
Chapter 1643 One is good and one is evil, two are invincible!

Chapter 1643 One good and one evil, irreconcilable power!

Tong Yan shouted loudly, his eyes became a little more stern.

As soon as he finished speaking, a guy wearing a huge black cloak suddenly leaped out from the "crowd" of the Ten Thousand Immortals League, and also floated in mid-air, looking at him head-on.

"Hehe... You are finally willing to show up. I thought you would never see me again in your life. You planned all of this, right? Just to lure me here and get rid of me? If If so, then you are really overwhelmed. You must know that I am the main body, and you are just my clone. You want to get rid of me and replace me? Do you think you can succeed? I advise you to come back as soon as possible!"

Hearing this, the man in the cloak chuckled and said, "It's a good one who knows how to turn back from the wrong way. Who should we turn back from the wrong way? Yes, I did arrange all of this. And the purpose is the same as you guessed, I just want Get rid of you. Because only by getting rid of you can I be the real me. Besides, do you think you are doing everything right? Let me tell you, you are not a skywalker at all, you are just a fool who is being used .Skywalker? Walking in obedience to the sky? What an absurd lie, how ridiculous that you still believe it to be true."

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "Am I ridiculous? The most ridiculous thing about me is probably that I made you up. As a human being, I don't want to protect the world, but I want to work with demons and harm the world. I really regret it. You created it. But it doesn’t matter, since I met you today, I can erase you from the three realms and six realms. In this way, you will no longer be able to harm the world.”

The man in the cloak sneered and said, "I knew you would want to get rid of me, so I invited you here. There should only be one of you and me. But you must understand that since I dare to get rid of you Please come here, that means I will kill you here with [-]% certainty. You said why I am with demons, and now I can tell you, because I am not a human, but a demon!"

As soon as the words fell, he reached out and grabbed the cloak on his body, and then pulled it to the side vigorously.

As soon as he pulled it like this, he heard a "stab", and the cloak on his body was directly torn off by him, and he probably couldn't wear it anymore.

But the moment the cloak was ripped off by him, he also revealed himself.

Yes, he is indeed Tong Yan's clone, because he looks exactly the same as Tong Yan.But he is not like Tong Yan anymore, because he has long red hair, red eyebrows, and a pair of red eyes.

Although they are far away, Tong Yan has already noticed the powerful magic power emanating from him.

Tong Yan had never possessed such a powerful magic power before.If it is divided according to level, he must be at least in the realm of the demon god, and even close to the level of the ancient demon god.

Tong Yan suddenly understood that the reason why the avatar dared to lure him here was because of the leap in strength.But he was a little confused, how could the strength of the avatar rise to such a level in such a short period of time?

He has always felt that his cultivation base has improved fairly quickly, but now compared with the clone, he really pales in comparison.

But it doesn't matter, even though the avatar's strength is no longer inferior to his own, and even higher than his own, he is still confident that he can win the final victory.Because he firmly believes in one thing, that is, evil does not prevail over good.

"As the saying goes, a scholar should treat each other with admiration for three days. I didn't expect that your cultivation has reached such a level in such a short period of time. Can you tell me how you did it? There will never be any An adventure?"

Hearing this, the avatar laughed and said, "Fortunate encounter? What fortuitous encounter? I just took back what should belong to me. I took back what you didn't want. What? Do you regret it?"

The avatar's words obviously meant something else, which made Tong Yan frowned slightly.

"He took back what was supposed to be his? What could it be?"

He thought about it, and then asked directly: "What did you get back?"

The avatar smiled triumphantly and said: "You are really upright, no wonder you ignore some special things. I went to Mount Qingcheng and met the old devil. Do you understand this time?"

As soon as these words came out, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble all over.The old devil of Mount Qingcheng?Of course he remembers!He originally planned to visit the old devil, but he didn't expect the avatar to have already gone there.

If this is the case, it may explain why the avatar has improved so much in such a short period of time.Because the avatar obtained power from the old devil, and then greatly improved its cultivation base, it reached the current level.

"I see. I didn't expect you to find Mount Qingcheng. It seems that there are still some unbreakable connections between you and me. It's just that apart from your improvement in cultivation, has your strength and ability improved? Master The duel is not only about fighting for cultivation, but also about strength."

The avatar heard this, laughed and said: "I don't need to bother you, I will definitely not let you come in vain, I will get rid of you with my own hands, and set you free!"

Tong Yan said coldly: "Really? Okay, then let me see how capable you are!"

Speaking of this, he made a move with one hand, and the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle immediately flew out of the treasure ball and fell directly into his hand.

The Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle is a Buddhist magic weapon, which can be said to be twice the result with half the effort to deal with demons.It is the most suitable to get rid of the clone.

The avatar saw that Tong Yan had shown the Vajra Subduing Pestle, he laughed and said: "I guessed that you would use the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle. I have worked hard to deal with the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle. Fortunately, the emperor paid off. A magic weapon that can be counterbalanced by the subduing magic pestle!"

As soon as the words fell, he also grasped in the same way. With this grasp, a giant sword appeared in his hand immediately.

I saw that the knife was 1.5 meters long and about [-] centimeters wide. It was not only thick, but also dark red all over.

But this can't scare Tong Yan, Tong Yan has experienced many battles, and he has never seen any battles.

Even if this gigantic sword looks a bit bluffing, but if you want to compete with the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, you will only know after you try it.

The avatar held the magic knife in his hand, waved it casually a few times, then smiled coldly at Tong Yan: "Come on, it's time to fight to the death."

As soon as he said this, he suddenly disappeared out of thin air in a flash.

Seeing this, Tong Yan sneered in his heart.What the avatar uses is shape-shifting. Although the supernatural powers are the same, it depends on who has a deeper attainment of supernatural powers.

Not daring to hesitate, Tong Yan immediately resorted to shape-shifting.

The contest between the main body and the avatar just kicked off!
(End of this chapter)

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