
Chapter 1639 The truth, burning with anger!

Chapter 1639 The truth, burning with anger!

Seeing that the descendants of Kuafu came here uninvited, Tong Yan couldn't help but smile.

"Brother Kuafu, please sit down quickly. I wanted to invite you over later, but I didn't expect you to come first."

As the descendant of Kuafu walked forward, he said with a slight smile: "Such a big thing happened in the Tiandao League. As the elder in charge, I can't escape the blame. Rather than being invited by you to drink tea, it's better for me to take the initiative. .I can tell you everything you want to know. Of course, it also includes what happened in the seminary yesterday."

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "What happened in the seminary yesterday? What happened in the seminary yesterday?"

The descendant of Kuafu stepped forward and said with a chuckle, "I'm afraid someone has told you something in advance, but what I want to say is that what they said is only part of the matter, not the whole thing. If I don't tell you about this Clearly, I'm afraid I will become the target of public criticism. I can't bear this blame."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Brother Kua, we are also old friends. From the general's tomb to now, we are definitely friends of life and death. Yes, someone did mention the seminary. But no one said anything about you, and as for me , I just want to find out what happened to Xiuwei yesterday. As the person involved, I think you know better than anyone else. As for the others, I don’t think so at all, and I don’t think so. Because I firmly believe that you are my brother , trustworthy brother."

Hearing this, the descendants of Kuafu smiled wryly and said, "Brother Tong Yan, thank you for trusting me. But it is also because of this that I think I have to tell the truth. Are you right?"

Having said that, he sat down on a chair beside him, and then continued: "You must be wondering why I suddenly closed the door of the monastery yesterday. In fact, I don't understand why I did this."

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan and Yaohuang were both taken aback.

"You don't even know why you did this? Elder Kuafu, aren't you joking?"

Seeing that the Demon Emperor doubted himself, Kuafu's descendant sighed softly: "I don't have any memory of that time at all. If I guessed correctly, I might have been manipulated."

When he said this, Tong Yan and Yaohuang were even more shocked.

"What? You have been manipulated? Brother Kuafu, with your cultivation and strength, is there anyone in the world who can manipulate you?"

The descendant of Kuafu said helplessly: "In fact, I don't even believe it myself, but the facts are in front of me, but I can't help but not believe it. I don't know anything about what happened in the seminary yesterday, but everyone knows that I It's in the monastery. So what's going on? Am I insane? Or am I losing my memory? It's impossible, so I came to the conclusion that I was being manipulated."

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned slightly and said, "Brother Kua, if that's the case. Then you should have some clue as to why you were manipulated? Before you were manipulated, what do you remember?"

The descendant of Kuafu hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "I saw you yesterday, but after seeing you, I began to lose consciousness, and I don't remember anything about what happened after that."

Upon hearing this, both Tong Yan and Yaohuang's expressions changed drastically.

"Brother Kuafu, I was clearly in Mount Qingcheng yesterday, how did you see me? Did you make a mistake? Or did your consciousness appear confused?"

The descendant of Kuafu shook his head and said: "I don't think it was my wild imagination, because I clearly remember that you said that you were going to do a big event. As for the things after that, I don't remember. Brother Tong Yan, don't you believe it? Me? Do you think I'm making it up? If you really think so, then I have nothing to say. I am willing to accept the crime, but I have to say that I am worthy of you, and even more worthy of the Tiandao League."

Kuafu's descendants spoke firmly, and it didn't feel like they were lying.But his words are really hard to believe.

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor laughed and said: "It seems that the human world is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger, even an expert like you will be manipulated. Then wouldn't we guys be manipulated too? Brother Tong Yan, let me see, you are a god It’s better to disband the alliance. Anyway, everyone will be manipulated, isn’t it a matter of time to disband the alliance?”

Obviously, the Demon Emperor didn't believe what Kua Fu's descendants said, but thought it was the most clumsy lie.

But Tong Yan was lost in thought at this moment, what kind of a descendant of Kuafu would he make up such a ridiculous lie?Tong Yan doesn't think so, on the contrary, this is probably the truth of the matter.

The descendants of Kua Fu said that he was manipulated, which is not impossible, and some sorcery can do this, especially when people are unguarded.

The descendant of Kuafu also said that he met Tong Yan.Although Tong Yan is far away in Mount Qingcheng, is it really impossible for Kuafu's descendants to see Tong Yan?Don't forget one thing, that is Tong Yan's avatar has always been in the world.If the avatar sneaked in while Tong Yan was leaving the Tiandao League, it would be impossible for people to guard against.

So at this moment, Tong Yan feels that Kuafu's descendants are not lying, and the culprit of all this is probably his avatar.

And because of this incident, it also reminded Tong Yan of a very inexplicable sentence that the black beauty said before the fight with the demon king of the Ten Thousand Immortals League. The black beauty said that she was not an enemy of Tong Yan, but for another Tong Yan. .

The original words at that time were: "I am not against you, but for another you!"

Tong Yan didn't pay much attention to it, but now thinking about it, he suddenly came to his senses.His avatar is likely to be in the Ten Thousand Immortals League, and such a large-scale defection of disciples from the Tiandao League is probably caused by his avatar.

In fact, from the very beginning, he had made such a judgment. To be able to organize such a large-scale defection of disciples, the black hand behind the scenes must have a high status and great power in the Tiandao League.It was precisely because of this that he felt the need to ask the elders of the Heavenly Dao League.

But he forgot that he is the only person who can really have a huge influence on the Tiandao League, because he is the person with the greatest power and the highest status in the Tiandao League.

As long as his avatar issues orders in his name, and then uses magic to manipulate the descendants of Kuafu and others, the Tiandao League can be easily controlled by him.In this way, there was such a large-scale defection of disciples.

He touched his forehead with his hand, really a little battered.Unexpectedly, it was not others but his own avatar who was really behind the scenes.

He was a little depressed, and he also blamed himself a little. Because of such things, he doubted and questioned his brother.What he did was really wrong, but fortunately he learned the truth in time.

"Brother Kuafu, I believe you. I blamed you wrongly, and I hope you don't take it to heart."

Hearing this, the descendants of Kuafu shook their heads and smiled wryly: "I am already very happy that you are willing to believe me. You are not wrong, you are right to do so. If it weren't for your investigation, I might not be willing to say that I was It's an embarrassing thing to manipulate. It's just Brother Tong Yan, what are your plans next?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "What's the plan? Naturally, it's revenge for revenge, revenge for revenge! Ten Thousand Immortals League, I must uproot it!"

(End of this chapter)

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