
Chapter 1638 The point of the finger, come uninvited!

Chapter 1638 The point of the finger, come uninvited!

Tong Yan fell into deep thought. Li Jun's words were obviously well thought out. If Li Jun's words were true, then the descendants of Kuafu and the Demon Emperor would be very suspicious.

Tong Yan frowned and did not directly express his opinion.

Seeing Tong's silence, Li Jun immediately got up and said, "Brother Tong, I have already said what I should say. I know that Elder Kuafu and Yaohuang are friends who will live and die with you, but at this moment and at that moment, knowing people Knowing the face but not knowing the heart! I'm leaving first, you should think about it!"

After speaking, he turned around and left the hall directly.

Seeing Li Jun leave, Tong Yan couldn't help taking a deep breath.He was a little depressed, feeling very depressed.

Although he has already begun to investigate the elders of the Tiandao League, if someone really betrayed him, he still finds it hard to accept for a while.

But these are just Li Jun's one-sided words, which can only be used as a reference, and cannot be concluded on this basis. He still needs further understanding and inquiries.

After half an hour like this, Xuan Mo walked into the hall.

Seeing Xuan Mo coming in, Tong Yan immediately said: "Xuan Mo, come and sit down quickly. Our brothers haven't talked for a while, and this is a good time to chat."

Hearing this, Xuan Mo raised his legs and walked forward, then looked at the worried Tong Yan and said, "Brother Tong, are you still worried about those disciples defecting? They left as soon as they left. You should look away." Bar."

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled wryly: "I'm not worried about those disciples who defected, but because of the inner ghosts of our Tiandao League."

Hearing the word "inner ghost", Xuan Mo immediately frowned and said, "Brother Tong, do you know something about it? Have you targeted someone?"

Tong Yan still trusts Xuan Mo very much. They have experienced such a bloody storm together.

"Xuan Mo, are we brothers?"

Xuan Mo heard this, and immediately replied: "Of course! Brother Tong, why do you ask this?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Since we are brothers, then I have nothing to hide from you. I suspect that the inner ghost is lurking among you elders this time. Although this is not what I want to see, I don't want to To speculate. But there are indications that the inner ghost is likely to be the elder of the Tiandao League, and there may be more than one person."

When Xuan Mo heard this, he was a little surprised and said: "How could this be? Did you make a mistake? Which one of us elders has not been born and died with you? How could someone betray you?"

Tong Yan sighed softly and said, "Although that's the case, can we see through everyone? Even if we did go through life and death with me at that time, who knows if we will change our minds? Xuan Mo, you have always been with the elders. Courtyard. Tell me, don't you find anything wrong?"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo thought for a while, and then said: "What's wrong? What aspect are you referring to? If it's recent, I can't see who's wrong. By the way, you should ask Elder Kuafu. When you and Brother Qingming are away, he is responsible for the affairs of the alliance. As for me, you also know that I am caught between Hei Ling and little sister Baihu, so how can I care about other things?"

It seems that there are no valuable clues from Xuan Mo's mouth. After all, Xuan Mo is the god of the sea. He is only a nominal elder in the Tiandao League, and he usually does not participate in the affairs of the alliance. Now he feels suspicious, he How can I know?

Tong Yan talked with Xuan Mo for a while, and then sent him away.

Not long after Xuan Mo left, the Demon Emperor came.

The Yaohuang strode into the hall, saw that Tong Yan was looking at him, and immediately walked over quickly.

"Brother, I heard that you are looking for me? What's the matter?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Brother Yaohuang, sit down quickly. I came to you today just to chat casually. You have been here for a while, and I have never cared about you, and I feel a little sorry. Come on , sit down quickly and have a taste of this tea."

The Demon Emperor was also polite, sat down on the chair directly, picked up a cup of untouched tea next to him, and drank it.While drinking, he smiled and said: "Why are you being polite to me, my brother, don't be so alien. I'm fine here, you don't have to worry about it at all."

Tong Yan laughed and said, "That's great, I'm relieved that you're happy. By the way, what have you been up to recently? Are you still building weapons?"

The Demon Emperor put down his teacup, laughed and said: "No, I have been reading ancient books recently, concentrating on the art of crafting. My art of crafting has improved a lot now. After a while, I plan to go out for a walk. Go look around for good materials, and when I get all the materials, I will definitely create a peerless magic weapon. Haha..."

The Demon Emperor is still obsessed with the art of crafting. This may be a human hobby. When it is consummated, it is estimated that the fanaticism will be reduced.

"Brother Yaohuang, if this is the case, you have been making weapons in the monastery all this time?"

The Demon Emperor nodded and said: "Yes, in my secret room, no one can disturb me."

The secret room he mentioned was naturally the small space he opened up.When he returned to the ruins, he had been building weapons in that space, and now that he was here, it seemed that he had been obsessed with creating life in his own space.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked: "Brother Yaohuang, then you have been building? Did you not pay attention to anything? As far as I know, the gate of the monastery was closed yesterday and no one was allowed to enter or leave. Do you know about this?" ?”

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor immediately replied: "I know, it was the order from Elder Kuafu. I heard that some disciples are about to break through. In order not to disturb them, idlers are not allowed to enter the seminary. What's wrong? This Is there something wrong?"

Tong Yan no longer kept the joke, and said bluntly: "This time, the members of the Tiandao League have defected, and the largest proportion of defectors is the monastery. Nearly [-]% of the disciples of the monastery have defected collectively. What do you think of this matter?"

Upon hearing this, the Demon Emperor immediately frowned and said, "Brother Tong Yan, do you mean that someone is making trouble in the monastery? You want to ask me if I have noticed anything?"

Tong Yan nodded and said, "That's right, that's exactly what I want to know. Brother Yaohuang, please tell me everything you know."

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor chuckled and said: "What do I know? What can I know? You should ask Elder Kuafu, he was also in the seminary yesterday. There is a special situation in the seminary, he must be the first to know .”

It seems that there are indications that Elder Kuafu is the most suspected person.

However, what was a little surprising was that before Tong Yan could send someone to invite him, Elder Kuafu came to the door himself.

He directly retreated to the main hall door, and then said loudly: "Brother Tong Yan, here I come. You should have a lot of things to ask me, right? I just want to make it clear to you too!"

It seems that who is playing tricks behind the scenes will soon be revealed!
(End of this chapter)

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