
Chapter 1655 You're welcome!

Chapter 1655 You're welcome!
"Okay, since you bet on the gold medal, then I'll bet on the pearl!" Having said this, Xuan Mo directly took out a black pearl the size of a ping-pong ball from his pocket.

As soon as the black pearl was taken out, the eyes of the two men straightened.That's definitely not cheap for a baby like this.

Seeing the greedy looks of the two men, Xuan Mo laughed and said, "What? Don't you dare to gamble?"

Hearing this, the flat-headed man immediately returned to God and said, "Gambling, of course you have to bet. I'll ask the waiter to bring the wine. We'll be one-on-one. Whoever drinks first loses? How about it?"

Xuan Mo nodded and smiled, "Okay, that's it!"

The two men were very excited, and then they turned around and went out to get the wine.

Taking advantage of the time when they left the treasure chest, Tong Yan immediately said to Xuan Mo: "You should lose on purpose later, these two guys are members of the Ten Thousand Immortals League. Just follow them, and you can find the Ten Thousand Immortals League in This stronghold in the town. At that time, we may be able to find out what we want to inquire about."

Xuan Mo laughed and said: "Okay, but this will make those two guys cheaper. Of course, they will also pay the price. Haha..."

After about 5 minutes, the two guys walked into the box with two boxes of wine.

Judging by their cautious looks, it is estimated that they have already tampered with the wine.

But it doesn't matter, Tong Yan and the others deliberately want to lose this time, even if these two guys don't play tricks, the result will not change.

"The wine is here, shall we start now?"

Xuan Mo smiled and nodded, without saying anything.

The tall and thin man next to the crew-haired man hurriedly took out an opened bottle of wine from the box and handed it to Xuan Mo.

Seeing this, Xuan Mo smiled slightly and said, "Why is this wine unsealed? Could it be that you have tampered with it?"

Hearing this, the expressions of the two guys changed.

" could it be? They're all the same wine! If you don't believe me, let's drink it differently? Is it okay?"

Xuan Mo shook his head and said: "No need, if you don't even have this kind of integrity, what's the difference between you and animals? Unless you are not human, how can you do such shameful things?"

Having said that, he took the wine directly.

The flat-headed man was a little embarrassed, but he still smiled and said, "Da Da, you seem to be an open-minded person. We brothers are the same, absolutely honest. Come on, let's start."

As soon as he finished speaking, the tall and thin man beside him also handed him a bottle.

That's how the fight started.Neither of them poured the wine into the glass, but just blew on the bottle.I don't know, I thought they were drinking water or beer, but in fact, this was all liquor with a high alcohol content.

After a while, both of them drank the wine in the bottle.Next came the second bottle, the third bottle, until the fifth bottle. Xuan Mo's drinking speed dropped significantly.

"Oh, this wine is really strong. I'm a little dizzy now. That buddy, let's shake hands and make peace. Why do we have to compete?"

When the flat-headed man heard this, he immediately said: "How can I do that, the man is as good as he says. Now that we have made a bet, we must decide the winner. Big brother, I respect you for being a man. I really can't hold it anymore. Just admit defeat."

Hearing this, Xuan Mo pretended to be stubborn and said: "Admit defeat? How can I admit defeat? Let's continue drinking."

Saying that, the two drank the wine in the bottle again.

In this way until the seventh bottle of wine, Xuan Mo finally couldn't take it anymore.

" can't be done, this wine...this wine can kill people. I...I lost."

As soon as Xuan Mo himself admitted defeat, the flat-headed man immediately said proudly: "How is it? Are you convinced this time? According to our bet, do you have to give me your black pearl?"

When Xuan Mo heard it, he immediately said angrily: "What? Want my black pearl? you know how much it is worth? Big Brother, Second Brother, you have to decide for me. I was just joking, They took it seriously."

Hearing this, Tong Yan sighed softly and said, "Third son, when you are away from home, be sincere. I advise you not to gamble, but you want to gamble. Now that you have lost, do you want to go back on your word? Can they agree? Well, two brothers, we will give you some money. Don't ask for my brother's beads, which are his treasures."

The flat-headed man snorted coldly and said, "What's the matter? Are you trying to play tricks on me? Do you know who we are? If you don't want to die, hand over the beads immediately. Otherwise, I want you to look good."

Seeing the ferocious appearance of these two guys, Tong Yan could only say helplessly: "Third brother, you have to accept the promise you made yourself. We are away from home, so we can't offend people easily. A strong dragon does not suppress a local snake, this Don’t you understand the truth? Where are the beads? Give them!”

When Xuan Mo heard it, he said aggrievedly: "I know, I'll give it here. My pearl, my precious pearl!"

While pretending, he reluctantly took out the black pearl again.

The flat-headed man saw it, he didn't care about so much, he climbed up the table, and snatched the black pearl from Xuan Mo's hand.

Holding the black pearl in his hand, the flat-haired man chuckled and said, "Man, thank you very much. We will meet later!"

Saying that, the two guys got out of the box like loaches.

Seeing the two of them leaving the box as if fleeing, Tong Yan and the three of them couldn't help laughing.

It's nothing to do acting, for them, isn't it a kind of fun?

It didn't take long for the two guys to "escape" from the restaurant, and they were locked by the three of Tong Yan who then left the restaurant.

Following along the way, they came to a two-story building on the outskirts of the town.

Just arrived here, I can feel the evil spirit inside, it seems that this small building is undoubtedly the stronghold of those little monsters from the Ten Thousand Immortals League in the town.

It's all here, so naturally there is no need to hide anything.The three of them directly raised their legs and walked to the door of the small building, reached out and knocked heavily on the door.

Soon, the door was opened from the inside.

The one who opened the door was none other than the tall, thin guy who was with the crew cut guy.

Seeing that it was Tong Yan and the three of them who came here, the tall and thin man was stunned for a moment, and then said fiercely: "What do you think? Are you not convinced? Get out of here immediately, otherwise I will make you look good."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Just one pearl, are you satisfied? My brother has ten in total, and there are nine more, don't you want it?"

As soon as the words were finished, Xuan Mo deliberately took out two more black pearls.

When the tall and thin man saw it, his eyes glistened, and he immediately laughed and said, "What's the matter? Are you here to make offerings? All right, I'll let you in right now."

As he spoke, he opened the door wide open, allowing Tong Yan and the three of them to enter the room.

But less than ten seconds after the door was closed, there were horrific screams in the two-story building.

The first step into the Ten Thousand Immortals League is finally taken.Next, how will things develop?
(End of this chapter)

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