
Chapter 1654 Hit the wrong way, and deliver it to your door!

Chapter 1654 Hit the wrong way, and deliver it to your door!

Tong Yan smiled slightly, and continued: "If I guessed correctly, Brother Kuafu wants me to pretend to be my avatar, right? My avatar is one of the three leaders of the Ten Thousand Immortals League. Inside the Xianmeng, it is indeed easier to completely eradicate the Wanxianmeng."

As soon as Tong Yan said this, Qing Ming immediately vetoed it: "No, it's too risky to do so. You woke up after a long time, what if there is another problem? I think Elder Li Jun's suggestion is more appropriate. Our Tiandaomeng can't take this risk now."

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said: "Brother Qing, how can you say that? You are worried that I will take risks, but isn't it risky to let our brothers storm the lair of the Ten Thousand Immortals League? My life is my life, they My life is also my life. I can't abandon this most effective method just because I will take risks. Besides, with my cultivation base and ability, even if they find that I am not a clone, can they do anything to me? If I even do this I don't have the ability to protect myself at all, so I'm too incompetent. Well, there is no need to discuss this matter again. I have made up my mind, and I will enter the League of Ten Thousand Immortals first. When the time is right, we should cooperate internally and externally, and strive to defeat the Ten Thousand Immortals in one fell swoop. The League is uprooted."

Tong Yan is not a dogmatic person, but at certain moments, he still shows his stubborn side.

Qing Ming was naturally full of worries, but the others agreed with Tong Yan's decision.

In order to appease Qingming, Elder Kuafu said specially: "King Qinglong, you and I are not as strong as Brother Tong Yan, so why worry about him? He went to Kunlun Mountain by himself that day, and met Situ Yu, the master of the Holy Gate, Xin duel, isn't he safe and sound? You have to have confidence in him, because what we do is righteous, and heaven will take care of us. Are you right?"

Hearing Elder Kuafu's words, Qingming sighed softly and said: "I can't control him anymore, since you all think it's okay, then so be it. But boy, you must promise that you will never be brave. As long as the signs are wrong , immediately withdraw from the Ten Thousand Immortals League, understand?"

Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "Yes, I remembered. Brother Qing, everyone, I don't think it's too late. I think I'll take a rest today and leave for the East China Sea tomorrow."

The Demon Emperor smiled slightly and said: "Since we are going to the beach, Xuan Mo and I will go together, and we will take care of each other when the time comes."

The Yaohuang's proposal was exactly what Tong Yan wished for.With Yaohuang and Xuan Mo around, even if they had to go to sea to fight, they would have two more powerful helpers.

"Okay, then Brother Yaohuang and Xuan Mo will go with me. The others will also integrate their troops, and I will send you a letter when the time comes."

The matter was settled like this, and Tong Yan pretended to be his clone and went to the bank of the East China Sea to join the Ten Thousand Immortals League.

After a night of rest, the next morning, Tong Yan, Yao Huang, and Xuan Mo embarked on a journey to the shore of the East China Sea.

The reason why only the three of them were on the road was to avoid attracting attention. The other three had relatively high cultivation levels and were able to run at full speed along the way, reaching the bank of the East China Sea at the fastest speed.

The sphere of influence of the Tiandao League is still huge, even on the banks of the East China Sea, there are eyes and ears of the Tiandao League.

According to the detailed description of the spies in front of the Tiandao League, the three of them didn't take many wrong roads. In less than a day, they came to a small town in the East China Sea.

This place is less than three hundred miles away from the old lair of the Ten Thousand Immortals League, and the reason why they settled here first is to learn more about the current situation of the Ten Thousand Immortals League.

This small town is relatively affluent, with high-rise buildings and lively streets.

After Tong Yan and the three of them entered the town, they first stayed in a relatively good hotel.After putting on new clothes, the three of them went out.

According to the nature of Ten Thousand Immortals, they will definitely extend their tentacles to the surrounding towns.

So as long as you walk patiently in this small town, you may find something easily.

What is the most popular on the beach?Naturally, seafood.Originally, Tong Yan intended to eat some seafood, but when he thought of the identities of Xuan Mo and the Demon Emperor, he had no choice but to give up.But the meal still needs to be eaten, so they chose a restaurant that mainly specializes in Northeast cuisine.

This restaurant is very clean, because it is different from seafood restaurants everywhere, so the business here is surprisingly good.

Tong Yan wanted to find a restaurant with a large family, and this Northeast restaurant was just right.

After the three of them entered the restaurant, they chose a private room and sat in.After simply ordering a few special dishes, the rest can only be waited.

Whether it is Yaohuang or Xuan Mo, they are not interested in eating at all, but they are still very fascinated by wine.

Before the food was served, the two had already started drinking.

Watching them drink dryly, Tong Yan could only get two side dishes first, and then joined in.

The three of them can drink quite well, and if they use some special methods, they will definitely be able to drink a thousand cups without getting drunk.

In just 10 minutes, the three had already drank three bottles of wine.

The waiter who came in with the food was a little dazed when he saw it. This is pure grain wine, and it is really rare to drink it like this.

After the dishes were served, Tong Yan asked the waiter to bring some more bottles of wine.

The three of them drank more and more vigorously, almost forgetting the purpose of coming here.

However, because of their large number, they spread throughout the restaurant under the whispers of the waiters.

Some people are good things, but when they hear that someone has an amazing drinking capacity, they will inevitably feel a little bit dissatisfied.

No, two unconvinced masters came here on purpose.

Seeing the door of the box being pushed open by two strange men, Xuan Mo couldn't help being a little annoyed.But before he could speak, Tong Yan stopped him.

The two people who entered the box were not ordinary people. To be precise, they might not be human.There is a demonic aura on them, although it is not obvious, it cannot escape Tong Yan's eyes.

Seeing the two of them walk into the box, Tong Yan immediately smiled and said, "Both brothers, did you go to the wrong box?"

When the two men heard this, one of them, a brawny man with a crew cut, immediately said, "I heard from the waiter that the three of you drink very well? How much can you drink?"

This time Xuan Mo said, "Not much, ten bottles of this kind of wine is no problem."

As soon as this remark came out, the strong man's eyes widened immediately, and then he laughed loudly: "You three drink ten bottles? That's not much! I thought I really met Dionysus, and the relationship is just three wines. insect."

Xuan Mo sneered and said, "No, no, you may have heard it wrong. What I mean is, I can drink ten bottles by myself. As for my elder brother, how much is fine."

When the two men heard this, they were stunned for a moment, and then they burst out laughing again.

"Don't be ridiculous, you drink ten bottles by yourself? How about bragging? I have always had a good drinker, and I haven't met a match in this town. How is it? Do you dare to compare with me?"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo smiled slightly and said, "Competition? How to compare? There must be a reason, right? Or let's bet something, so that we can have fun, right?"

The flat-headed man snorted coldly and said: "It's the best, let's bet on some treasures." Speaking of this, he directly took a rectangular golden plaque from his waist and displayed it directly in front of Xuan Mo, and then he was a little crazy. He said proudly: "Did you see it? This is the gold medal of the Wanxian Pavilion. It is priceless. Just bet on it. What do you think?"

The gold medal of Wanxian Pavilion?Isn't that something from the League of Immortals?It seems that the three of them really ate the right meal, and the ants from the Ten Thousand Immortals League actually delivered it to their door.

(End of this chapter)

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