
Chapter 1644 The battle was fierce, and the clone won?

Chapter 1644 The battle was fierce, and the clone won?
I saw the figures of the two of them flickering, like stars flickering non-stop.The people below looked up into the air, forgot to fight for a while, and just watched quietly.

Tong Yan and the avatar continuously resorted to shape-shifting, both wanting to take the initiative, but the strength of the two is on par, so how can it be so easy to suppress each other?
In fact, both of them have already noticed this at the moment.But the more this time, the more it is necessary to continue the contest to the end.Whoever can't hold on first is tantamount to falling into a passive state.

In terms of his own cultivation alone, Tong Yan might not be as good as his clone.But cultivation is only one aspect, and Tong Yan is also assisted by the powerful power of stars, which is enough to make up for the slight disparity between their cultivation.

More than ten minutes have passed since the beginning.In the past ten minutes or so, both of them were using shape shifting, and they didn't really fight each other.

If things go on like this, this battle between myself and myself will probably continue for a long time, and no one knows when the winner will be determined.

It may be that this duel was not as exciting as everyone expected, so the disciples of the Ten Thousand Immortals League took the lead. They no longer watched the duel in mid-air, but moved forward again.

Its purpose is self-evident, they are to eradicate all the members of the Tiandao League here.

But although the Tiandao League suffered heavy casualties due to the ambush, there are many experts among the remaining people.For example, Yaohuang, such as Tiantong and Yitian, they are all strong one by one.

Even though the number of disciples of the Ten Thousand Immortals League is superior, they may not be able to gnaw down the hard bone of the Tiandao League.

With the disciples of the Ten Thousand Immortals League pressing closer, the all-out battle finally broke out.

The battle was about to break out, and the sounds of killing, screaming, roaring, and the collision of weapons all resounded at once, and the chaos was deafening.

In just a short while, the smell of blood had already spread, whether it was the disciples of the Ten Thousand Immortals League or the Heavenly Dao League, they all fell in a pool of blood one by one. The tragic war is doomed to have no real winner.

Perhaps affected by the chaotic battle below, Tong Yan and his avatar coincided with each other and moved back.

The distance between the two again meant that the contest just now failed to tell the winner.Since shape-shifting and repositioning have no effect on them, let's fight for other magical powers.

The two of them didn't say a word to each other, they just rushed forward with their weapons in their hands.

Compared with Tong Yan's Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, the giant blade in Tong Yan's avatar is obviously much bigger, and he saw him slashing with a knife.Tong Yan couldn't get close, so he could only raise the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle to meet him.

There was a loud bang of "dang", and the first fight was ushered in like this.

The two evenly matched men retreated one after another under the violent collision of their weapons.Everyone took five steps back, and it seemed that the fight was evenly divided.

However, Tong Yan was a little surprised that the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, which claims to be indestructible, failed to cause any damage to the giant blade in the avatar's hand. It seems that the avatar did not lie, and the giant blade in his hand was indeed not simple.

After the two faced each other head-on for the first time, they rushed towards each other soon.

The Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle collided with the dark red giant blade continuously, and the tinkling sound was heard continuously.

Neither of them spared any strength, but this kind of vicious fight is still half-hearted, and it is very difficult for anyone to gain the upper hand.

In fact, the closer the matchup is, the less interesting it is.

When the two saw each other's tricks, it was like a left hand hitting a right hand, and it was destined to be boring.

But the two of them had a tacit understanding and didn't use their ultimate moves. They were all waiting, waiting for the other to show a flaw.As long as a flaw appears, maybe none of them will show mercy.

The fight below could be described as brutal. After such a short time, the corpses were like straws beaten by the wind and rain, falling one by one.The original white snow on the top of the mountain is now stained red with blood in a large area, and the area is still expanding.

Perhaps the battle between good and evil was destined to have such an outcome from the very beginning.

Everyone may be ready to sacrifice. For their own beliefs and pursuits, they will put life and death aside.

The number of Ten Thousand Immortals League is at a great disadvantage, but the masters of Tiandao League are obviously stronger than Ten Thousand Immortals League.Of course, it's not that there are few masters in the Ten Thousand Immortals League, but that some of the masters have been sent elsewhere.This also led to the main reason why the Tiandao League had the upper hand in terms of casualties between the two sides.

However, there are fewer people in the Tiandao League after all. In front of an enemy ten times larger than their own, even though they fought bloody battles, more and more people died.

Ninety percent of the more than 1000 people who were used to resist the army of the Ten Thousand Immortals League have now died, and the remaining ten percent, except for the Yaohuang, Yitian and other strong people, are also scarred and scarred.

A rough estimate shows that more than [-] people from the Tiandao League have died in battle, while the number of casualties from the Ten Thousand Immortals League has reached more than [-].But compared to the same period, Tiandao League is still at a disadvantage.

If this fight continues, the number of casualties will increase further.How to end this fight does not actually depend on who can stand at the end of both sides.It depends on the duel between the leaders of the two sides. If Tong Yan wins, the Tiandao League will also win.And just like Tong Yan's defeat, the Tiandao League is doomed to be defeated.

Looking at the sky again, the duel between Tong Yan and the clone is still going on.

Such high-frequency attacks by both parties will consume a lot of celestial power and magic power in their bodies.

Tong Yan knew that if he continued like this, it would definitely be bad for him. After all, the Tiandao League had suffered such heavy losses, could it really be possible to ignore the lives of those disciples?He is different from the avatar, the avatar can not care about the disciples of the Ten Thousand Immortals League, but he cannot but care about his own disciples.

Finally, he decided to use his trump card. Whether he could kill the clone in one fell swoop all depended on this move.

I saw him swung out his pestle, and it collided heavily with the giant blade of his avatar again.

With the force of the shock, he immediately retreated ten meters away.

Seeing the clone attacking again, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and shouted loudly: "The power of Venus, fix yourself!"

As long as the power of Venus can stabilize the clone, he can win this duel.

It's just... It's just that things didn't develop as he expected. Under the confinement of the power of Venus, the avatar stopped for a while, and then he chopped it down with a knife as if nothing happened.

Even the power of Venus can't imprison the avatar, could it be that this avatar has already controlled the power of Venus?
At the moment when Tong Yan was shocked, the avatar displayed an incredible ability.

Just seeing his figure move, almost in the blink of an eye, he disappeared without a trace.

The giant blade continued to slash down, Tong Yan couldn't care less, so he could only wave the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle to meet him.

He only heard a loud "dang", although he repelled the clone's giant blade.

But a chill suddenly hit him from behind, and he had no time to escape, he only felt the heart-piercing pain hit his whole body, and his whole body became a little dizzy.

how so?Could it be... Could it be that he is about to lose?

(End of this chapter)

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