan entered the hall, he didn't express much emotion, but was very calm.

He sat down on the leader's throne directly under the eyes of everyone, and then said: "Everyone sit down, there are many things, we seem to have a good chat."

When everyone heard this, they immediately took their seats.

After everyone sat down, Tong Yan said again: "Who can tell me how many brothers defected this time? Did they all join the Ten Thousand Immortals League after defecting?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Jun immediately replied: "Master, there are a total of 120 disciples who defected this time. They are all the elites of our Tiandao League, and among the defectors, most of them are from different helms. people, but there is one situation that attracts special attention. That is, more than 1% of the disciples in the monastery have left the Heavenly Dao League and joined the Ten Thousand Immortals League. After the last adjustment, my Ten Thousand Immortals League has only More than [-] people, but now, more than a third have gone.”

After hearing Li Jun's report, Tong Yan couldn't help showing a wry smile.

"I really didn't expect that my members of the Tiandao League would be so weak-willed. More than 4000 people defected, which is really shocking. I always thought that our Tiandao League was unbreakable and united as one. Now it seems that I really overestimated and overestimated it." I have overestimated myself. As the leader, I need to be responsible for this matter, and I cannot shirk the blame. If you have any opinions, it is better to listen to them. If you think that I am not competent as the leader, I can also retire."

As soon as he said this, everyone present was greatly surprised, and there was a lot of discussion for a while.

Qing Ming looked at it, and immediately said loudly: "Absurd! What does this have to do with the leader? Those bastards who rebelled must not be able to withstand the temptation. For these traitors of the Tiandao League, we have to punish them. Really think I Is the Tiandao League a place where you can come and go when you want? Brothers, do you agree to severely punish those traitors?"

Qing Ming took the lead, and immediately there were echoes from below.

"These traitors must be punished severely, and must not be lightly spared!"

"That's right, they have to pay the price. Our Tiandaomeng is not so easy to bully."


Hearing everyone's shouts and angry voices, a faint smile appeared on Tong Yan's face.

"Everyone, I know that you are full of righteous indignation at this moment, and you can't wait to kill those defectors. But have you ever thought about it? What is the original intention of us getting together and forming the Tiandao League? We are to protect the world, and we are for Guarding their homes and relatives, those defectors, have they done anything harmful to the world? At least for now, they haven’t. Since they didn’t do anything outrageous, why should we punish them? Lesson What about them? On the contrary, it seems that we should thank them."

When this statement came out, everyone was lost.

Qingming said in puzzlement: "Xiao Tong, we still have to thank them? Could it be right for them to defect?"

Seeing that everyone was full of doubts, Tong Yan smiled and said, "There is an idiom called Ning Que Wu Lan. You must all know what it means. Since these guys have long since developed a rebellious heart, why not for us if they leave now?" Is it a good thing? Think about it, if these people suddenly defected when we officially started the war with the Ten Thousand Immortals League. Then we might not even have a little defense, but they would be caught off guard. But it is different now, to Heaven Those who are not loyal to the League have already left. I believe that the rest will be brothers who are willing to advance and retreat with the Tiandao League. As long as you are here, the Tiandao League can stand forever. For the Ten Thousand Immortals League, I and The Qinglong King has already done a relatively detailed investigation. Their delusional desire to enslave humans and rule the entire human world is nothing short of wishful thinking. So I decided to recall all the disciples who had been dismissed before immediately, and I, the Heavenly Dao League, must not let the Ten Thousand Immortals League Gradually nibble away, it's time for them to taste our fists."

Tong Yan's words not only easily erased the negative influence of the traitors on the Tiandao League, but also increased everyone's hatred for the Ten Thousand Immortals League.

At this time, he recalled all the scattered members of the Tiandao League, which was actually somewhat risky, because he didn't think that the remaining members of the Tiandao League were all loyal.

The Ten Thousand Immortals League was able to plan such a large-scale instigation of rebellion, which was definitely not something that could be done overnight, nor could it be done by one or two Ten Thousand Immortals League spies in the Heavenly Dao League.Calling back all the members of the Tiandao League now will only make it more difficult for him to clean up the Tiandao League, but he has no other choice now, because he cannot be sure when he will fight the Ten Thousand Immortals League head-on, he needs to make the Tiandao League become Strong, the Tiandao League urgently needs to replenish personnel at this moment.

It is precisely because of this current situation that he can only give priority to replenishing his strength, and at the same time carry out the clean-up work within the Tiandao League.

He probably already had a plan, so he had to calm everyone down first, let alone show any emotion on the surface.Everyone is watching him, he is everyone's hope, as long as he is as stable as Mount Tai, everyone will have confidence in their hearts, and the contest with the League of Ten Thousand Immortals can be done step by step.

After giving some simple instructions, Tong Yan ordered everyone to deal with the matter at hand.

Next, he will devote himself to the work of cleaning up the interior, and his spearhead will first be directed at the elders of the Tiandao League.

Who is the traitor?And who planned the massive defection?The answer was beyond everyone's expectations!
(End of this chapter)

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